Crusin' like NEMO
All I want for Christmas is YOOUUUUUUUUUUUU
All I want for Christmas is YOOUUUUUUUUUUUU
For Christmas I'd like dresses or one of those new in fashion kimono wrap style jackets with the long medieval sleeves but I know no one's gonna get me that. Besides that I want some particular video games, the Harry Potter book series, black vans and the Australis Mixologist palette which I really don't need because I have so many lip colour things already. Mostly just want to spend time with friends and maybe get nice cards/letters but no one does that anymore x'D.
I would love to get cards and or letters, too! I'd love it even more if they had some kind of handwritten note in them.
I want to send a card to someone, but I really don't know who I'd send it to.