What do you think of Cultural Appropriation?

Also People need to stop blaming individuals and start blaming the companies selling disrespectful products to begin with.

Buy a dreamcatcher from an Indigenous person is totally okay. You're helping them make a living. Buying one from Target makes you look tacky and dumb though.

Companies exploit cultures and make it a product for customers to readily consume without thought to respect or perhaps giving a cut of the shares to the original people.
As others have said, there is a fine line between cultural appropiation and appreciation and I don't claim to know exactly where that line is. I generally look to the culture itself to define what is acceptable and what isn't.

For example, when I was on my honeymoon in the Caribbean there were lots of local stands selling local clothing, jewelry, braiding hair, etc. All of these were being actively marketed to tourists. Therefore, my take on that is if the people of that culture are selling the items or services to people outside of the culture, it is not cultural appropiation to purchase, wear or use those things. They wouldn't go out of their way to sell you something if it was offensive to them for you to wear it.

Likewise, I went through a phase as a teenager where I loved wearing Native American jewelry. Everything I wore was purchased from Native Americans who went to local fairs and flea markets to sell these items. They wanted my business. I also bought a dreamcatcher and beaded keychains from them. Again, since the people of that culture were selling these things to people outside the culture, I don't see that as cultural appropriation.

What is definitely wrong is wearing anything that has significant meaning to the culture that the people of that culture would not willingly sell to you themselves. So again, I just take my cues from the people who would be most impacted. If they are offended, I certainly don't need to wear whatever they find offensive.
Should add to my post, yes I don't mean normalization as in doing it in a capitalist/colonizing way, but people need to stop thinking just because someone have a dream catcher on their wall they're doing degenerating stuff. If they like and have it up in a respectful way and don't mock it I don't see the wrong.

Also since my wardrobe is kinda hippie/multicultural I have stuff from and inspired by around the world because I like to read about and are interested in culture, and that(hippies) has since long drawn inspo from and incorporated some kind of world/ethnic (life)style. But then we have those social media eggs who think it's cool going to Dubai and showing off some dancing dress because they get paid and that I do not encourage that.

And yeah the ethnic/cultural fashion things I have is bought second hand, world gifts or from small companies that doesn't capitalize from it... I'd never go to some cheap store and buy like a native print thing just cause "cool"
Well, as long as it's not rudely racist, I don't see a problem. Also, a person born in Australia but parents are from Asia, they're still Australian, but also Asian. But a lot of people just disregard they were born in Australia in the first place and that pisses me off.

Also, I like how the actor who played Grover in Percy Jackson was black. Even though Grover was white in the books, doesn't mean the actor has to be white. I love the fact his role was taken via talent, rather than the "ideal look".

Now, if I read a book (I shall not name it) where there is a white girl, and then in the movie she's black, and the only reason why she was casted was because they wanted diversity, and not her talenting skills, that's not appropriate at all. This is the same for any other race.

A lot of people are arguing over the fact a black girl is playing Hermione in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. I think it would be racist saying Hermione can't have a black actress.

In any of the seven books, Hermione's race was never determined, mentioned or described. This means she could be absolutely any race they wanted, but Emma Watson won the role cause she fits the book perfectly with the talent. So is the black actress that replaced her.

In fact, I wasn't even assuming her race at all, I was open to any race and it wasn't until i watched the film that i saw the description of the race, but also thinking that shouldn't change my views of the race J.K. Rowling put in place. I guess she was trying to include diversity in a subtle way.

i'm british, but now in australia. i wouldn't get offended if a non-Pom decided to wear a kilt and sing Hallelujah on Guy Fawkes Night. Now, I'm not saying that if someone wore a kimono in japan should be ashamed, but just beware that a lot of people are sensitive to their culture. There is no wrong in this, as they wore it not intentionally hurting anyone.

there is a difference between intentional and accidental racism/cultural inappropriateness.
So, it’s not ok for me to wear a scarf on my head for fashion reasons(even though it has been worn by several different cultures for several reasons, including fashion reasons) because Muslim girls wear for religious reasons?! WHAT??? Cultural appropriation is going a step further and diluting that cultural “thing” for trivial reasons, like wearing a chief headpiece for fashion reasons, whilst not understanding where it came from and what it means. There are very specific things that can be culturally appropriated, a scarf on your head or a braid on your head does not qualify as these things have been shared amongst different cultures and have been used for different reasons. Some of you are missing the point while pointing the finger at others for missing the point. Point here is that all cultures will blend at some point as will races and none of it will matter; people get way too sensitive about issues because they want to belong to something, a cause, and it’s usually the young that do this, as they usually have way too much time on their hands and nothing to fight for...so they look for something, anything to fight for.
So, it’s not ok for me to wear a scarf on my head for fashion reasons(even though it has been worn by several different cultures for several reasons, including fashion reasons) because Muslim girls wear for religious reasons?! WHAT???

i wrote a post about this in this thread, it is ok to wear a scarf bc muslims did not invent veiling instead societies built this stereotype that scarf on head = muslim
When an entire culture says something is OK, then it's OK. If you're not from that culture, then don't put words in their mouth that they never said.

