What did you dream about?

A couple of nights ago, I went to a barber shop where I got a weird haircut. Funnily enough, Max Verstappen and Daniel Ricciardo were managing the store and also laughing for some reason until they saw my hideous hair and gave me a dirty look.
Last night I dreamt I was in a new Pok?mon game. It took place in a massive city the size of an entire Pok?mon region. You would travel from building to building using skybridges. Inside the buildings, it kind of looked like a European city, except very futuristic. The lighting was mostly a golden yellow. I was the player character, though for some reason I also heard the voice of RTGame (a popular Twitch streamer) narrating in the background. He kept wondering why this city was the only place you could visit in this game. I checked my party to find a Tentacool, some other new squid Pok?mon I can't remember, a fish Pok?mon I can't remember, and a Pangoro. There was also my starter which looked like a cross between Sobble and Mudkip. There was a 6th party member but I do not remember anything about them. I spent a while grinding Bidoof which appeared in buildings for some reason, then challenged a trainer to battle. During this battle my starter died, so it must have been a nuzlocke run. I woke up shortly after this.
i had a dream where i was sick and it was really vivid so i woke up thinking "wait am i actually sick"

turns out i am not
had a weird dream last night that i was at a fancy dinner and there was something wrong with my right arm. couldnt move it properly or grab stuff and it felt freezing cold, my whole dream was just me feeling weird about my arm and it was spooking me out

then i jolt awake irl and im asleep leaning on my arm, which is fully numb. its pitch black (4am) and im trying to work out dazed n confused why my arm isnt working....
I had a dream (that felt more like sleep paralysis) that I was laying in my bed getting straight up lobotomized and I could feel my spine tingling
Welp, I overheated in my sheep and just woke up from a nightmare where I had to fight to convince everyone I knew (except my family, of course) that my ex had been abusive. In real life, everyone I had to tell did believe me--but not in this most recent addition to my subconscious' "beloved" movie collection of dreams to torture my sleep with. It was like trying to reason with a zealot, his family refused to believe me and proceeded to call me a liar looking for too much attention (which I know is bullcrap, because they were actually among the first to realize and take my side in real life). I woke up after my brother distracted them by ransacking their fridge for juice and enabled my mother to come to my rescue.

Prior to this, I had passed out at around 11:30. It's almost 3am now, and I can't fall back to sleep. Crud. :( happy holidays to me, I guess...
I swear I keep dreaming about my family finding out about the "secret" things I do (mostly smoking and liking girls) and it's so frustrating.
I dreamt that I was captured by the Protoss from Starcraft, which was strange since I haven't played Starcraft in months. I was taken prisoner in one of their starships and talked to them for a while, though I don't really remember what they said. They were not very friendly.
I dreamt that I was living in my old apartment. Nothing really special happened in the dream. I was doing a bunch of run-of-the-mill, everyday things.
I had the weirdest dream last night... basically, I was driving a car with two others in it, and we stopped at a bank. Big Bird from Sesame Street got in the car and yelled at me to drive, so apparently I’m a getaway driver now because Big Bird robbed that bank. I put the pedal to the medal, but along the way Big Bird shouted mean things at me for not accelerating at the speed Big Bird wanted me to. After awhile we lost the cops and slowed down, and everyone was exhausted. That’s when I woke up.
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I had a weird dream (idk why the **** why don’t ask) but it was about tbt and apparently trundle was cast as Luke skywalker in a star wars film that’s really all I remember
A very vague dream I had was that I was in this dark place with neon lights here and there and I saw Steven from Steven Universe. Moreover, it felt like I was playing Undertale at the same time.
Had a dream that me, an adult, was back in high school in a classroom I've never been in before. A teacher I used to know from freshman and senior year was going around the classroom assigning the kids an animal to take care of. I got one of the pigs I used to know, but now their name was Holly (even thou now that I think of it I think the pig was a boy). I was sitting at the desk, the teacher hunching over close to my face talking to me like you would a stupid person saying that I was going to be assigned Holly the pig and to take good care of them. I just nodded and said yep, thinking it was odd I didn't get assigned a goat or the entire group of pigs, only a single pig, and that I'd have to start doing research on piggies.
A long while back, I had this extremely lucid dream where I had been shrunk. The floors were stone, the carved, wooden tables were massive above me, and I was in what seemed to be a medieval kitchen.

I left the kitchen to find this cathedral-like room (statues, paintings, columns, etc) with shining golden walls and huge, arched windows with light streaming through them. At the long wooden table above me sat giants- some looks like regular, uncivilized giants, well others seemed like warlocks and knights.

Everything was so realistic. I could see everything in color with full detail. The kitchen was hot, the dining room was cool. Every creature had complex appearances. I swear, I didn't think I was dreaming. But I'd have to say it was the most beautiful dream I had ever had. I can still remember it like I had it last night.
I've experienced three dreams last night, one of them being long so buckle up! And listen to this music if you want, it fits the dreamy feeling quite well!

