What Do You Look Like?

Hsnsn you look great with both
Gotta say that short looks best though ;,

I would love short hair like yours, but my mum said I looked like a boy (when I made it look it had been cut) LMAO
So nvm then ��

Don't worry! I've been told my clothing choices and hair make me look like a boy, which I personally don't mind, but most people tell me they love it. Don't let one person's opinion stop you if you want to do it. My dad and all my dad's friends make it known that they don't like my hair, but they can suck it! lol


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I know this is my third time to post a picture of myself here, but this is me wearing my dad's old class ring from when he graduated high school in 1984:
Photo on 4-29-17 at 6.30 PM.jpg
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Please don't abuse spoiler tags for your own amusement at the expense of others. Thanks.

Notice my Pok?mon poster in the background? You can probably only just see it lol.
Okay guys. This should really go without saying, but please don't find photos of random people by Googling or whatever means and post them here claiming it's you. This is a reminder that posting photos of anyone without their permission is not okay by any means, and anyone found to be doing this from this point forward can expect a formal warning.

Let's stick to posting only real photos from now on, as that's what the thread is for. Thanks!

that's me on the left with the purple hair lol. I look rough because this was taken at like 2 in the morning but it's still a cute pic I think
I know I just posted a week or so ago, buuut I just got my hair done and a new dress so I'm posting again. :D

If I were to explain myself to someone...I'd say I am a sad marshmallow-faced 20 year old who has a short boy-cut and doesn't care about fashion very much. Also, I always look tired/angry and I hunch over when I sit like some creepy Quasimoto-like creature.