What did you name your island? And any inspirations?

I went with Sylvarant.
Inspired by one of my fave games from the past, Tales of Symphonia.
I had a different name in mind, but this sounded a little less "serious."
I named mine Mako, after Mako Island from a show I used to watch as a kid called H20: Just Add Water :blush:
Mine is named Solstice, my oldest brother's town name is Starset and my younger brother's town is Nova
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going to name my island horae bay which refers to the first group of horae, the goddesses of seasons and time. it also translates to hours which i think is fitting as well. added bay because horae is kinda bland on its own lol
Up until Instarted the game up I was determined to name my character Platypi and my town Key Lime...but at chatacyer creation I ended up giving my character my real name, and naming my island Oz after my dog, who sat with me in patient and quiet companionship for HOURS as I reset until I got the green airport. (The game was determined to give me blue or yellow!)

Isn't it funny how we sometimes have things all planned out and then end up going left field instead? XD
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I couldn’t think of a name... was watching hot tub time machine and the ski resort they go to is kodiak valley... so I named my island Kodiak Island 😂
Gelsey Bay!

I had one of my favourite theatre experiences at this one show and one of the people in the show had a really unique name that I really liked! So I stole it for my island LOL
But for real, I had such an amazing time at that show and every time I think about the name, it reminds me of how much fun that whole day was
I had been planning on naming my island Solaris for a couple weeks before the game came out, but an hour before release a new name popped into my head and I impulsively went with it instead. The name was Starfall. I really love it and I'm very glad I decided to go with it instead of Solaris.
My town on NL was Meltdown so I went with Meltland bc I didn't want to spend rest of the year thinking the name for my island.
I went with Tahini... cause Tahini is life and it does sound sorta tropical
I called my island Crest Isle, which is the name of a location in a story I once wrote a long time ago. Sadly, this island can't fly like the one in my story ^_^
Teacup! I mostly just think it's cute and since I'm doing a madoka town it fits the theme c:
I named mine Monkey Paw! I was inspired by curses and ancient civilizations, which is exactly what I intend to do with my island! I’m also planning on getting all monkey and gorilla villagers to fit the theme; they’re underrated and deserve more love.
Canoubiers. I used to live there and always wanted to call my Animal Crossing town that name but couldn't because of the character limitation.
I named my island Lilura, which means enchantment!