What did you dream about?

I had a dream about a zombie-apocalypse. One by one they killed everyone in my family, and eventually myself. It was not fun. I partly blame myself for watching creepy videos though.
I had a dream about a zombie-apocalypse. One by one they killed everyone in my family, and eventually myself. It was not fun. I partly blame myself for watching creepy videos though.

Dang, my last nightmare I had was a zombie eating me. But I haven't been watching any creepy videos. I guess it's the time of year for zombie nightmares. :LOL:
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My mom cleaned the toilet and the cleaning liquid was in it (it was red), but she said that I should just go to the toilet anyways. I went to the toilet and the liquid spilled out from under the toilet (it looked green on the floor). I was afraid to touch it. Then some more things happened, but I can’t really remember them.
I had a dream where I was Civil War reeancting. But then all of a sudden it became nighttime when it was super bright and sunny out. No one seemed to notice and were shooting the other side. Then these shadow people monsters started running around in the battlefield, but we had lanterns that kept them away from us because the light hurts them.

I then said something like 'You know, it would really suck if our lights went out.' and then they just went out just like that and someone whined 'Why did you have to go and say that.'
I slept in and had a dream that I was Sonic from Sonic The Hedgehog, and I had to fight against a villain who was secretly Shadow in disguise. I ended up winning in the end because his identity got revealed and he ran out of power. Weird dream. I wonder if it would make for a good Sonic game? 🤔
Had a crazyy dream that was way too long to tell it in its entirety. But at one point a guy with a rifle and a dog sneaked in and out of my house repeatedly.
I had a dream that I bought my grandparents' old house and I was trying to restore it to the way it was in my childhood. I dream about houses way too much.
All I remember is that I was throwing some rotten oranges in the garbage. Probably the most mundane dream I've had this month.

Can't believe I let those dream oranges go bad. Such a waste of perfectly good food.
It must be because I've started watching Superstore, but last night I dreamt that I was working at K-Mart again. K-Mart was my first ever job in real life, but it's been closed for a long time now.
It must be because I've started watching Superstore, but last night I dreamt that I was working at K-Mart again. K-Mart was my first ever job in real life, but it's been closed for a long time now.
Could be like one of those things where you're back in school. I finished school just a few years ago and have dreams about being late, having unfinished assignments, or having to chase a bus down.

Chris that dream sounds like they would make a movie out of it. Like those wacky cheap comedy films where the most insane stuff happens.
Last night I had this extremely vivid and detailed dream about a Zombie apocalypse that took place in a sky rise building. I won't go too much into detail about it, but it seemed like a Hollywood level production was going on in my head last night... with an actual plot and everything lmao.

I'm pretty sure I dreamt about Zombies because they came up in conversation with a friend last night... but the thing is that they were only mentioned ONCE. I guess my brain wanted more zombie talk 😅😂
Last night I had this extremely vivid and detailed dream about a Zombie apocalypse that took place in a sky rise building. I won't go too much into detail about it, but it seemed like a Hollywood level production was going on in my head last night... with an actual plot and everything lmao.

I'm pretty sure I dreamt about Zombies because they came up in conversation with a friend last night... but the thing is that they were only mentioned ONCE. I guess my brain wanted more zombie talk 😅😂

First Dim, then me, and now you. Wow. Really seems like it's Zombie dreams season. 😂
First Dim, then me, and now you. Wow. Really seems like it's Zombie dreams season. 😂
Is this how the new Zombie apocalypse going to start? By manifesting themselves through dreams!?😱😂

I'm pretty sure I ended up having a second dream after the zombie one, but I guess it wasn't as impactful as the first because I have no idea what it was about, I just remember being in a completely different place filled with pastries 🤔 😂
I had a dream a giant grabbed me in his hand and started to squeeze hard. Like he was trying to break a dirt clod. In the dream and when I woke up, I felt the tension, as if my body was actually being constricted. It did not last long however. I threw a wet sponge in his face, he dropped me, and I fell to the ground. When I hit the ground I woke up cause it felt like I was really falling and it startled me awake.
last night, i dreamt that i turned into a muppet and was in several scenes from the muppets take manhattan.
This wasn't my dream, but a coworker messaged me today and said she had a dream about me. She asked me if I journaled, which I do, but she didn't know that. She said in the dream I was journaling and one of the things I wrote was that I was going to be a millionaire in 5 months.

My coworker said she has a dream gift and sometimes the things she dreams come true. I said if I become a millionaire this year, I'll split the money with her. ☺️
I dreamt that I was at a dimly lit game store in a Minecraft shaped world. The cubed shelves were full of games I was interested in. Even in my dream world retro games were still absurdly expensive. I got frustrated at the ridiculous prices and walked out.