I always start trying to find the perfect present about a week before their birthday. I always try to give them gifts that will fit them or their house well.
I always do one present in person and then send one with their birthday card so they get two. They usually consist of a clothing item and a furniture item and if I can't find any furniture that won't make their house look awful then it's usually two clothing items.
Usually I always try to find whatever I have in my storage that I don't want and or need that would suit them and or their homes. However, some of the items didn't look good as visualized in mind so instead opted for fruits if and when I can't find and or don't have what they want and or fits them and their home.
It depends on the villager! I still have some of my starter villagers who have their default homes. So for Lolly, Bam, and Phoebe I don't really feel like I'm disrupting their houses when I give them furniture that I think they might enjoy. Phoebe's starter home in a trainwreck anyways because I've bought her a few things I've seen her admiring in Nooks and well... her house is a choice, lol. I have also given Murphy a clay oven just because I thought it fit his house and in general I'm not too much of a stickler for keeping houses original because sometimes I'll forget and if a villager asks to buy something I have in my inventory I usually give it to them.
Generally though, if I can remember, I like to opt for giving them some kind of wreath for their door! I love their reactions to it and in my head I like to believe they appreciate it more than fruit, lol. Plus, at least in my experience, they've only ever put their wreaths on their door? So it doesn't mess with their interior furniture.
I have very specific furniture I want my villagers to use and display in specific areas, which I mapped out based entirely on the exact same sized furniture they already have. Buuut ... Audie completely destroyed her house instead.
So now, I am entirely clearing their houses out by giving them wall items, just any and every I have at the time, until they entirely empty their houses. Then I intend to gift them the specific items I want until they place it in the right spot, clear out any duplicates with hanging items again, then start with the next item.
Long struggle, and probably silly because you don't get to go in their houses on a whim, but it's something to do while I TT ordering items I need, lol.
I give them furniture or clothing usually. I'm one of those people that likes to see their villagers houses change, and wear different, cute outfits and stuff. That's why I always give my villagers away for free when I decide to try to find someone to adopt them. And to be honest, I prefer adopting villagers that were gifted, because it makes them more unique. I'm not interesting in adopting a villager that's done "just right" that every other person gets, and that I could pick up off of a mystery island.
I agree Jam86. I usually give clothes I think they'd look good in. Sometimes furniture. Yesterday I gave Megan a beekeeper's hive for her birthday. I like to give them something personalized that feels like a real gift.
Most of the time fruits like normal. If I have time I'll go to Harv's Island to see if I have any clothing cataloged that would suit them. Some of them are easier to dress than others.
I'm glad to see so many people willing to give their villagers clothing/furniture. I do this as well.
I've never understood the point of keeping villagers houses 'original'...and I actually think this contributes towards the 'boredom' people experience playing the game. If you log on and just look at the exact same thing every single time, but you're unwilling to change anything, that's on you, not the game. You've created that boredom prison yourself.
Changing up your villagers/houses/clothing once in a while works wonders.
I just give wrapped fruit or sometimes clothing. I had been thinking to keep their houses original so that I could trade them and people would take them but most of them are not in high demand anymore.