What do you give your villagers for their birthday?


Senior Member
May 12, 2020
Star Glow Wand
Lost Star Fragment 004.MB
Yellow Crescent Moon
Galaxolotl Star Fragment
Planet Glow Wand
Andromeda Potion
Angel Wings Potion
Shadow Kitty Plush
Pink Love Potion
Eerie Star Potion
A personalized gift you picked out weeks ahead? Something random from your inventory? A wrapped piece of fruit because you don't want to mess up their houses?

I go for the latter and I feel really bad about it. /:
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If it's a villager I don't like/aka will move off my island, I'll wreck them with funny outfits or furniture. If it's someone who's permanent, then it's coconuts.
I always gift them wrapped fruit, but I might try the iron wall lamp idea!
i usually order them a piece of furniture i think would look nice in their home. sometimes i remember to wrap it, but they don't seem to mind if you forget xD
I always gift them wrapped fruit, but I might try the iron wall lamp idea!
I am not sure if they fixed this, but there was an issue with this.
They may not display them, but it still fills up their furniture inventory. If they get too many wall items, their normal items will fall out of their inventory, and their house will become empty.
As soon as the heads up for their birthday is posted I start picking out clothes to be a birthday gift, I try on a bunch of outfits at Harvey's and if I don't already own something appropriate for them then I keep a close eye on Ables to see if I can buy something for them.

If I really really can't find them anything I will just give wrapped fruits. In general I don't like to gift them furniture but I have no issues giving them clothes. I don't adopt out my villagers to others anyway so I don't mind filling up their closets with outfits.
I am not sure if they fixed this, but there was an issue with this.
They may not display them, but it still fills up their furniture inventory. If they get too many wall items, their normal items will fall out of their inventory, and their house will become empty.
Good to know, thanks! Maybe I'll just stick with fruit lol, the tried and true.
I try my best to choose something that pfits them perfectly and looks good in their home or on them.
All of the above, except the fruit. I usually pick out a gift in advance- generally clothing that fits their style, sometimes furniture that's really cute (like I gave Carrie a Rodeo ride-on for Toy Day and it looked SO CUTE in her house!).
Sometimes I forget and just grab something appropriate from my closet- like Judy got a Top Coat, but it's a good color for her, so it works. My storage is over-stuffed so I have plenty to choose from, lol.

But, overall, I like to put thought into birthday gifts and have fun with them! The last birthday I had was Bonbon's- she got a Princess Peach Crown!
i'm giving julian a corkboard that mira gave me just recently.. i already have one :3
I mostly give them wrapped fruit as it’s an easy gift to get hold off and won’t run the risk of ruining their look or house interior. Sometimes if I’ve seen a clothing item or particular piece of furniture that I think would really suit a villager or look good in their house then I’ll wrap that and give it to them as a birthday present but I only do this if I’ve spotted the item around their birthday as I don’t really plan ahead to it.
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If it's a villager I am still trying to get a photo of, I give them a wrapped stack of fruit. Otherwise, I give them a clothing they love (which I look up online to be safe).
i'm always gifting my villagers random clothing or furniture that i think would suit them (mostly clothing) 💖
the same for their birthday, i never gift my villagers fruit because i don't really understand the point if i'm honest 😅