when I eat McDonald's I feel both gratified and horrified at the same time (Taco Bell is the same way for me, ayy). it's a guilty pleasure to be sure.
their best sandwich imo is the double quarter-pounder with cheese. it's the most like a homestyle burger, and the primary flavor is beef and black pepper, instead of sugary bread and "cheese-product."
instead of a Big Mac, if i want the taste of one, i'll order a regular hamburger and have them add Mac sauce.
lately i just get something from the 2-for$3 menu, i think double cheeseburgers...
their fries are some of the best, imo. they double fry them.
somehow mcdonald's coke is sweeter than regular coke, its like they double concentrate the syrup for it in their soda fountain or something; that can be good or bad, depending on your palate.
I try not to eat the chicken nuggets, they just don't taste like real chicken to me...
in the Spring i hit McDonald's as much as i can for their Shamrock shakes...