what do you think about bones and biscit?

I don’t like dog villagers much at all, really. Not even Goldie. But they are cute, minus the soul-less white eyes.
I like Biskit...he's a good doggie.He actually does have pupils but he has to be surprised for them to show up.Maybe his regular,non-surprised eyes look like they do because he has cataracts....hmmm,I like to think that he's trying to be trendy by wearing a monocle in both eyes.
I really like Biskit alot. He is one of my dreamies. I think the golish orange color, along with the teal ears look really cool. The eyes don't really bother me as I see they fit nicley with the rest of the design of him. I also really love his house. It really reflects him with his house being the cabbana set, which reflects the color of his fur. If I were you, I would go with Biskit!
I love Biskit! I can't quiet tell you why to be honest but he is such a cutie. Looks sort of patchy, like he was designed with lots of fabrics and sown together.

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Never had him in my town before mind you.
My opinions on them, they look fine.
Its like me with marcel. i thought Marcel looks creepy when he was a starter villager and i was determined to kick him out. But after some convos and stuff, I didnt really mind him that much.

Bones moved in into my wild world town on the emulated wild world town but i accidently went to my old save states meaning bones never moved in cry

Biskit looks like stitches in a way. Like BlueBearL said: "Looks sort of patchy, like he was designed with lots of fabrics and sown together." I like stitches a lot.
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They're pretty cool, but they aren't villagers on my list of "Villager I Want in My Town". I wouldn't mind them in my town but would still trade for Bob the cat in a heartbeat.
They’re ok IMO. If I could pick my villagers I don’t think it would be them.
I've never had Bones so he never stuck out to me. I have had Biskit though, and he's sooooo sweet! I never thought anything bad about his design eithwr, there are definitely worse.
I'm not a fan of biskit personally but i do like Bones. I've had him a few times but hes quite plain compared to a lot of the other lazy villagers unfortunately
Benjamin is ten times better.

Ahh benjamin is best dog u_u <3

I like both of them. Bones looks a bit more traditionally dog like and Biskit is a bit more unique. His white eyes don't bother me though. I still think he's very adorable!
Bones is okay. He's not really my thing, since he's a fairly ordinary looking dog and I tend to prefer more unique designs.

Biskit is more my speed because of his blank white eyes, but even that doesn't stack up when compared to other villager designs in the series. As such, I'm not particularly interested in having him in any of my towns when I could have other villagers instead.

I wouldn't say that I dislike either of them, but neither are all that appealing for me. Lucky, Marcel, and Shep are my favored dogs, and Butch as well to a lesser degree due to nostalgia.
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Both of them are really cool to me. Though I think I like Bones a little more than Biskit, but Biskit is really unique looking. I think I have had them both in a couple of my old towns and they both were pretty nice. I personally like both unique villagers and even the plain looking ones. If one of them ends up in my new town for New Horizons, I would really like that. :)
I've never had Biskit in a town, but he looks cute.

I currently have Bones in my town of Nocturne and I'm liking him more than I thought I would. I didn't think I wouldn't like him, but I thought he was just average. However, after interacting with him, I have to say he's really grown on me. Unfortunately, he's got to be moved out because Nocturne is themed. But if I have a space open in Sakura whenever he decides to leave, I wouldn't mind moving him over to my main town.
Biskit is in my town, and he's a super nice villager! I think the white eyes are unique and cool looking, they really make him stand out. :)
Biscuit, I think, is the cuter one, if I had to pick one. Bones just isn't for me. :( Maybe it's the eyes or the coloring.
I love Bones, he was one of my starting villagers when I first got ACNL.
Biskit's eyes are empty but
My heart is emptier without him. I find something about him so darn cute and cartoonish (even though all villagers kinda are?)
But he still is adorable in his own way and I still regret not having let him move him into my town because everyone else feels the same about his eyes lol.
Bones is the best pup and the fact that he's named Bones is even better.
Love them both!
Considering they're the same model and personality, I can only really go by design/color.... I like Biskit more. I like his soulless eyes and his more bizarre coloring, Bones looks more like an actual dog, but I'm not a dog person. Maybe that's it.

They're both named after dog treats, but Biskit is the cooler name. "Dawg" is also a cooler catchphrase than "yip yip".
And Biskit's "Let sleeping dogs lie." beats out Bone's "A snack a day keeps the vacuum away."

Even on houses, it's Biskit's cabana series versus Bone's kiddie series. Clear winner.