What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

-Finally decorated the 33rd house required to unlock Room Sketch. Ahhhh, this app is amazing!

-Accepted a trade and time traveled a few more days buying the items.

-Visited a few dream addresses.

-Spoke to my villagers several times throughout time traveling, but the most memorable one was Chrissy's. I stopped by at her house and Ken was there as well. Being a peppy villager that she is, she talked all happy and upbeat. However, it just sounded like she was nervous about something.🤔
Curlos gave me his photo so I invited Rooney to come to my island. Now the last animals whose photos I need are all on my islands. I've been surprised at how cute some of them are that I didn't previously appreciate. Penelope is adorable, Marcie is kinda cute, and Wart Jr. is a lovely cranky. It's been fun interacting with the different villagers.

I did some decorating for Halloween as well and bought several clothing items to add them to my catalog. Tried to catch another mahi mahi since I'm trying to get enough for a model but no luck.
- My second house upgrade was built
- Got my first hybrid (pink rose)
- Donated some fish/bugs to the museum
- Did some Nook Miles+
- Bought all of the hairstyle/hairstyle colors and eye colors options with Nook Miles
- Welcomed my newest resident, Marina
- Visited Nook's Cranny for a shopping and selling spree
Realized I forgot to post last night, my bad!

• Took the saw Stag model out of the mail.
• Headed straight to Nook's Cranny; stocked up on candy, wrecking paper and a LOT of customization kits.
• Dug up a Bwongoid and a Tremoloid that popped up from yesterday's train.
• Rock update: no new appearances so far...
• Hit rocks to stock up on materials, found a gold nugget in the process!
• Chatted with Francine (chilling at home).
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster.
• Finally went home and finished the kitchen remodel! The pantry actually turned out well!
• Started work in Room Sketch for remodeling the bathroom. I have a feeling this one's gonna be harder than the last two, and likely more expensive too.

I'll post today's entry later!
10/7 (raining)
• There was a visitor at the campsite today; Graham the Hamster.
• Rock update: no new appearances so far...
• Found Gullivarrr washed up on the beach again. Luckily, it didn't take too long to find the missing phone.
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster. Got to order with pigeon milk today!
• Chatted with Francine (busy fishing).
• Set about gathering up the items I needed for the bathroom remodel (visited Paradise Planning, Harv's Island, etc.). Discovered late that a few of the items I needed required DIY recipes I don't have yet... 😖 TBT Nook's Cranny to the rescue...?
• Recieved 2 acorns from Cornimer.
• Hit rocks for materials, found a gold nugget!
• Did a lot of customizations. The bathroom is at least 50% done I think, but I doubt I'll be finished until Sunday, just short of the HHA rankings... (Not looking forwards to that report...)
Today was productive.

-I had a lovely trade.

-Bought some items from Timmy and Tommy.

-Finally caught and donated a Napoleonfish.

-Pashmina and Ed both thought that I asked for specific clothing items. The items were a sailor dress and a tee with silicone bib. I decided to keep the sailor dress.

-Visited a mystery island in order to catch some beetles. I caught and donated 3.
Main Island-
Player 3- Got the 4th Fishing Tournament Nook Miles Stamp. C.J. mentioned that Daisy reached 200 points. It was a nice surprise.
Picked all the Blue Roses, collected bottles, sold the free turnips from Joan and did some daily clean up.
Today's entry was eventful and ended up pretty long. Sorry for the long read! (Still feeling pretty accomplished, though!)

10/8 (Fall Fishing Tourney!)
• Honestly forgot the tourney was today, but did still participate once. Caught seven fish, and sold C.J. the arapaima I had in storage.
• Recieved a Pirate hat in the mail from Gullivarrr.
• Added more of the items I needed to my bathroom, it's at about 75% completion (more on that later).
• Found a bottle on the beach with instructions inside for making a cool pansy wreath!
• Didn't really get to chat with anyone due to the tourney, but I still checked up on everyone I ran into.
• Rock update: no new appearances so far...
• Dug up a Petaloid and a Stelloid that popped up because of yesterday's rain.
• Hit rocks for materials found a gold nugget!
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster.
• Stocked up on more candy and customization kits.
• Crafted a truckload of items to sell with the excess materials I'd acquired.
• Made a lovely transaction on TBT for the two recipes I needed: the small and medium wood partitions. I can now complete my remodel! 🖤💜🖤💜🖤 (still more to this, keep going)
• Went island-hopping to get the rest of the materials I needed. Ended up running around and catching red dragonflies while I was at it for fun...and also got stung by wasps twice...(which most certainly wasn't for fun).
• Deposited a lot of the bells I'd made today into savings.
• Made some DIY items I hadn't gotten around to making until now. Also made the partitions and catalogued each of their variations.
• Finally (drumroll, please!)... I was able to finish the bathroom remodel! And just in time for HHA evals! 🎊😃🎊 It turned out splendid!!!
• Had an impromptu visit from Pekoe.
• Next up on the remodel list is the basement, which I have a feeling is going to be the hardest in the house only second to my bedroom. I started working on it in Room Sketch, but I'm still not sure how it's going to work just yet...
• Also had a laugh while "sketching": if you turn off the lights, the default room looks like a Star Trek Holodeck 🤣
Today on Foreaux:
🌟 Took some items (fossils and bugs) to the museum!
🌟 Talked to some of my villagers (unfortunately not all).
🌟 I finally paid off an incline yesterday, so it was built today! This meant I could start on another renovation. I paid Tom to demolish a different incline so I could place it a few squares over.
🌟 I also placed a home moving kit for Diva. After that, I will have only 1-2 more houses to move until all of the buildings are in their place (then just one more bridge and one more incline).
🌟 I sold some items from my inventory to make some money!
🌟 I chopped most of the trees on my island to get some wood! I used the wood to make log fencing and simple wooden fencing. I customised the simple fencing, and placed all of the fencing around my main areas.
🌟 I checked Able's and bought some shoes.
🌟 I checked Nook's and bought a Halloween Candy and the spooky tree decoration! I am currently lacking on furniture, so I hope I can fill out around the plaza by Christmas (Halloween doesn't look likely).
🌟 Learnt a new recipe from the bottle on the beach!
🌟 Went to HHP and decorated Azalea's home, as I think it would be good to unlock some extra items to order through HHP.

