Pokémon What do you think is the worst way to evolve Pokémon?


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Sep 9, 2014
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Back in the first generation, the only ways to evolve Pok?mon are by leveling up, giving evolutionary stones, and trading them (Gengar, Golem, Machamp, Alakazam). But as time went by, evolution requirements began to get weirder. I think that Pok?mon Sword and Shield is the biggest offender in this aspect. The question is the topic title.

In my opinion, I think Farfetch?d to Sirfetch?d has the worst evolution mechanic. I can?t do three critical hits in one battle.
Farfetch'd to Sirfetch'd was a pain in the butt, but 3 critical hits is manageable enough for me.

Galarian Yamask, in my opinion, is worse. Take 49+ damage and then walk through a place in Dusty Bowl doesn't sound too hard, but how in the world are you supposed to figure that out on your own? You can at least give your Farfetch'd a lens and focus energy to top off your critical hit ratio, and maybe fight a few strong Pokemon like I did.

The funny thing is, I don't really mind the weird evolution ways, I just wish they were made more obvious. I mean in real life animals have evolved through the wackiest ways so I get it.
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I dislike trade evolutions (especially the ones that need a held item, although they have gotten easier to get in recent games) and I hate when Pok?mon have some random azz evolution method that you could never figure out without googling it. Like Galarian Yamask?? Wth was that.

I didn't know Sirfetch'd evolved like that either, that sounds annoying. :/
Landing 3 critical hits with Farfetch'd is very easy to do if he is holding a leek. But yes, still annoying, and I had to look it up after grinding with him for a while hoping he evolved at a normal level. I ended up catching several Farfetch'd for friends that bought Shield, but if they weren't holding a leek I surprise traded them away because I can't envision evolving one that isn't holding a leek.

To actually contribute to the thread, I've never minded trade evolutions that much, but I find time-dependent + friendship evolutions very annoying.
At first I thought that the whole thing of how to evolve Galarian Yamask is just a joke someone made up until I found out that this is in fact the legit way of how to do it. I really ask myself how Game Freak came up with such a dumb way to evolve this Pokemon, not to mention of how you suppose to find it out on your own. Can't imagine the amount of people who wasted hours over hours just to get the evolution done. Definitely not my favorite method and I really hope Game Freak will not coming up again with this.

I was also never a fan of the whole 'Trade your Pokemon while it holds some certain item'-method. If you don't have someone around you who can help you out to trade said Pokemon to get it evolved then you're pretty much lost, and this was very often the case for me back then.
I hate trade-based evolutions, it pisses me off because I have no friends to trade pok?mon, at least I used to not have any.
Seconding what most people here have said, Galarian Yasmask's evolutionary conditions are pretty ridiculous. Trade based evolutions are a pain too, especially since you have to pay for online play now.
3 critical hits seems like a big pain at first but as long as you catch a Farfetch'd with the Leek held item (I think it's a 50% chance they are holding one in the wild) it's not too bad. As the leek increases the critical hit chance. It took me only about three battles to evolve one into Sirfetch'd. Not the greatest evolution method but it's not as bad as it sounds at least. You could also use the Dire Hit item while in battle to further help the crit chance.
Landing 3 critical hits with Farfetch'd is very easy to do if he is holding a leek. But yes, still annoying, and I had to look it up after grinding with him for a while hoping he evolved at a normal level. I ended up catching several Farfetch'd for friends that bought Shield, but if they weren't holding a leek I surprise traded them away because I can't envision evolving one that isn't holding a leek.

To actually contribute to the thread, I've never minded trade evolutions that much, but I find time-dependent + friendship evolutions very annoying.

Yeah, I actually evolved my Farfetch’d into Sirfetch’d in the second or third battle I did. It was pretty easy. But I agree that time-dependent and friendship evolutions are the worst. There’s just no way to gauge how long it’s going to take, and I really don’t like waiting in that fashion. If the Pokemon evolves at a certain level or with an item traded that’s fine to me, because at least I know when they will evolve. But with time dependent + friendship methods there’s literally no way to tell when it will happen.
Yeah, I actually evolved my Farfetch’d into Sirfetch’d in the second or third battle I did. It was pretty easy. But I agree that time-dependent and friendship evolutions are the worst. There’s just no way to gauge how long it’s going to take, and I really don’t like waiting in that fashion. If the Pokemon evolves at a certain level or with an item traded that’s fine to me, because at least I know when they will evolve. But with time dependent + friendship methods there’s literally no way to tell when it will happen.

