What did you dream about?

Today I had a very vivid dream. I was exploring the rooms in an antique shop and the owner told me about a ghost story. Apparently, the ghost of a beautiful red-haired bride could be seen in the basement occasionally. I asked him if I could check it out and he let me down into the basement. It was dark with just enough light streaming through the dirty windows to be able see. The walls were made of gray stone and there was a large open area and one smaller room with an open doorway visible from the wooden stairs.

As I got about halfway down the stairs, a red-haired woman dressed in white jumped out, trying to to startle me. It was just one of my friends dressed up as the supposed ghost, though. I laughed at her, but then I saw over her shoulder a faint image of a red-haired woman in a bridal gown walk past the door in the small room. I could partially see through her, so I knew she was the real ghost.

Then, everything changed. I was still in the same basement, standing in the same place halfway down the stairs, but it was lighter and I was alone. I suddenly knew that I was a superhero and my enemy was getting ready to open a portal into the basement. On cue, a large purple swirling mass appeared in the far left corner of the basement. Innocent people started pouring through the portal. Children, the elderly, the disabled all started filling up the basement. Again through the magic of dream knowledge, I knew that I had to get everyone out because there was going to be an earthquake and the whole basement would collapse soon, killing everyone inside. I start yelling at all those who were able to run, and assisting those who couldn't move. I found children trying to hide under boxes and tables and pulled them to safety.

I knew there wasn't much time, but more and more people kept coming through the portal. Then, I started to see recognizable figures. Mozart, Beethoven, Da Vinci, Poe, The Beatles, The Who, Led Zeppelin and more all came through the portal. I frantically tried to get them all out before it was too late. I knew that if any of these important people died here, history would be changed. My senses were heightened and I was listening and feeling for the first tremors of the earthquake. All my nerves were on edge.

Then, my dog barked in real life and woke me up.
Any tips for remembering what I dreamed of? Sometimes I remember and sometimes I don't
Any tips for remembering what I dreamed of? Sometimes I remember and sometimes I don't

Keep a notepad (or your phone) by the bed and write down what you can remember as soon as you wake-up. It helps to improve recall.
Any tips for remembering what I dreamed of? Sometimes I remember and sometimes I don't

When I first wake up from a dream, I have to stay really still. If I move at all, then I usually start to forget. So I stay in the exact same position and run through every detail of the dream that I can remember in my head. That sort of helps lock it into my short-term memory. Then, I can get up, go about my business, write it down if I want to, and so on.

I find it easier to remember dreams on the weekend because I don't have to rush to get up. On weekdays, when the alarm goes off, most of the time I'm going to forget them.
I had a weird dream/nightmare two nights ago where I kept rubbing my eyes, for whatever reason, until my pupils peeled off, like a sticker or a rub on tattoo would. I then became blind and could only see white. I was hoping it was a dream that I'd soon wake out, and without notice, the dream transitioned into one where I regained my sight, but was now stuck on a small raft in the middle of the sea on a rainy night surrounded by countless giant sharks circling around me. Somehow I could simultaneously see the sharks in the water from above and underneath, as if I were diving. I then realized my dream changed, once again, this time into one of me walking a lonely, yet familiar street on a rainy night trying to find my way back to somewhere. Dreams are weird, yet interesting.
I have reoccurring dreams about my turtle i gave away? 5 years ago? and in my dreams i still have him and i start to freak out about feeding him since it's been '5 years' since i fed him', so i dreamt of that again last night lol; i was like begging my mom to go to the pet store so i could buy him some food. no idea why i keep dreaming this but yeahh.
Last night I dreamt that I was in Twilight Princess except instead of Hyrule, it took place in North America. Instead of Ordon Village, I was in a run-down American small town with an abandoned factory as its greatest landmark. I did a few quests when suddenly a huge wall of twilight had appeared out of nowhere next to the factory. A horde of shadow beasts exited the twilight and proceeded to kill everyone including myself.

Suddenly I was controlling another character. Some rich person with a flying car. I was in a large American city which was being attacked by hundreds of shadow beasts. My mission was to fly the car to some objective while having to dodge trains and planes. I guess they were being piloted by the Twili. Since this was a Wii game, naturally I had to use motion controls to pilot the flying car. It controlled sort of like a loftwing from Skyward Sword except it was much faster and with better handling. Somehow I managed to reach my objective and the mission was passed.

Suddenly I was watching a cutscene from the Twili's perspective. They were talking about how much more difficult this place was to invade because there were so many cities to capture, spreading their forces thin, and also that the American military had been consistently destroying them. After that I woke up.

Makes me wonder how Zant's invasion of Hyrule would have played out if all the Hylian soldiers were equipped with modern armaments.
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Last night I dreamt that I was in Twilight Princess except instead of Hyrule, it took place in North America. Instead of Ordon Village, I was in a run-down American small town with an abandoned factory as its greatest landmark. I did a few quests when suddenly a huge wall of twilight had appeared out of nowhere next to the factory. A horde of shadow beasts exited the twilight and proceeded to kill everyone including myself.

