I have two heart-shaped ponds right behind Resident Services, leading up to a hill with two villager houses on it. The area with the ponds is a little cramped and I will probably change it up, I'm not really in love with the ponds anymore and the tulips look weird plus there is very little room to move around. I like the hill though and I don't have much room to play around with the location of that since it is the area you see during the flyover.
I hate how you can't see behind buildings, so I raised the area and built a small simple park. I may change it... maybe make a carnival area or take it down since I don't like how now I can't see behind the the cliffs of the park now. I find it hard to use spaces with little visibility. I used to have a line of trees and a river.
can't find any pictures atm and i'm about to sleep but behind my RS I have a raised cliff that comes off of the second level of my neighbourhood with a picnic area and lineup of bikes, and just to the left of that I further raised the cliff (only one block thick though) and just put a bunch of pansies on top of it. nothing too special lol, behind that cliff i have a cafe and garden centre c:
I have a cliff around the back and sides of my resident services which has a waterfall going round it, on top off the cliff directly behind the services is where I have a small flower garden which has one off every flower variant in the game, excluding the golden rose and lily of the valley as they didn't look right with them.
Mine's just fencing and hardwood trees. I had tried cliffs before but I find it hard to make them look good when you're limited for so much space, and I'd rather not change any of my rivers.
Give me a sec to post mine, but immediately behind it I just have a tree-lined path- it isn't very long/big/wide but I feel like it gives just the right amount of separation to make Resident Services feel nice and cozy but not totally isolated!
EDIT: Here's mine-
The path between the trees/plaza is nice because it ensure I don't get awkward weeds there~ And right behind this is my museum marketplace area, which is currently unfinished, but will be a little outdoor market, and behind that is a fossil display right outside the museum.
I used to have my rock garden behind it, but after I recently redid it, I have a small pathway and a river. It's nothing special, as I was running out of ideas at that point but I really like it.
The back of my resident services is really boring, honestly. I have a pathway going all the way around my resident services that's enclosed with some bushes save for one small section that branches out so you can get to a bridge. My resident services doesn't have a very big space behind it before you end up at my river! Across the river I have my Nooks Cranny. I need to adjust my Nook's Cranny though because it's not centered and that bothers me, I've just been really lazy about moving it. There are also some trees and flowers scattered around but there's not really a set theme like a playground, picnic, orchard, or anything like that!
I have a river and a bridge leading to my campsite. I had a river there from the start of the game and I never bothered to change it. Sometimes I wish I could have an incline going to a second level but I’m too lazy to change it.
I struggled with mine since my plaza is so off center. Fortunately it’s a good distance away from the airport though! I have cliffs surrounding the back of mine but they’re just small strips of land to make it look less junky. On one side I have a small concert area that is next to my marketplace. Part of Blathers’ library kind of jets into the other side. Generally this area is just randomly stuffed in since it would otherwise be wasted space. I like to hide things behind the cliffs like fossils so they don’t spawn everywhere on the island! The area behind resident services was definitely an afterthought for me!
Majority of my landscaping are on the edges of my map. My central area is practically empty. Still reserving it for potential buildings. I could probably design it like an empty lot or something.
Just a pathway, lots of trees, bushes, and Chrissy's house. Temporarily, I also have it set up for a clothing catalog...but the more that I delay it due to my weird work hours, the less that I actually want to hold one. Therefore, I might get rid of the items one of these days.
Had the river cut across behind it and several of my stores, and then a bridge just behind resident services that leads to a small cemetery and memorial service.