What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

• Today's HHA S-rank puts us at 242,568 points; it went down... no doubt because it's no longer spring. I'm thinking I'll get to redesigning the back room done sometime in the coming week...
• Dug up a Bloopoid and a Jingloid that popped up from yesterday's rain.
• Tracked everyone down and delivered their gifts! Kitty took the longest to find. I also ended up getting a gift in return from Mathilda: a botanical tee!
• Chatted with Buck, who appeared to be out for a late night jog. Ended up trading him the simple bed in my bag for a Hawaiian-print apron. While I'd been planning to take it over to Cyrus, it made him happy, so it's all good.
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster.
• Poor Kitty had fleas! :( Luckily for her, no one was around to witness it, nor to see me get rid of them for her. I'd say getting a gift of clean clothes was definitely appreciated after that!
• Ended up breaking my net after helping Kitty out, so I had to make a new one.
• Finally did some decorating in the plaza for wedding month. Should've done it on the 1st, but at least SOMETHING got done.
• Isabelle mentioned that Saharah was visiting today; as usual, I bought the esteemed camel out.
• Ran into Celeste, who gifted me 5 star fragments.
• Broke my shovel digging up fossils, had to make another.
• Chatted with Buck (chilling at home). Honestly, I'm actually kinda glad he asked to trade for the simple bed I had on me yesterday, seeing as he didn't have a bed in his house already. He also decided I needed some simple sunglasses.
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster. Blathers also stepped in for a cup, and I got to order with pigeon milk today!
• Decided to open the room designing app and try to get a feel for what I wanted my back room to look like for summer...but after half an hour, I wasn't happy with anything I tried, so it looks like I'll have to do some research on other people's ideas first...
• Isabelle gave us advice on what to do should we find someone passed out on the beach; Gullivarrr had washed ashore once again. I almost forgot to help him out today; I remembered at the literal last second.
• Raced over to the Able Sisters to check out their inventory before closing time.
• Chatted with everyone I ran into. Visited Buck (reading a fitness magazine), and he apparently wanted me to know just how much he loved the pineapple aloha shirt I gave him. Glad it wad a good fit!
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster.
• Cleared out some storage space.
• Returned to the Room Sketch app (I know, I forgot what it was called yesterday). Thanks to some research, I finally put a design together for the back room that I didn't hate. Now I get to run around and collect all of the materials and furniture I'll need for it.
• Ordered some books for the shelves I'll need to make for the back room.
• Headed over to Harv's island for customization, but ended up getting dragged into the photo studio by Reese upon arrival. (Side note: trying to take good pictures with rampant stuck drift is AWFUL) After helping out, she gave me 14 heart crystals and a wedding bench. I used the crystals to buy a brown wedding wall off of Cyrus.
• Customized a few items with Cyrus afterwards, checked in with Kicks and Saharah, and pulled from Redd's raffle for the first time in a long while; I won a sky-blue folding fan.
• Isabelle mentioned that C.J. was here today; although I still didn't have any collectible specimens for him, I did participate in his Small-Fry fishing challenge. Upon completion, I sold him the entire catch
• Received a pair of pirate pants in the mail from Gullivarrr.
• Rhonda was thinking about moving away, but I was thankfully able to change her mind (phew!) I chatted with her a bit to reassure her, and then I noticed she was wearing one of my custom designs. Given the color scheme of the piece (purple and black), it actually fits her very well!
• Chatted with Buck (crafting a cool pansy crown). I also chatted with everyone else I ran into.
• Visited the roost and ordered a cup from Brewster .
• Stocked up on a truckload of customization kits and extra wrapping paper.
• Crafted and customized a few of the items I would need for the back room redesign.
• Ran around hitting rocks for more crafting materials; didn't get enough clay, got an acceptable amount of iron, ended up with too much stone.
• Plucky came to me to ask a favor; apparently, Pekoe doesn't like Plucky's catchphrase (kiddo), saying it was "worrying" and "upsetting". She wanted to ask for a new catchphrase, but I want to know what exactly about the word 'kiddo' is worrying and upsetting. I told Plucky she was fine. I'm thinking I'll be having a chat with the panda in the near future.
