What do you collect?


jock villager support
Apr 17, 2018
Red Rose
Tasty Cake
July Birthstone (Ruby)
i have a horrible habit of getting into a fandom and instantly buying a bunch of merch lmao. how about you guys? collect anything fun?

i really like happy tree friends so i spent my birthday cash on a bunch of "rare" figures. (my room is junked up with figures.. the animal crossing amiibos clutter my desk)
ever since i was a little kid i had to have a COMPLETE collection... like at five below there were these dolls that were ADORABLE and i remember begging my mom to go to five below everyday because everytime we went my mom let me get one (':
I don't have a complete collection of anything, but I do like "collecting" things. I have most of the amiibo, I missed a few so I'm hoping for restocks down the road, although I did shell out for the Majora's Mask Link and the Skyward Sword Link on Amazon. I have a lot of Funko pops, the Saga set and other random ones I like. I have a hoard of tsum tsums. And some limited edition 3ds. Oh and Animal Crossing amiibo cards, of course. I pretty much only but things if I like them though, I never buy something just to complete a set or because it's a collectible. And I open everything, nothing stays in boxes. But yeah, I love to surround myself with material goods based on games and things I like haha.
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I love collecting hockey stuff. I have various hockey related stuff like jerseys, hockey sticks, pucks, flags, blankets, shirts, etc. I love hockey.
I used to ?collect? tons of stuff on old games like Wizard101 due to in-game purchases, up until my parents found out and I learned just how valuable money is (which I?m trying to save up again now to move out).

Other than that, I have a lot of games, Amiibos, and Pokemon plushies I?ve either bought or received from past IRL friends. I wouldn?t say I collect any of it though, so much as I just like having it all help decorate my room at home. :)
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Limited edition MAC lipsticks. I’m a sucker for those pretty casings.
I've recently started collecting card sets from places that I visit. I haven't been to a ton of places, but on our way to New York, there was a layover in Chicago, so I got a Chicago set there, and in New York, I got this really pretty Niagara Falls Set in a nice tin. Along with that, we ended up finding a San Antonio set, while we were cleaning out, and I've been there as well, so xD
Limited edition MAC lipsticks. I’m a sucker for those pretty casings.

I guess I collect makeup, I never even thought about it as collecting haha. I don't really wear a lot of makeup, at least not every day. But boy do I love lipstick and eye palettes. I just love all the colors.
id like to collect music albums but my wallet tries to convince me otherwise
When I was young I loved to collect pok?mon cards! I had over 800 cards lmao. I gave them to my younger cousin few years ago.
When I was young I loved to collect pok?mon cards! I had over 800 cards lmao. I gave them to my younger cousin few years ago.

This reminds me that I had a tub full of Pokemon cards when I was younger, plus a binder packed with them, but we eventually ended up selling them all. :(
Video games, consoles, video game related controllers/accessories, earphones/in-ear monitors and audio players.
Oh when I was younger, I also had an obsession with mice because I thought they were super cute (probably stemmed from Tom and Jerry, haha), so I have collected these Wee Forest Folk little mouse figurines :) I think I stopped collecting not long after, but I have around 10 or so, and I also have some CharmingTales mouse figurines as well 0u0 I also have this really cute mouse in a sugar bowl that I remember buying when u was 5-6 :D
I really like completing sets of pop! Vinyls but I've run out of room to put them all. I've got about 50 at the moment but I don't like to cram them on a single shelf so they're spread out around my room. I'll have most of them organized together though, for example I have my walking dead figures on my bookshelf that has every walking dead comic so far, my starwars figures are next to my Lego sets of star wars, my bioshock pop vinyls are next to my collectors edition stuff for the three games, my fallout stuff is the same sitting next to my collectors edition stuff. The rest are grouped in random spots around my room.

I also really love getting steelbooks and collectors editions for my favorite games, I'm not diehard enough to collect sets or anything but I treasure the pairs of collectables I do own ^-^
I don't really collect anything in full sets or anything but I still collect some stuff.

I've collected some amiibo (21 currently) and I'm starting to collect some Pop! Vinyls. I plan on getting one version of every hero but that will take quite some time
I collect American Girl stuff and earrings and stuff from Claire's. They have been running the buy three get three free promo for a couple of months now, so I have been buying six things each time I go in.
I don't really collect anything nowadays, but I used to collect a variety of things when I was younger. I kept stashes of acorns, candy wrappers, Post-it notes, these small green beads that I would find on the sidewalk, and other things. I also bought any and all Pokemon books that I could find, really.