Nothing too exciting today, but definitely making progress! 😊🏝️
- Resident Services was built and we held the ceremony

- Scavenged for materials, built, and placed my new campsite

- Placed the plot for the Able Sisters

- Assessed and donated some fossils

- Watered my plants

- Bought turnips

- Picked and sold fruit

- Continued progress on accomplishing Nook Miles goals
-Had a lovely trade in the morning.

-Today I landed on scorpion island and managed to get some scorpions and 9 gold nuggets.

-Went to another mystery island and managed to catch two beetles for donation. Also dug up another gold nugget.

So happy that I'm almost done with the fish and bug categories.
-Had a lovely trade in the morning.

-Today I landed on scorpion island and managed to get some scorpions and 9 gold nuggets.

-Went to another mystery island and managed to catch two beetles for donation. Also dug up another gold nugget.

So happy that I'm almost done with the fish and bug categories.
I’m actually terrified to try to get the Scorpion. I have a pretty bad phobia of scorpions. Cartoony ones like the Pokémon Skorupi I’m fine with but realistic ones cause me to have panic attacks. First time I saw one in the game, I actually screamed in horror.
Went to a friend’s dream address, picked some weeds but still have so much left to pick, dug up some flowers and again, so much left to dig up. Talked to my villagers, sold some stuff to the nooklings.
Short entry today!

• Isabelle happily announced that Slider was back in town; later in the day, I attended the show, and he played K.K. Love Song.
• Today's HHA S-rank puts us...AT 241,777 POINTS!!! 🎊🎉🎊 (I was so concerned it would go down because of the redesigns, I'm so happy it went up!!!)
• Rock update: no new appearances so far...
• Chatted with Francine (chilling at home).
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster. Isabelle dropped by for a cup, too!
• Stocked up on some more candy.
• Spent quite literally two hours in Room Sketch trying to figure out how I'll rearrange the basement of my house. The workshop area is still pretty much the same, but I have no idea what to do with the other ⅔ of the room (seeing as the entertainment area, the primary function of the room, was relocated upstairs...). This might take a while...
Foreaux - Monday 10/10
A ramp was demolished yesterday, so today I was able to place a new ramp kit nearby!
🌟 Unfortunately I don't have enough bells to pay for the above bridge, so I did some diving to sell sea creatures. I managed to catch a Sweet Shrimp, which I didn't have yet.
🌟 I placed a kit to move Tybalts house over a little bit, but I'm honestly not sure about it. I don't know where else his house could go, because I was pretty generous when setting aside land for my villagers front yards, and I messed it up a bit. Hmm.
🌟 I bought the Halloween item from Nooks, but forgot the candy.
🌟 Kicks was visiting, and I bought the space boots, some other shoes and two bags.
🌟 In the mailbox there were a lot of catalogue items from yesterday. Mostly they were street lamps and steel bins to start decorating a bit. There were also some garden lanterns for decorating the gardens of my villagers. I placed most of it around town.
🌟 I shot down some balloons hoping for Halloween DIYs or money, but no luck!
🌟 Donated some things to Blathers. 🦉
🌟 There were shooting stars, but no Celeste, so I wished on some stars!
I’m actually terrified to try to get the Scorpion. I have a pretty bad phobia of scorpions. Cartoony ones like the Pokémon Skorupi I’m fine with but realistic ones cause me to have panic attacks. First time I saw one in the game, I actually screamed in horror.
Yup. I feel you there. I have arachnophobia and run away whenever I see a tarantula in the game. If it weren’t for the museum, I would avoid island hopping at night.

Fortunately, the island with the scorpions has a small cliff at the center of the entrance. If you tilt the camera up, then you’ll see 1-2 scorpions running around. That could be your hint to back out. So it hopefully won’t be too overwhelming for you. If anything, just avoid island hopping at night.

As for me, I finished donating all of the bugs. This is a first in all of the AC games that I’ve played.
Another short entry!

10/10 (raining)
• Isabelle warned us of the risk involved with buying art from shady sources; Redd was back in town. Unfortunately, I already had all of the display pieces, so I bought a bunny garden decoration to make him happy.
• Rock update: no new appearances so far...
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster.
• Chatted with Francine (chilling at home).
• Kitty was thinking about moving away, but I was able to change her mind. I've decided no one's moving away until after Halloween and my birthday.
• Stocked up on more candy.
• Remodel update: still no clue of what do with my basement. I have an idea to bring my sewing stuff down, but other than that, I'm still drawing a blank.
Not exaggerating, I have purchased and used hundreds of fish bait at the pier hoping for mahi mahi and giant trevally and finally caught one of the latter yesterday. Sheesh!