Suddenly I was controlling another character. Some rich person with a flying car. I was in a large American city which was being attacked by hundreds of shadow beasts. My mission was to fly the car to some objective while having to dodge trains and planes. I guess they were being piloted by the Twili. Since this was a Wii game, naturally I had to use motion controls to pilot the flying car. It controlled sort of like a loftwing from Skyward Sword except it was much faster and with better handling. Somehow I managed to reach my objective and the mission was passed.

Suddenly I was watching a cutscene from the Twili's perspective. They were talking about how much more difficult this place was to invade because there were so many cities to capture, spreading their forces thin, and also that the American military had been consistently destroying them. After that I woke up.

Makes me wonder how Zant's invasion of Hyrule would have played out if all the Hylian soldiers were equipped with modern armaments.

As a person whose favourite Zelda game is Twilight Princess, I find it very entertaining to read your dream.

Anyways, I couldn't remember anything but listening to an entirely original music composition. It sounded so good, but I immediately forgot its detailed tunes upon waking up. :(
So I dreamt last night that I tried to cook chicken but it still turned out raw despite leaving it in the oven for quite some time. I was quite hesitant whether I should serve it, but I still went ahead and did it anyway. Thankfully, nothing happened after. Funny enough, prior to getting that dream, I was cooking chicken for dinner last night. XD
Last night I dreamt that I arrived on an island. I remember the view as I was looking down from the plane. We circled the island before landing and it felt like something from New Horizons.

Once we had landed, I proceeded to take part in some kind of game involving dragons. It reminded me a little of Pokemon. Everybody on the island had a small dragon that came up to about my waist. We battled each other with our dragons by squeezing their rumps to make them breathe fire. That sounds kind of bad, but it was sort of like those toys you play with in the bath when you're a child. If you squeeze them, they spray water, only the dragons were bigger and sprayed fire instead. My dragon was neon yellow and black in a mottled pattern.

I don't remember how the game ended or if I did well because then it switched to a realistic setting. I was at home and my husband had just left to pick up dinner. I heard a car pull in the driveway so I opened the door expecting my husband, but it wasn't him. I didn't have my glasses on for some reason so everything was blurry, but I could tell there was a completely different car parked in the driveway and a strange man changing one of the tires. I felt nervous and told him he needed to hurry up and leave. Then, I went to shut and lock the door, but the man's hand suddenly reached inside and tried to hold the door open. I was frightened and tried to fight against him to close the door for a long time.

Then, my husband woke me up because he said I was crying out in my sleep.
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Dreamed about my competitors website getting DDOSed and everyone relying on my website instead
I had a dream that I was watching the English version of Demon Slayer, like an entire episode.

Which I have not yet.
That I took off my knee bandage which I apparently also did because it was under my shark plushie when I woke up lol
I had a dream that I hosted two popsicle collectible giveaways on TBT, even though I don’t have that collectible. I earned two awards that make no sense at all, a bigger avatar (which makes no sense because I already have the width extension), and a “clear” signature. I don’t know what a “clear” signature is, and I don’t think I want to know. That was my first TBT dream in a long time, and it was weird 0_o
First dream: I was wearing my plastic retainer for my teeth taking a bath apparently. A few minutes later, I felt something weird in my mouth. My teeth were pushed down to the point where it looked like I lost them. Moreover, my plastic retainer began to warp into a clumpy mess of plastic.

Second dream: Driving around my neighborhood, I tried to get my car onto the main road. One way was blocked off by a couple of cars. I then had to find another way. Turning left onto the next block, the way was also blocked off. I became so infuriated at that point that I actually woke up with anger and punching my pillow.

Third dream: I went to a Mercedes Benz car dealer to wash my car. I don't know how I got it, but okay. Anyways, I went to the service side of the dealer to fix one of the mechanic issues of my car and to wash it. In total, the cost was $20. I thought it was meant to cover both of those services but apparently, it only covered the car wash service. My mother came out from nowhere and said that the car wash made my car look worse with less shine. Moreover, I felt like they didn't fix the mechanical issues at all. I went to one of the employees and said I wasn't satisfied with the service. Thankfully, they were happy to refund the service charge.
Like the above poster, I had a car-related dream too.

Except, it was that I got stuck in mud and then later got stuck in traffic. Literally a combination of the last two days in my life...
had a dream i hooked up with my friends boyfriend and had no conscience about it at all while we were...busy lol.

dreams are weird
I had a dream that I earned a sixth legendary Pokemon in the Pokemon casino game in our server (I have five right now), but it was a grass/flying type from the region after Galar. Then I woke up and realized none of that happened, XD
A strange gore world with elves (Like lotr elves) and I was like bartering or something for a cool bloody half-flesh half bone mirror with this big fat cut open guy with his guts hanging out who wasn't really elfy at all. My brother was robbing him blind behind his back though mwwauhahauha
In the dream I was sitting in my swivel chair in my bedroom on my phone. As I do. My mom comes in with laundry and hands me my lanyard saying she washed it.

Thing is, I thought the dream was real. I have asked her to wash my lanyard and she said she would. Nothing was out of place in that dream. It wasn't until like two days later that I realized, when would that have happened? I had to sniff my lanyard just to be sure it was a dream. Def smells like it was.