What did you dream about?

This dream took up serious amounts of time during my sleep. Buckle up, readers!

It all started being in this huge castle that feels like it can fit a library, a shopping district, a house, and possibly many other things. I was joined by other people as well, but I didn't know who they were. I assume they were a part of my group (think of it like Dragon Quest) and we split up to wander around the place.

At some point, things turned horrible in an instant. Out of nowhere, the castle got dim and there were multiple creatures that appeared throughout the castle with varying appearances and attacks. They even had a leader named Tatiano (these names in my dreams are so weird, man). The goal of his is to bring people into his world and trap them for all eternity. To make matters worse, he can easily hypnotize people by giving them direct eye contact. People were panicking and screaming, not knowing what to do next all while a horrible storm came over. Unfortunately, some fell victim to Tatiano's hypnosis and got sent to his world through a portal. I got very scared due to a sudden change in events and I had no idea where my party members were. However, I pressed on and tried to find a solution by facing some of them head-on. I managed to defeat some but not all of them. My fear slowly crept up to me again and I started running away to find a place to hide.

After I got myself together, I went up a few floors to find myself in Zelda's bedroom? Yes, that's weird but that didn't matter in this case. I looked through her bookshelf to see if there was anything about the events that are happening in my dream. To my surprise, Tatiano walked into the room and I hid under the blankets. Despite not fully covering myself and that it was obvious I was trying to hide, he did not see me and proceeded to go somewhere else. Looking back at it, I realized that his weakness is a lack of observation. With that out of the way, I went back to skimming through books and found an answer to finish off Tatiano for good. What you had to do was place certain tiles in specific spots in front of the portal while facing your back to it. Failure to do so will result in instant hypnosis and slowly walk into the portal.

Upon discovering the answer, I went to the center area of the castle where the portal is. Somehow, I met all of my party members again who I assume managed to defeat the rest of the creatures lingering around the castle. After I explained on what to do to defeat Tatiano, we all started to place tiles down. Unfortunately, one of my party members looked at the portal and started to slowly walk into it. On top of that, Tatiano was at the other side of the portal trying to hypnotize the rest of us. My other party member tried to pull them away without looking but to no success. It only got worse as the rest of my party members got hypnotized just trying to save each other. It was only up to me to finish the job but if I were to complete it, I would lose my party members forever. I took the courage into uncharted territory to roll myself into the portal backwards to avoid making eye contact with Tatiano. The portal closed and trapped all of the victims with him including myself.

I woke up around this point within the dream (if that makes any sense at all) looking out the window and said to myself "Wait, shouldn't it be a happy ending? It shouldn't be raining then!" Obviously not you silly. I actually woke up for a brief minute and then went back to sleep. Thankfully, the dream kept on going.

Within the dream, I woke up in Tatiano's world. I was completely fine and not hypnotized at all. There were many other people that were hypnotized walking around aimlessly with no regard for my presence. I also noticed that my party members were still hypnotized and acted as if they were in paradise. From what I see, this is far from it. I approached a couple of them and somehow snapping them out. Despite getting them back to their normal selves, they had no memory of me and thought I was a random person. To only rub it in, I felt that Tatiano saw me that I wasn't hypnotized and started coming after me slowly (keep in mind that I had to avoid direct eye contact to not get hypnotized). I made a mad dash away from him and ran somewhere else.

After running for a few minutes, I ran into another person who wasn't hypnotized as well. They said that they were trying to find a way out and finally found an answer. Apparently, there are mini windmills placed all over the place in this one building. What we had to do was simply spin all of them by hand and would somehow destroy Tatiano's world and bring all of the victims back to the real world. We went in the building and split up to spin all of the mini windmills sooner. The building was fairly empty besides the furniture in it. I managed to get some mini windmills down but Tatiano somehow managed to find me a few floors in. I somehow cheated by making brief eye contact at him and not getting hypnotized at all. Miraculously, the person that was with me a few minutes ago was also there and pulled out a huge stockpot to shield me as I was running away. I was successful but the dream ended there unfortunately.

