What Do You Look Like?

Everyone's pictures here look so great that I feel a bit bad that I can't just instantly click like for everything. :eek:

(I deleted my own)
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i slept in braids to have my hair wavy

im finally gonna do a face reveal. heres me in my bf's hoodie. it looks like someone stole my lips. if anyone finds them, please return them to me. did i mention i cover my chin in 95% of my pictures because I absolutely hate it.
Actually felt alright over the past 2 days and did my makeup and stuff... trying to find myself again after being lost for a bit.
Do you like sleep deprived looking boys? Do you like messy half and half short hair? dO YOU LIKE AWFUL SNAPCHAT FILTERS? WELL BOY, DO I HAVE A DEAL FOR YOU

Do you like sleep deprived looking boys? Do you like messy half and half short hair? dO YOU LIKE AWFUL SNAPCHAT FILTERS? WELL BOY, DO I HAVE A DEAL FOR YOU


I love all those things about you because they are you!! Nice picture, aswell. c;
Do you like sleep deprived looking boys? Do you like messy half and half short hair? dO YOU LIKE AWFUL SNAPCHAT FILTERS? WELL BOY, DO I HAVE A DEAL FOR YOU


I love the colours of your hair and omg you look so good x_x

Decided to wear my Splatoon shirt. Also I'm looking sideways to hide my lazy eye. :S
Do you like sleep deprived looking boys? Do you like messy half and half short hair? dO YOU LIKE AWFUL SNAPCHAT FILTERS? WELL BOY, DO I HAVE A DEAL FOR YOU


you're so pretty and your hair looks so cool woww