• Visited Harv's Island, helped out Reese and Cyrus again, recieved a wedding table and 12 heart crystals. Immediately afterwards, I traded some of those heart crystals for two wedding candle sets.
• Isabel mentioned that Flick was visiting today; having no bugs to sell him, all I did was wave hello.
• Chatted with everyone I ran into. Visited Buck, who was chilling at home and more than happy to chat.
• Was gifted a random jockey's helmet by Rhonda.
• Crafted and customized a few more items for the back room, placed orders for a few of the others. I'd say I have at least 75% of the the items I need now.
• Hit rocks in search of materials; while I did get more clay, I still didn't get as much as I needed, so I was only able to make a single tall brick island counter. I still need two more...
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster. Got to order with pigeon milk today!
• Crafted a few items with the excess stone and iron I had ended up with the intention to sell them tomorrow (I'd gotten majorly distracted, and thus the stores had already closed for the day by the time I'd gotten back on track)
• For lack of anything else to do, seeing as it was very late, I decided to check out some more custom designs. I'm feeling the itch to make some of my own again...
6/9 (rain started @9pm)
• Isabelle mentioned that Label was visiting today; passed her Work-themed fashion challenge with flying colors, received a pair of Labelle shorts in thanks.
• Customized a couple of the items I'd ordered for the back room, and then ordered a few more after putting the guest set into storage. I only have about three or four pieces left to go, I think.
• Chatted with everyone I ran into. Found Buck, out for a walk and drinking a coffee. (I noticed he was wearing one of my custom designs, which made me smile) He also warned me that Rhonda was sick, so I made sure to get her some medicine.
• Broke my shovel while hitting rocks for more clay so I had to make another one. Still didn't get enough clay, still ended up with way too much stone and iron. Got to make more things to sell, at least.
• Crafted and customized another tall brick island counter. I only need one more, now.
• Visited the roost and ordered a cup from Brewster.
• Stocked up on more wrapping paper and a LOT more customization kits.
• Cleared out some more storage space, I had a few too many duplicate items that weren't meant to be gifts for everyone else.
• There was a visitor at the campsite today: Norma the Cow.
• Received two Tailor's tickets in the mail from Label.
• Customized a few of the items for the back room and put them into storage, ordered a few more
• Chatted with everyone I ran into, visited Buck at his house.
• Dug up a Babbloid and a Laseroid that popped up from yesterday's rain.
• Hit rocks and search of clay, but didn't get enough for the last counter I need to build...did find a gold nugget, though.
• Only realized when it was well after midnight that I had missed Slider's show entirely. Kinda forgot it was Saturday... 😅
• Decided to visit Paradise Planning for the first time in a while, solely because I wanted to order the rest of the things I need for the back room. While there, I found a bottle on the beach with instructions inside for making stacked senmaizuke barrels! (...now I have to actually possess said barrels to make it...)
• Today's HHA S-rank puts us at 242,568 points. Once the back room has been dealt with, perhaps the score will go back up again...
• Took the rest of my orders out of the mail, customized what needed changing, and put it into storage.
• Chatted with Buck (at home; Francine was visiting), along with everyone else I ran into.
• Visited the roost and ordered a cup from Brewster.
• Stocked up on a little more wrapping paper and bought a few more customization kits.
• Just BARELY found enough clay to make the last tall brick island counter I needed. Finally done!
• Made a bunch of items to sell with the excess stone and iron I ended up with.
• Deposited a lot of bells into savings.
• Rnded up recieving an impromptu visit from Matilda when I was about to work on the back room; she gave me an orange.
• Finally finished work on the back room! I ended up having to substitute a few items from the design that I didn't have for ones that I did (though they were only smaller items, so not much detail was changed). It looks good, so I'm happy 😊
• Began having thoughts on redoing how houses are positioned on the island... I've seen a few cool designs and ideas online, but I'm not sure what exactly to do, and I'm also a bit reluctant to make any changes; it's been literal years since the island has undergone any design overhauls of that scale. For now, I guess it's research time...
• Picked out and wrapped up gifts to give to everyone tomorrow.
This morning I just did the basics:

