What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

i forgot to post this a few days ago haha. 😅

september 16th
checked the mail; received a letter from fauna and the napoleonfish model that i commissioned from c.j.
dug up my daily fossils and money spot
collected my daily weeds, tree branches and rock materials (found a gold nugget!)
checked to see what shells were washed up on the beach
got a bamboo lunch box diy from my daily diy bottle
talked to my villagers + gave wrapped fruit/giant clams to the ones i need pics from - got a beige collarless coat from carmen and a light blue fan from midge
crafted a shovel
did some fishing and bug catching
received a random gift (a green quilted jacket) from fuchsia
invited whitney to harv’s island so that i could try some clothes out on her
put some stuff into storage
checked the recycling bin; found a pink blossoming wall
collected my daily bonus nook miles and checked nook shopping
bought a green kitchen mat, a mush rug and a modern wavy rug from saharah, and exchanged 5 tickets for a misty-garden wall
checked the shops
completed some nook mile achievements
• Took the Golden Stag model out of the mail.
• Collected lots of star fragments from the beach! Found 13 in all!
• Chatted with Patty (enjoying the outdoors), Pekoe (chilling at home with a chocolate donut, also asked me to catch her a saltwater fish), Mathilda (also staying in today), Pashmina (out for a stroll), and Kitty (attending Slider's show).
• Attended Slider's show; he played Imperial K.K.
• Dug up clams and made a lot of fish bait. (I'm determined to catch two more Mahi-mahis for collectible storage before the month is over)
• Ended up catching a Great White, so I decided to bring it to Pekoe. To say I surprised her would be an understatement. (Still didn't get her picture, though, and I've been working on that for over a year...)
still have a lil catching up to do. :’)

september 17th
checked the mail; received a letter from beau
dug up my daily fossils and money spot
collected my daily weeds, tree branches and rock materials (found a gold nugget!)
checked to see what shells were washed up on the beach and collected 2 giant clams
got a signpost diy from my daily diy bottle
talked to my villagers + gave wrapped fruit/giant clams to the ones i need pics from - got a colourful puzzle wall from carmen and a beige biker jacket from midge
did some fishing, bug catching and diving
got a pearl from pascal
plucked 3 blue and 3 pink windflowers
shot down 3 balloons and got a moss ball, an indigo blue butterfly visiting kimono and 10k bells
crafted a fishing rod, a slingshot, a cool windflower crown, a flimsy shovel, a simple well and a net
put some stuff into storage
today is whitney’s birthday!! i stopped by to celebrate with her and give her her gift (the cool windflower crown), which she liked! ☺️🎉
sold stuff at nook’s
deposited some bells into the ABD
checked the recycling bin; collected 3 iron nuggets
collected my daily bonus nook miles and checked nook shopping
helped out gulliver
checked the shops; bought 10 pieces of gold wrapping paper from nook’s
completed some nook mile achievements
Well Friday and yesterday I’ve been doing a lot of terraforming and I’m pretty good at it now which I’m so pleased about :)
september 18th
checked the mail; received a busted umbrella from audie, a marimba from whitney and a red tubeteika from gulliver
dug up my daily fossils and money spot
collected my daily weeds, tree branches and rock materials
checked to see what shells were washed up on the beach
got a chic windflower wreath diy from my daily diy bottle
talked to my villagers + gave wrapped fruit/giant clams to the ones i need pics from - got a light blue basketball tank from midge and a black firefighter uniform from carmen
caught an agrias butterfly for midge and got a natural menu chalkboard in return
harvested my pear trees
did some bug catching and diving
shot down a balloon and got purple rubber-toe sneakers
crafted a kettlebell
sold stuff at nook’s
went to harv’s island and invited fuchsia so that i could try out some clothes on her
ordered a pink dazed dress for fuchsia’s birthday tomorrow!
put some stuff into storage
deposited some bells into the ABD
checked the recycling bin; collected a rusted part and some brown iron-parquet flooring
collected my daily bonus nook miles and checked nook shopping
listened to k.k. slider perform “my place”
checked the shops
completed some nook mile achievements
I actually did some serious flower maintenance on my island today as I’ve come to realise how much I hate blue & black roses as well as blue pansies. They just look too severe for my colour pallet so I dug them all up and will probably do the same with the pink tulips and replace them with green mums instead. Other than that I did a quick trade for some mushrooms so I could get started on my second mystic circle that will centre a grand outdoor dining area.
  • opened the mail - received a Pleather Crossbody Bag from Sherb
  • chopped wood, hit rocks and had daily fossils assessed and sold
  • watered the flowers
  • collected some seashells from the beach
  • visited Bill who was visiting the campsite today - asked him to move to my island and he suggested replacing Whitney which I agreed to
  • purchased a Purple Quilt Wall, a Cute White Wall and some Birch Flooring from Nooks Cranny
  • purchased a couple of Simple Visiting Kimonos and some Rubber-Toe High Tops from Able Sisters
  • popped a couple of balloons and received a Diner Neon Sign and a Rattan Armchair
  • spoke to my villagers - picked up the Cabin Wall DIY from Rosie but I already knew it
  • gave gifts to Julian and Vivian - received a School Jacket and a Forest-Print Dress
  • caught and sold some fish
  • crafted and customised some items
  • did some redecorating inside my main island home
  • checked the recycling bin and picked up a Cute Music Player
  • completed some daily Nook Miles tasks and redeemed some miles
  • I dug up fossils, had them assessed, sold to the store
  • Was stung by a scorpion 😅
  • Visited a few islands to give away some spare DIY recipes I had
  • Collected Wisp's spirit pieces and got a new wallpaper from him
I got some hello kitty furniture items and learned some new recipes i’ve been looking for like the beehive and stone table. Still been looking for the ironwood diy’s but i’ll get em eventually :)
It’s been a good relaxing day today, hope you all had a great day as well ! 😊
• Today's HHA S-rank puts us at 239,270 points, the same as last week.
• Chatted with Pekoe (crafting a western-style stone), Pashmina (sweeping her porch), Mathilda and Patty (the latter was visiting the former), and Kitty (out for a stroll).
• An announcement for this year's final Bug-Off appeared on the bulletin board!
• Checked out some more custom designs...
• Harry asked me to catch him a cricket. It took me a little while to find one in the sea of bell crickets, but I was eventually successful!
• Dug up more clams, made some more fish bait.
• Wisp was visiting again; after helping him out (and after antagonizing him again due to wanting to know what would happen), I recieved some white-brick flooring as thanks.
Not exactly today, but for the past few weeks, I've gotten Rosie and Static as my new villagers, replacing Rod and Ankha.