In reference to what the OP mentioned, in Japan, they really enjoy when non-Japanese people wear a kimono, so long as it's worn respectfully, obviously (source). Yet, you will still have people who are NOT Japanese throw around the word "racist" so casually when someone wears a kimono in a completely respectful sense...

So conclusively, the people getting offended aren't even from the culture and, at the same time, are disrespecting Japan's wishes of wanting foreigners to embrace their culture.
It's only a problem when the person (or group, or company, etc) is claiming to have invented it, when they didn't. Edit: also a problem if they are using it to make fun of that culture, which is not okay

Other than that.. hoo boy this topic makes my blood boil. I love learning about and exploring other cultures. I think it's absurd that you have to be of a certain race, or of a certain culture, to enjoy the things in that culture. Where does it end, honestly?

Cultures should be shared, and through time, they have been. A lot of times if you go to a foreign country, or even a foreign household, they are happy to share their food, their music, their language, etc. with you. Maybe even expect you to take part in their culture. To not do so would be rude to them. It's contradictory to the people who tend to say, "Cultural Appropriation!" People who tend say this term are speaking on behalf of thousands, if not millions of other people. They might not even belong to the culture that they think they're defending.

I really could go on and on about this topic but I won't. Cultures are a beautiful thing, they should be shared - and respected, of course
You can't do it unless you're invited?
Cool. So all I need to do.. is get one person from each race who isn't crazy (which, don't be fooled by the whining online, most people don't scream and stomp about CuLtUrAl ApPrOpRiAtIoN) and get them to make a video saying they invite absolutely everyone henceforth to participate in everything associated with their culture.
Give me.. four months. There are a LOT of different cultures, so I'm going to have to go with the more major ones.

I'll start;
I invite everyone to use the internet.
Wait.. you already are..
Well.. hmmm. I forgive you.
I’m mixed, and if I see someone wearing a certain dress from one of my cultures, I wouldn’t care. In fact, I would feel kind of honored since no one I know would usually wear that and I think that that is a beautiful dress often looked over by the West. Since a lot of people say negative about that country, I think it would be refreshing that someone else would be honoring my culture instead of bashing it.
im mexican, and indian. i didnt grow up with the latters culture at all and would not feel comfortable wearing a sari or other garments of that style. since i grew up speaking spanish mostly at home and facing the struggles of a mexican american, i feel that is my cultural identity and i can dress in traditional mexican clothes. i do think wearing sombreros and the pancho villa mustache for costume parties just feels wrong and somewhat offensive? not sure what it is about it- making fun of the mexican revolution maybe.
I feel that people should be allowed to appreciate cultures different from their own, but if they're dressing up to make fun of said culture, it's not okay, ever.

I agree here. Honestly, I think the term was thrown just to infringe on others’ rights and take control of their lives, even though it’s morally wrong to force people to live your way or to live what you want them to live by. But, if you’re going to dress up like another culture and be stupid about it (especially when invoking racial stereotypes), that’s not even cultural appropriation. That’s mocking on others’ cultures, which by all means is evil. And when I suggest not dressing up like other cultures and being stupid about it, this also applies to dressing up like other famous people or historical figures and being stupid about it.

I used to be completely against the whole “cultural appropriation” thing, but after reading some of you guys’ arguments, it starts to make sense. Usually, people would imitate other cultures or use iconography from other cultures without understanding what these items and activities mean. I was against this argument for Halloween costumes since enforcing it would defy the purpose of Halloween. I was against this argument for foods since enforcing it would inhibit innovation. But using exotic icons without embracing the purpose of it (like if a non-Christian uses a cross as a room decoration for secular reasons), I can see why. I’m typically in support for more freedom as long as we don’t do anything harmful, but misuse of objects defy the purpose of them, not embrace them, and I can understand why doing that may offend others. And (in the case of religious iconography), most religions do not allow being part of more than one religion, so doing things that are not part of your religion may be in violation of it.
Honestly.. I don't believe in it. I guess let's just say this: I would be happy if other cultures would also be excited and love my culture's clothing, food, etc. Feel free to add to it and make it your own, wear it however you like, change the recipes, I don't mind. Yeah, I've experienced racism and prejudice because of my ethnicity but most people who admire other culture's clothes aren't racist. They just find it beautiful. What is so wrong with that? Anyway, I'm speaking on my behalf because I do not mind people "appropriating" my Asian culture. It is a beautiful thing to share cultures between each other, as long as it isn't being disrespected.