What do you spend your TBT on?


Leaving TBT for now. See you at the next AC game!
Mar 10, 2015
Ghostly Kitty Ice Cream Cone
Shadow Kitty Plush
Spring Shamrock
I have accumulated the most TBT I ever have in my life and I don't really know what to spend it on.

I plan to buy my last two dreamies (or I might just use the amiibo cards, haven't decided) and then buy hybrids and bushes for my town. That's basically it. Maybe some in game items? I don't care about collectibles. Art I do buy every now and again but it isn't a main priority of mine.

I feel weird that I have saved up all this TBT but no longer have a use for it. XP I used to need all these unorderables and collectibles but I have most of the unorderables I need and like stated above, lost interest in collectibles.

Soooo, what in the world do you spend your TBT on?
I buy collectibles mainly
I'm really not fussed with tbt much I just want a sexy lineup.
I buy collectibles mainly
I'm really not fussed with tbt much I just want a sexy lineup.

you do have a very sexy lineup ;)
i am pretty well rounded; i buy art, collectibles, and i (used to, at least) buy acnl stuff too
pretty much all collectibles ;-; other than that, currency/items for other sites.
I used to spend a lot on art and collectibles, but now I'm more interested into add-ons and giveaways.
I use mine for villagers or in game items mostly. Trying to save some up for collectables at the moment. I'll probably use more of it once the update comes out since I don't honk I'll bother with the amiibo cards. Think I've probably saved more than I'll ever be able to use unless I buy the really expensive collectables. I'm on here a lot lately while I'm off work just chatting with people so it's just building up
In-game items mostly, although once I've finished my town imma start saving up for a pretty signature~~
I only save up my TBT, the only thing I ever even used my TBT on was a user title change.
I bought some collectibles just because I thought they were cute. I'd use TBT to buy villagers I wanted, or to buy landscaping items such as bushes or hybrids. Apart from that, I have no idea what I wanna spend it on. I don't really buy art, so it's not like I have a big use for it there.