what did you get from your fortune cookies today?

Got my first lucky’s cookie just now, and it had some glowing ghosts! I’m so happy, I want every ghostly item I can get lol.
Didn't get any free cookies today but yesterday I got double! Dress from Julia's cookie and a chair from Wolfgang's cookie. I already had the dress and I don't care much for Wolfgang's cookie but still cool.
More ghastly wings from the mini-event free Lucky cookie. I’m going to put this pair in my Market Box so Emmaka can have it. Shoot, that didn’t work. Why do I always get clothing items in free cookies? :confused:
I got the wings from the Lucky-cookie fishing event :) they're so beautiful, can't believe I had no wings for so long and now I have these AND the Maple ones! Pocket camp is being kind to me lately
Was hoping for the wings in my event cookie, but I got the eerie well instead ;u; guess I can’t be too disappointed though since literally every item in this set is my aesthetic anyway, and I didn’t already have the well.
Got a free Grim Lily Cookie today, though sadly I just got the organ. It's a nice piece of furniture, but I don't really have anything to go with it tbh. I really wanted that wig or the dress, they're so pretty.
i didn't get anything from fortune cookies today but yesterday i got maple's bright autumn berries! also my lucky cookie from the char goals was an eerie house, which is something i've been wanting since i already have the haunted mansion and two witch's houses.
I have received an amazing number of the various spooky type cookies the last week or two. God the Ghastly coat, the mirror that makes my poor visitors tremble, the little floating ghosts that do the same (poor scared villagers), a tree, and a well. That might be all. I don't usually get that lucky. I do buy tickets some for stuff I want but i didn't originally plan on buying the scary stuff. They are cute set up in the camp. I took the little green ghosts off cause my villagers would stand there forever shaking. Oh and I also got the broom.
Got the autumn berries from Maple's cookie today! I'm glad as it's a pretty versatile item.
I got my second palace fountain from Julia’s cookies. Was never a fan of Julia’s cookie items but hey, at least I can use 2 palace fountains for symmetry :p
I got 2 special cookies for bells today. Julia’s cookie I got the vase selling stall and from Muffys cookie I got the purple cauldron. :)
i got will o wisps today! i hadn't had a free cookie in ages so it was nice
Got a lily wedding partition from the personal bug goals cookie. Not one I would spend leaf tickets on myself so it's nice to get a freebie!
Today I got a go board from the brown cookie - I think it’s timmys? My second bells cookie was a Wolfgang one - I got the cogwheel rug. And bonus round with the grim lily cookie for catching bugs I got the dark-ombre dress - I already had it though!
I got a duplicate Lilly’s wedding menu/seating board from the cookie you get from complete ingredients the peacock butterfly goal. Not my favorite item :/
From my lily cookie from this event, I got that wedding sign board thing :' C probably one of the things i wanted the least