What do you do with all the Gulliver hats?

Sell them, trade them or hoard them. I mostly sell the ones I don't want on Nookazon. I hoard all the Tam-o'-shanters though, they're one of the best hats in the game in my opinion. I hardly wear them though, I just love how they look hahaha.
I'm storing them. I don't like many of them but the collector in me wants to have 1 of each even if they just sit in storage lol
I just keep the ones I will actually wear and sell or trade them for other things or give away the rest online.

Tam o shanters are hard to get ahold of. I plan on farming Gulliver later in hopes to get them because I actually like those.
I just give mine away for free if I don’t want them.
I was gonna hold onto the wigs to give away to friends or otherwise get rid of here, but too tired for that most days so I just tossed em. Sometimes I give some of them to my villagers if it's their signature color
I keep all of the wearable Gulliver items in my main character's storage, but if I didn't want them in there, I put them in my secondary character's storage! That's where all my unorderables go to gather dust XD I accidentally sold a few in the beginning so I learned my lesson.
Since you can't catalog them, I will let them rot in my storage instead rather than selling them. Maybe one of these days, I will bother wearing them for fun.
I actually wear them! I really like some of them and I think you can make some really cute outfits with the right hat/clothes combo. I like the hats more than I like the furniture so I always get happy when I get one~
I like to collect them, but I won’t wear them because they aren’t the skull hood and I also think they’re kind of hideous so they go into my inventory to never be seen or heard from again.
I have two extra characters in my town. One of them I decorated their house to be a cafe and one I decorated theirs to be a spa. I use their storage for unorderables that I won't use. I can't imagine ever actually running out of storage. :)
i just sell them on nookazon because i dont really like any of them. i put most of both gulliver and gullivarrrs stuff up for sale as i have most of the stuff anyways. the only thing i dont rid of are the pirate boots because i love them and always wear them lol