I definitely agree. This is especially bad with Eevee as it has both a day and a night friendship evolution. It's tricky to know exactly when the game considers it day or night, and raising level + friendship at the wrong time will give you the wrong evolution.
Trade evolutions, Inkay, and evolutions that are determined by your relationship with your Pokemon. Such as friendship vs love.
Sirfetch'd sounds like a pain in the butt to get!
Trade with item attached-evolution. Some items were really hard to get in certain games and generations and you had to try and get lucky on GTS/WT to get certain stuff :/
Farfetch'd isn't too hard if you equip razor claw and spam slash/leaf blade on a metapod. This is probability we are talking about here so imagine you never land a crit once. Forever a Farfetch'd... XD

Having to get an item exclusive to the version you don't have is a pain. High level friendships are also a pain but luckily I was able to stack up on the EV reducing berries from max raids. Inkay's was just obnoxious. I had my switch upside down but took me like four tries for some reason. Might have been my pro controller messing it up
I generally hate evolutions that take way too much time, which is why I don't like friendship-related evolutions AT ALL: they're fine if it's a Pok?mon I want to use on my team and I actually like, but if it's just to complete my Pok?dex then they're a huge pain in the arse. Not a fan of the new weird dynamics either (haven't tried to evolve a Farfetch'd yet but I'm definitely not looking forward to it). Trade evolutions are okay if you've got someone you can trust that you can trade Pok?mon with. Level and evolutionary stone-related evos remain the best.
for me inkay was definitely a very weird one to do, cos not only did it have time requirements form memory, but you also had to be holding your ds upside down. It did make me laugh my bum off when i did it for the first time tho, which was fun.
As other people say, any way in which you'd have to search the internet is a no go for me - takes away the fun of natural exploration by forcing you to research into it.

also i didnt know you evolved yamask that way, what the ****
I haven't played Gen 7 or Gen 8, so Idk what evos are weird on there besides Farfetch'd and Yamask. From those I would say that Yamask is the most ridiculous.

From my perspective, I would say the worst are Inkay and Leafeon/Glaceon. Inkay is kinda clever but unless you looked up a guide (or maybe it tell you how to do it in XY, idk) how would you be expected to know that you have to turn the 3ds upside down as Inkay is leveling up in order to evolve it. I hate evolving Leafeon and Glaceon because you have to go to a specific spot in the region to level it up. At least with the other eevees you can be wherever. Plus, sometimes the rocks they need to evolve can be hard to get to (Glaceon's rock is in a deep part of Shoal Cave in ORAS, which I believe is only accessible during low tide).
I haven't played Gen 7 or Gen 8, so Idk what evos are weird on there besides Farfetch'd and Yamask. From those I would say that Yamask is the most ridiculous.

From my perspective, I would say the worst are Inkay and Leafeon/Glaceon. Inkay is kinda clever but unless you looked up a guide (or maybe it tell you how to do it in XY, idk) how would you be expected to know that you have to turn the 3ds upside down as Inkay is leveling up in order to evolve it. I hate evolving Leafeon and Glaceon because you have to go to a specific spot in the region to level it up. At least with the other eevees you can be wherever. Plus, sometimes the rocks they need to evolve can be hard to get to (Glaceon's rock is in a deep part of Shoal Cave in ORAS, which I believe is only accessible during low tide).

Oh yeah Leafeon and Glaceon ughh. I mean I love Glaceon but heck all the caves that rock is in over the games is kinda annoying.. and iirc as well that rock is there in ORAS yes.

Inkay was kinda fun so it just made me laugh but yeah trading of any kind when people don't attach items or they attach an everstone nope.

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I haven't played Gen 7 or Gen 8, so Idk what evos are weird on there besides Farfetch'd and Yamask. From those I would say that Yamask is the most ridiculous.

From my perspective, I would say the worst are Inkay and Leafeon/Glaceon. Inkay is kinda clever but unless you looked up a guide (or maybe it tell you how to do it in XY, idk) how would you be expected to know that you have to turn the 3ds upside down as Inkay is leveling up in order to evolve it. I hate evolving Leafeon and Glaceon because you have to go to a specific spot in the region to level it up. At least with the other eevees you can be wherever. Plus, sometimes the rocks they need to evolve can be hard to get to (Glaceon's rock is in a deep part of Shoal Cave in ORAS, which I believe is only accessible during low tide).

Oh yeah Leafeon and Glaceon ughh. I mean I love Glaceon but heck all the caves that rock is in over the games is kinda annoying.. and iirc as well that rock is there in ORAS yes.

Inkay was kinda fun so it just made me laugh but yeah trading of any kind when people don't attach items or they attach an everstone nope.