I've also started decorating for the fall season. I've also made adjustments around my island to make it more pleasing.
  • Attended Octavian's birthday party and gave him a gift. Julian was there too :)
  • Flew over to an island here to pick up some Sanrio items I ordered
  • A very kind member doing a giveaway dropped off some new DIY recipes I needed and a few stacks of cherry blossom petals for me
Later I plan on hitting the rocks, and maybe chopping some wood for recipes. I also need to try to organize my storage too, it's a bit of a mess. I might transfer some of my stuff to my 2nd character/profile's storage.
I finished decorating for fall yesterday. I might redo my bedroom, but I don't know what I want just yet.

This morning, I gave Flick some walking leafs to make a model. That will go in one of the villager neighborhoods. I have one more walking leaf model to be made, for the other neighborhood, and then I'll be done with all the models I want. That's a nice feeling.

Found a pouch that belongs to Cherry, so I'll give that to her when I get home. Hit the shops, check in on everyone, and wrap it up for the night.
  • opened the mail - received an Essay Set from Fauna and a Kiwi Umbrella from Molly
  • chopped wood, hit rocks and had daily fossils assessed and sold
  • watered the flowers
  • spoke to Kicks and purchased some Shiny Bow Platform Shoes
  • purchased a Record Box and a Green Intricate Wall from Nooks Cranny
  • purchased a couple of Labelle Knit Shirts and Ancient Sashed Robes from Able Sisters
  • popped a balloon and received a Pet Food Bowl
  • spoke to my villagers - welcomed newest villager Bill to the island
  • stopped Sherb from moving
  • agreed to buy a Sweetheart Tank and Shirt from Diana
  • Wolfgang gifted me a Mini-Flower-Print Umbrella
  • gave gifts to Julian and Vivian - received a Track Jacket and some Aqua Tile Flooring
  • crafted and customised some items
  • caught and sold some fish - agreed to sell a pufferfish to Raymond
  • checked the recycling bin and picked up a Coatigan and a Gas Range
  • completed some daily Nook Miles tasks and redeemed some miles
September 20
  • Message bottle: Ironwood chair
  • Gave a fruit present to Drago, received a plaid puffed-sleeve shirt
  • Gave a fruit present to Jitters, received a shawl and dress combo
  • Used my colorful slingshot to pop a blue balloon and received a retro gas pump. My colorful slingshot broke
  • Went to Nooks and bought a new colorful slingshot and 10 purple wrapping paper for fruit presents
  • Went to my island orchard and wrapped 6 future fruit presents for Drago and Jitters (3 for each one)
  • Said hi to Chief, my campsite villager for the day. Not a fan of him because he's always looking sideways
  • Found Celeste on my island! Made sure my other 4 PCs talked to her for a DIY
didn’t get a chance to play yesterday. :’)

september 19th
checked the mail; received a letter from the HHA, a beige painter’s coverall from audie and fuchsia’s birthday present!
dug up my daily fossils and money spot
collected my daily weeds, tree branches and rock materials
checked to see what shells were washed up on the beach and collected a giant clam
got a document stack diy from my daily diy bottle
had a camper today; checked to see who it was and it was iggly! i didn’t invite him, but he’s very cute! 💙
talked to my villagers + gave wrapped fruit/giant clams to the ones i need pics from - got a navy blue pullover jacket from midge and a red comedian’s outfit from carmen
caught some fishes, bugs and deep-sea creatures
crafted a shovel
shot down a balloon and got some green flower sandals
today was fuchsia’s birthday!! i of course stopped by to celebrate with her and marty, and she liked the gift that i gave her (a pink dazed dress)! ☺💖
checked the bulletin board; there was a new announcement for the upcoming bug-off
put some stuff into storage and threw some stuff away
checked the recycling bin; collected a cedar sapling
collected my daily bonus nook miles and checked nook shopping
checked daisy mae’s turnip price and decided not to buy any again this week (i’ll buy some eventually, i swear lol)
checked the shops
completed some nook mile achievements