I love your piercings!
Wow that beard! I could get lost in it. It brings me great jealousy, I can't grown a beard so powerful. D:
Debating whether to post a selfie or not ;D
I'm sure you look fabulous.I'm not going to, I'm too awful :O
I look nutty
I look buggy
I look dumby
I look silly
I look scraggy
I look baggy
I look badie
I look madie
I look stupidie
I look worstie
I look ugly!
"NO YOU DO NOT!" Cried granpa Joe
I had an anxious, self conscious feeling posting my photo too. There's no need though, you look happy & beautiful here! c:I'm really self conscious and I'll probably regret posting this later...
It's a pretty old picture... Was taken on my 17th birthday about a month ago. ^^'
i liek to go thru this thread and laugh
From what I've seen, you've posted at least 3 pictures, all of which are different people.