What do you have behind Resident Services?

I surrounded mine with cliffs and ponds and right behind the building is the Mario pipe that leads to the secret beach.
Currently I have a river that was part of the default design to the island I picked out. However it will be changing eventually and I'll most likely add cliffs and waterfalls that lead up to a second story that'll house Nooks Cranny and Able Sisters.
Like most of my island that area is definitely a wip 🙈 diagonally I have Ables which is behind Nooks. I moved Ellie so there is a blank space where she used to live and I have no idea what to put there (she was lonely so I moved her to the village with her friends 😊) I just redesigned my museum area so that is behind the resident services just now.

On the first day I unlocked terraforming, I spent literally the whole day creating a 3-story waterfall passageway behind Residence Services, since it's in the middle of my island, that leads all the way up to where I placed my house. I don't like that the house can't be centered as it's always one tile off to the side no matter where you place it with regard to the staircase, but it is what it is. I haven't changed anything from that part other than a couple of furniture items.
My river runs behind my RS. There is just enough room for me to place a line of trees (which ended up making a good spot for villagers to get "lost" while fishing), a brick path, and a row of hedge fencing.

That area of my island is the most urban, since the shops and museum are located there, so I wanted it to look like a small town Town Hall.

On the other side of the river, I placed one of my villager neighborhoods.
My river also runs behind my RS, so I made a little pathway with benches and stuff.


It could use a little bit more decoration but I quite like it!

Sorry for the crappy picture, I don't have a subscription at the moment.
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This is what I have right behind res. services. There are two hills with a little waterfall at either side. The path leads to a little body of water witht the statue of liberty and a bridge behind it.

This is the bridge behind it.
A cliff. I have resident services almost entirely enclosed by cliffs and rivers.
Spring awakening
My island is called spring and my character is called (shocker) moritz
He kills himself at the end of his story.
Here's a monologue from before he shoots himself
"So, what will I say. I'll tell them all. The angels.
I got drunk in the snowView attachment 370914
And sangView attachment 370915
And played piratesView attachment 370916

Pics are out of date, as I've made the areas look better since but you get the idea :)

This is incredibly creative, and befitting for your island story - i've never seen anyone done anything close to it
Also got myself educated on the spring awakening musical through a bit googling - have not heard of it before

edit: forgot to answer the question myself - I have a cliff behind my resident services, because I don't know what else to put it there XD
I just feel like the resident hall hides the view if I were to build something elaborate there
Skulls, and a bloody path. Basically a fresh kill. Based off my novel whicch has a cutesy outside, and a dark inside. So I have tiny hints here and there to hint at how its not what it seems.
There's a narrow river that runs directly behind mine. I made a pathway and bridge that connects to a series of garden pathways leading to other neighborhoods.

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all the images of your islands are super cute ! C: i have a small river who travel the island and behind my resident services. (and Coco's house is nearby the river and the resident services) ^^
My RS is completely surrounded by cliffs except under the town flag, which has an incline that leads to my island's town. There's also a path that goes to the rest of the island and a large lake close by.
I just have two giant waterfalls right up against it, along with the cliffs being showered with blue and orange pansies since pansies are the native flower of the island :)
My hybrid growing area, to keep it open "just in case" we get some more buildings in "a future update." o_O
I have my river running behind in the area that the building blocks, and then the land on the otherside is an island that Ken occupies.

I have a mountainous area right behind it. It kind of curves around the left side, with a little waterfall and pond coming from it (which I saw in a dream address.) Up in the mountains, I made the thinking spot from Winnie the Pooh!
I have a river running behind Resident Services. I figured either cliffs or a river would be good because I knew I wasn't likely to put anything directly behind such a big building. Across the river, I have my house and little farm area.