Dream 1
I was at Monaco with a few other people standing on a wooden platform that is on the verge of breaking. We were at least 50 feet high and we were all trembling in fear. Then for some reason, my dad came in and started to make the wooden platform sturdier by tying rope around it. For some reason, it worked? At least I got to see the amazing view of the country.

Dream 2
I went on the subway to head to a mall. After I arrived there, I went to a McDonalds. I ordered large fries, mango juice, and a burger. However, when I got my order, I noticed my mango juice was watered down and my large fries looked like it was for medium. I complained at the cash register about my mango juice and fries and they will fix it. While I was waiting, I noticed there were only three people working. I got my mango juice that?s not watered down but as soon as I got my fries, I was fuming. The amount of fries was much less, even fewer than small fries! I got angry and started shouting at the McDonalds staff on how incompetent they are and that other orders were being fulfilled without order. I demanded a refund, but I didn?t get any. I left soon after feeling very angry.

Dream 3 is pretty long, so I'll put it in a spoiler.
I got out from the subway and was in downtown. I entered this one restaurant and suddenly, I got vibes where I was in a Lifetime movie. Anyways, I noticed something was wrong. There?s this one crazy blonde lady with pointy needles (that look like mechanical pencils if anything) and wanting to poke people with them, especially to a baby. As I ventured through the back of the restaurant, it started feeling like I was in a mall, but in someone?s house at the same time? A horde of police were apparently trying to catch her, but at one point, one of them popped in frustration realizing they were going up the wrong side of the building. After going up a few floors with them, I saw this crazy blonde lady cradling a baby behind the glass door, but I could feel she wants to stab the baby with a needle. I opened the door (wow, she forgot to lock it) and intervened. She left the baby behind and ran away. I don?t seem to remember much what happened then but I do know that the crazy blonde lady got caught at the end. I returned to the restaurant and recovering at least seven ?needles?. Sitting at the front of the house for a few minutes felt like a few months had passed. The crazy blonde lady returned to the restaurant with a bag and I warned the owner of the restaurant. Apparently, the owner was prepared by pressing the button beside her that basically locked down the entire place. The crazy blonde lady started freaking out and became helpless after. I then called the police and started writing on a pink piece of paper noting to take the ?needles?. For some reason, I struggled to get the writing down because one of the pens weren?t working properly. A few moments later, I resorted to writing with a pink highlighter on a pink piece of paper. I don?t exactly remember what I wrote but I think it went something like this, ?Please take these needles as evidence. Thanks.?. After that, the owner transformed into a dragon of what seemed like something out of Dragon Quest 11?s intro (lol). Except her colour was cyan and shot up through the ceiling and into the sky. Taurus was her name and I said farewell to her while waving (okay, but who?s gonna look after the restaurant now?!?). So I left as soon as the police stormed in to recapture the crazy blonde lady. I roamed outside for a few minutes during a wintery sunny afternoon. Many people were gathering nearby as the situation unfolded. Two policemen were pinning down the crazy blonde lady while also holding the bag that she was carrying. They finally handcuffed her and was arrested once more. Some people still watched while others went about their day. As for myself, I felt happy that I did something good and I went down the escalators saying ?Guh-huh!? (I swear, I?m not Banjo XD). An Indian kid tugged my back for some reason while I was about to enter the subway and I looked at him telling him that it was not nice to do that. His parents also told him that in their language. So yeah, I entered the subway on the way home and the dream ended there.

So many weird dreams! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I wrote it! :D
Adam Sandler singing that song in The Wedding Singer, over and over.

I forced myself to wake up.

Thanks Foxtel, for putting that movie on every single day. o_O
I had this weird dream where my father came to my Animal Crossing town via the train and had a petty argument with Isabelle over her love of three sugars in a Mocha. She started barking, which was so loud, I hear another shriek, I went outside the town hall to find Pete the Pelican fell into a bush trying to deliver a package for Pancetti the Pig.

Oh and boy was she not impressed. Snooty just like in the game, she got all cross with my father.

I asked Isabelle to have a walk outside, and the fact she's been inside her office 24/7 for the last eight years, she shrieks her head off when we get to the beach and see Gulliver. I had to revive both animals while Dad was still shouting at Pancetti, which Pete was still trying to get up and out of the slippery mud in the bush.

Flip the Monkey swang from one tree and then bowled Dad over, I just helped Isabelle and Gulliver before I hear this scream. I woke up to hear it was my alarm clock. Why it has to sound like a banshee, I have no idea.
All I remember was that I had a pleasant feeling and it was dark.

Then I woke up to my alarm.
For some reason I was in a bath leaning over the edge, and someone was plucking tics out of my skin with a pair of tweezers. Its all I really remember but I was trying my best to get out of the bath but something kept pushing me back in and I was just in complete trauma, shortly after I just woke up and nodded off back into another dream that I don't remember now

No idea how that came about
Been told I was talking in my sleep last night. I kept telling my other half he couldn't cross the road yet. Can't remember the dream itself though! 😂