edit: also on the topic of christianity... considering catholicism/christianity is the "default" religion in the west and 1. hasn't faced any sort of widespread discrimination and 2. was also forced upon so many eastern cultures, indigenous communities, and other marginalized groups by europeans (and still is actually) i don't really think it's an good comparison to use, granted it may get the point across.
I never considered christianity the default religion, I mentioned it as an example because
1. Another user stated she was Christian
2. I am Catholic, so it's a personal example
In fact, Christian people were and are still prosecuted and discriminated against all over the world. Early Christians were prosecuted in the Roman Empire (and later on in the Byzantine Empire), they were even blamed for burning a city! When the Ottoman Empire invaded Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, many Christians were enslaved and sold throughout the Empire. The most notable case of this is the Arab invasion of the Iberian peninsula, after which many Christians were prosecuted and enslaved. There are many other examples of this:
Many Catholic people were forced into Protestantism in England after the Protestant Reformation, and many were killed or prosecuted. During the French Revolution, Catholics were killed in large quantities or deported somewhere else. Around the same time, Japan, China and India adopted strict anti-christian politics. Japan completely banned Christianity and deported all priests. Indian Kingdoms killed many Christians, and many were forcefully converted to Islam/Hinduism. China tortured, jailed and killed thousands of Christians.
In the US, Catholics were prosecuted numerous times. For example, the KKK was against the Catholic Religion and many priests were murdered during that time.
The Armenian, Greek and Assyrian Genocides that took place in the Ottoman Empire were commanded to eliminate Orthodox Christians from that area.
Around 2 million people were murdered in these three events.
Starting from the 19th century, Mexican president Benito Juárez pushed a violent anti-catholic agenda in Mexico, burning multiple churches and taking properties away from the Church, like lands, furniture and money. After the Mexican Revolution, religious freedom was severely damaged, as priests were no longer allowed to wear their clerical clothes and in some cases, they weren't allowed to vote. Mexican president Plutarco Elías Calles limited the practice of Catholicism nationwide, and later on on Christmas Day, the Mexican president in charge implemented the worship of the aztec god Quetzalcoatl instead of Santa Claus/Jesus. Now THAT'S cultural appropriation. During the Cristero War in Mexico, 4000 priests were either murdered or deported. The Cristero rebels which fought for freedom of practice of their religion were hanged by the government as a sign of threat. With the support of the KKK, the government killed 5000 Cristero rebels.
During the Russian Revolution around 500,000 Orthodox Christians were murdered in order to remove the power of the church to establish the USSR. Many other were forcefully converted into atheism, and churches and other religious establishments were destroyed or vandalized by the Communist Party. Under the rule of the soviets, Poland, a primarily Catholic country, suffered from oppression. Many churches were closed and the Polish had to practice Catholicism secretly.
Under the rule of Nazi Germany, anti-catholic doctrines were promoted and many Catholics were victims of the Holocaust, which is almost never talked about. Under fascist Spain, churches and cathedrals were burned and around 7000 priests and other members of the clergy were killed.
Jehova's Witnesses were prosecuted in the US, Canada, Singapore and Cuba. The Mormons were opressed by the US, so they had to flee to Utah.
In Madagascar in the 19th century, 100k Christians were killed after the Queen of Madagascar prohibited Christianity.
Even nowadays, Christians face persecution or discrimination. In many countries around the world, Christians are murdered, jailed and tortured and many churches are burned or vandalized. Some examples of these countries are Sudan, Cuba, Bolivia, Zanzibar and Chile.
The situation for Christians is even worse in East Asia or the Middle East. In China, 20 million Christians face persecution. In India, many churches are vandalized or burned, and many members of the clergy are tortured. This country, has actually recently been one of the main countries accused of Christian Prosecution. In Indonesia, many Christians are victims or riots and bombings. In fact, three Christian girls were beheaded in Indonesia. North Korea, Sri Lanka and Pakistan are not too far behind as well.
In the Middle East the situation is even worse. 200k Christians were exiled from Egypt. 35 Christians were imprisoned in Saudi Arabia. In other countries like Iraq, Syria and Israel, there are strong anti-christian movements, for instance Al Qaeda, which is known for bombing several churches. Many others face violence and jail.
In Sweden, Finland and Russia, a few cases of vandalization and burning of churches have taken place.
I could keep talking on and on about this for many more hours, but I'll stop here because It think it's enough. It's estimated that nowadays
100 million Christians worldwide face violence or discrimination.
So in conclusion, yes,
Christians have suffered widespread discrimination. Just because it happened before/doesn't happen were you live doesn't mean it never happened.