What Do You Look Like?

Got a new outfit in the mail yesterday! I feel so cute and I kinda remind myself of a school-girl!

I’ve been meaning to share a photo of myself because it’s been over a year, but I haven’t had the energy to make myself look nice, so this photo of me when I had chemical burn on my cheeks will have to do. It’s also hard to find a filter that hides how tired I look, but also doesn’t make me look like a Bratz doll.
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I’ve been meaning to share a photo of myself because it’s been over a year, but I haven’t had the energy to make myself look nice, so this photo of me when I had chemical burn on my cheeks will have to do. It’s also hard to find a filter that hides how tired I look, but also doesn’t make me look like a Bratz doll.
you’re so gorgeous!
i know i just posted on the last page, but i got my hair redone and i like it lots! so, here is a picture!!:

I don't usually comment on photos but your hair is absolutely beautiful! It frames your face very well. c:
What I wore recently (yes, the jacket is actual leather).
You're really cute

Got a new outfit in the mail yesterday! I feel so cute and I kinda remind myself of a school-girl!

I love the long undershirt/short dress combo. A pair of opaque black tights would pull this look together
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