What Do You Look Like?

my pinky finger looks like a nugget?
hello qtqt
I am weird whoopsie

idk your hands look small yay <3
pls be smaller than mine because I swear everyone has bigger hands than me ffs

ok i will be quiet now ;~;
Oohhwowowow thank you. And my hands have to be bigger then yours! You've got lady hands
No one asked, but this is me... :p

I'm the girl; that's my uncle with me, when we celebrated his birthday in November.

I just wanted to say that it's great to see that this forum has so many confident and outgoing members; it takes courage to share photos, and you all do it in style!
You all are so cute I could just squeeze you until your heads pop off.

I'm sort of on the short side, short dyed gold-light brown hair and I'm hella cute
this is my current fb profile pic+1 of me and my bf ....... hope u like em dudes+dudettes