I'd like to think that I was successful in the end after taking advantage of Tatiano's lack of observation trying to spot me. Moreover, this sounds like a good idea to write in a story!
I'm pretty sure I had another dream about having to go back to school. I was running late for class, but I had no idea what/where my class even was. I also may or may not have thought Toriel from Undertale was one of the teachers.
i had a dream i was in a store and some random guy bought me and my friends designer clothes for nothing, it was fun until i woke up
I was in a neighborhood I'm not familiar with. I went inside a house and was looking around. Suddenly this guy started to attack me. He wasn't even the owner of the house. Then I ran off and he was chasing me. What sucked was that anywhere I went, he would be within the vicinity, almost like those horror movies where no matter how far you run, the bad guy still catches up. It was dumb. Then I woke up from the sound of the train outside my apartment.
I dreamed about going to a theme park. I went with one group of friends, but somehow ended up with a completely different group of friends in the time it took to walk from the entrance to deciding on the first ride we wanted to go on. It took ages to start, changed theme three times (first robots, to vikings, then vampires) and then when it was about to get good I woke-up!
There was a dream I had that I immediately had to type down onto my notes on my phone to remember as much as I could.

Apparently I was driving with my family on the Nimitz Hwy(a road under the freeway here in Hawaii) towards Cycle City (a popular automotive dealership here) and then there was this huge crash. We pulled over and some cool men in black picked me up from the car and then my family went to safety. Then I had to help find the source of the crash and then it faded into me inside a building with a bunch of operatives and I just stood there at the top of these metal stairs looking at all of them.

I have so many questions ;~;
I only slept for around six hours, but I had an interesting dream. In it, I was Space Dandy from the anime Space Dandy, and I was attending an auction for a very rare set of six classic video game coins that would let you play those games. The price for them ended up going up to over two billion dollars, so I snatched and stole them and ran away. Hisoka from the anime Hunter x Hunter was also somehow there, and kept chasing me to try and retrieve the rare set of video game coins. I managed to give him the slip by tricking him and throwing him into danger. Made it outside and got into my spaceship to flee the planet. That’s when I woke up.
I had a dream that I was texting someone I knew and we were having a good time and I felt very happy.
It was also winter for some reason so I was outside decorating a big tree and putting smaller fake trees around presents.
I decided to go into a portal into a different dimension where people I knew were the exact opposite there rather than their true selves.
I ran into someone and went inside a building where there was a gathering. He wouldn’t let me go, he started to hug my waist until I felt that he was crushing my insides.
hello kitty about to murder me in front of her friends
doesnt stop me from hoarding sanrio stuff
I had a dream that I was visiting a place with a lake and a pool, but I forgot my fishing rod and what I needed for the pool. :(
I had a very strange dream last night that combined a book I'm reading called Soul of the Sword, Frank from It's Always Sunny, and some mean teenage girls. I was basically walking through the Shadow Clan's castle, which is a twisting maze that is easy to get lost in, and the shinobi were using their tricks to confuse me. I kept getting turned around and ending up in different places that didn't make sense, which is how Frank and the teenage girls came in. I ended up in Paddy's Pub briefly only to get berated by Frank. Then, I ended up in a high school cafeteria where the teenage girls mocked me.
Last night I dreamt I was playing the piano in front of people. It was a classical improvisation. It was so vivid, I wish it was real. Then I woke up. :(
So I dreamed where a dog tried to eat me and overall didn't like me. Then my mom came into the room and he stopped looking so angry at me. She left the room and continued trying to bite my feet off. I woke up and the concept seemed so familiar to me.
I guess somehow my dream was influenced by a Drake and Josh episode I had watched the night before lol
I had a dream that a member on TBT got very mad at me because I forgot to order something they wanted the day before in the Nook's Cranny section. It was very odd, but when I woke up I checked on here and was relieved it was just a dream, lol.
a boy i used to have a thing with
felt really disgusted when i woke up

why do my dreams do this to me
That the world was a sphere and I was supposed to put it back on its pedestal. I also could fly and helped bring lost dogs back to their owners.
I dreamt that I was walking around in an elementary school and going up the stairs. A line of students where going down the stairs but one was at the top floor. They were going to jump off for whatever reason but I urged them to stop. It was too late as they already did. However, I used my mind control powers to float them back to safety and lived. We both went down to the main floor and apparently, the school was flooded. Yet, it felt like I was in a waterpark and decided to swim down the hallways. Eventually, I came out to this crowded parking lot on a sunny day where there was this news anchor reporting live breaking news. My dream ended there after.