  • Checked my mail
  • Cleaned out all the mail I had :p
  • Watered the garden around my home
  • Visited my islanders that were awake early
  • Re-planted some new crops
I had a VERY busy day yesterday and was completely exhausted upon returning home, so despite how long yesterday's entry looks, it was a short day.
Decided I'd just post it with today's entry instead of justi posting last night, seeing how I was more likely to pass out and forget to instead 😅

6/12 (EXTREMELY short day)
• Isabelle mentioned that Saharah was visiting...but no matter where I looked, I couldn't find her anywhere...
• Pekoe was thinking about moving away; it was late at night, and I was completely wiped out from the day's events, so I asked her to stick around for a little longer.
• Made sure everyone got their presents, even though I did have to rin around a while to track everyone down. Found Buck visiting Plucky's house.
• Ended up visiting Mathilda for a little while. I won a knit hat off of her in a game of cards, and was given a ninja costume when it was time to go.
• Was later given a random gift from Pekoe: a belted dotted dress.
• Decided to get my hands on an island planner, and have begun making a 1:1 recreation to tweak. Figured it would be a great idea if I DO decide to make some big island changes.

• Isabelle gave us advice on what to do should we find someone passed out on the beach; Gulliver had washed shore again. Luckily, it didn't take very long to find his phone's missing components.
• Chatted with everyone I ran into. Visited Buck, who was enjoying a coffee at his house.
• Hit a few rocks to try and replenish my on-hand clay supply.
• Found a gyroid fragment on the beach!
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster. Got to see Tommy swing by!
• Ended up with a new nickname gettin Francine: 'Luv'. I've decided she's is the only one who's gonna be allowed to use it, seeing as only Buck can call me 'Champ'.
• Continued to reconstruct the island on the island planner; I'd say I'm about halfway done now. I'm already toying with the idea of building a boardwalk outside of the airport...
• (Only realized after I was done for the day that I'd completely forgotten whether or not I'd delivered a gift to Kitty that Rhonda had asked for help with...looks like I'll be doing it tomorrow, then)
• Isabelle warned us about the risks involved with buying art from shady sources; Redd was back in town... (only after logging out did I realize I'd forgotten about visiting him entirely...oops 😖 )
• Received a Tam-o'-Shanter in the mail from Gulliver, along with a random piece of art from Buck (which turned out to be fake; I already had the genuine piece on display in the museum, so it didn't matter too much)
• Chatted with everyone I ran into, including Buck, who I found running around in the plaza alongside Gayle and Ktty. He asked me for my help in catching an ocean fish for him; he ended up with a seahorse, simply because I found it hilarious. Also ended up reeling in a rock and a boot in the process...
• Made sure to deliver Rhonda's gift to Kitty today; the conductor's coat actually looked really good on her, which in turn both thrilled and relieved Rhonda.
• Hit some rocks in an attempt to replenish my clay store; I was unsuccessful 😓
• Caught a few rare bugs today and put them into storage for safekeeping.
• Ended up coming up with a new greeting for Plucky to use, which is: "Whaddup"
• Dug up the gyroid fragment from yesterday; retrieved a Laseroid!
• Quickly figured out that Gayle had fleas, and took the liberty of removing them for her. Buck had seen the whole ordeal, but he seemed more impressed by my swinging arm rather than the debacle itself, which seemed to put Gayle at ease.
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster.
• Planned on taking a nap in the museum to wait until later to continue mapping out the island (had to do some stuff IRL)...but that didn't happen, so I'll probably be doing it tomorrow instead.
• There was a visitor at the campsite today: Cleo the Horse.
• Chatted with everyone I ran into, visited Buck at his house (just chillin').
• Hit rocks in another attempt to refill my clay supply, was much more successful today 👍 Made items to sell with the excess stone I ended up with.
• Found a gyroid fragment on the beach!
• Ended up going on a treasure hunt thanks to Pekoe, I found it within 20 seconds (it was a Moroccan dress).
• Found Label in the plaza; passed her Everyday-Outfit challenge with flying colors, received a pair of Labelle sneakers in thanks.
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster. Got to order with pigeon milk today!
• Did some more mapping of the island; I'd say I'm about 80% done with the recreation. Today, I finished adding the hybrid gardens, three villagers houses and yards (Buck, Kitty, and Patty), and Shop Isle. The only major areas left to complete are the campsite, Rex's House, the pumpkin patch, and The Snack Shack.
I've been on such an ACNH binge recently, doing daily stuff. Bought out all of Able Sisters today so I can boost my catalog numbers on that. And most of the 2.0 clothing I have, anyways. It's the 1.X stuff that's killing my numbers. Furniture, I'm not worried on since you can use Cyrus for most of that.

My clothing numbers are low. 47% cataloged compared to 53% of furniture, a ton of which is DIY anyways.
• Isabelle mentioned that Leif was here today; although, as usual, I didn't buy anything.
• Received two tailor's tickets in the mail from Label .
• Realized that I'd forgotten to bury yesterday's gyroid fragment, so I made sure to do so.
• Chatted with Buck (busy dusting his house), also chatter with everyone else I ran into.
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster. Got to order with pigeon milk again! 👍
• Returned to mapping out the island, and ended up catching a scorpion that was skulking around the campsite.
• Finished recreating the island map! 🎉 That means I can start brainstorming new projects soon! Huzzah!🎉🎉🎉
Post automatically merged:

It occurred to ne I'd forgotten to post the map
I actually just made two cute designs on acnh and I’m really pleased with them 💖
That sounds awesome! I would like to see them if you wouldn't mind showing. It's always a great feeling when I make a QR pattern or something of the such that I am happy with.

I paid off the entirety of one of my alt villager's homes so that I could change their exterior to a log cabin to go with the farm theme that I am going for. I also bought, crafted, and worked at the HHP to get a bunch of different furniture for ideas that I have. One of them is a chicken coop that I am going to make in a room to appear like it is inside a school bus.
That sounds awesome! I would like to see them if you wouldn't mind showing. It's always a great feeling when I make a QR pattern or something of the such that I am happy with.

I paid off the entirety of one of my alt villager's homes so that I could change their exterior to a log cabin to go with the farm theme that I am going for. I also bought, crafted, and worked at the HHP to get a bunch of different furniture for ideas that I have. One of them is a chicken coop that I am going to make in a room to appear like it is inside a school bus.
I’ll take pictures of the designs but I don’t think I’ll post codes