As has been said before on this thread, more furniture in different styles. We have loads of pastel items, loads of modern-day items, loads of kids items, etc. but we really lack alternative aesthetics like gothic items. Where's my medieval gargoyle or standing knight? Weird potion bottles? Broken down crates? 'Dead' trees? Gimme those.
QoL updates to the terraforming would be so appreciated as well. Stop tearing down cliffs and just place new ones in a row!
More villager interactions would be great. Let me fetch Cherry some apples, let Hamlet chill out at my pad. Let me occasionally buy up the ugly furniture in my villager homes without adding more rubbish to them.
Also, larger rooms in our homes. The small ones are so tiny that I struggle with them...
I agree with others about the game needing a sense of progression past the K.K. stuff at the beginning. It was nice for what it was, but even people who aren't veterans of the series managed to get through the intro sequence in a week or so. At which point, the game just sort of stagnates at the 3-star mark. "You can get 5 stars... I mean, but only if you want ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ It doesn't change anything one way or the other, besides two new flowers." More shop upgrades (and potentially unlocking the ability to have Label, Kicks, Leif, etc... take up permanent residence either in their own shops or in expanded versions of the existing shops) and new furniture sets to go along with those upgrades could symbolize your island going from a random flyover speck in the ocean to a legit happening place to be.
In addition to that, I agree that more things to do with the villagers could be nice. Right now, you're sort of at their mercy for tasks. Other than the daily gift you can give them, they decide which item from your inventory they want, the game randomly generates lost items, etc... There's no way for you to initiate anything interesting with them, but there should be.
Keep pumping out more furniture items. We are still missing a ton of the furniture series from new leaf, I’d like NH to get to the new leaf baseline first and then anything on top that they give us in these seasonal updates would be icing on the top. Honestly they made NH basically a decoration/landscaping focused game so since we are already going this direction we need more items that fits more aesthetics for the wide range of players.
Also, more and more dialogue varieties for the villagers please. I think I heard some have said that in the recent updates there has been improvement to the villager dialogues so I think this is good, but more would be welcomed. Because as much as I love my cute normal villagers, talking to them has really been boring and it really discouraged me from forming a more meaningful friendship with them.
Last but least, I would like to see more farming options. The pumpkins were a really good start, and I’d like to see Nintendo follow up on that with more plants(and perhaps vegetables) as alternative options, as pumpkins only look good during fall season.
I always thought it'd be cool if they made some spooky villagers. Like a skeleton mouse (or any species) and their little jingle would have a distinct rattle to it. Bat villagers would be awesome and go so well with spooky/haunted themes.
It is easy for me to not base things on what previous games had, because I have not played any other games but pocket camp (and did not start that until after I started acnh)
what I think would be fun to have added would be:
more potted plants plants of different sizes and shapes.
more villager interactions/ ‘friendship’ rewards - like being able to hug your villagers. I don’t know what other interactions I would want, the villagers are just my favorite part of the game.
being able to put flowers in a pot or planter box
being able to ‘paint’ your fences (maybe even the hedge ala Alice in wonderland?)
more villager spots! - I know I know it is super unlikely, but I can never stop mentioning it because I love having villagers and island hopping and getting to ‘know’ new villagers, so this is what I want most!
and in talking with a friend and reading the response here, I do think furniture and clothes with some alternate styles would be great to have, and though I like the way my island is styled now, and don’t feel like I would want to change it, maybe it would really spark my imagination in new ways.
nooooooo, if they add a bunch more cute villagers I’m gonna need tom nook to build me a high rise condo complex on my island, cause I will need to have 50-100 villagers in residence.
Overall even though I like ACNH a lot, I've run out of things to do and have no inspiration or motivation to finish my island (I have a large undeveloped area). Also with AC in general being such a huge success, I think this game has some wasted potential, and here are a few ideas that could make it better:
More furniture variety- I need more furniture in this game most of all since I personally take inspiration from items to design spaces on my island. I also would want new furniture and furniture series (nothing from NL).
Visible friendship levels- something similar to how you can see how many hearts and the level you have per villager in Pocket Camp, My Time at Portia, or even in Pokemon Amie.
Farming- not only do I think more crops would be awesome for the game, but they would have give us something to do with them besides just selling. For example they could add cooking or a "perfect crop" system where you would try to breed a certain size or color of produce that you could sell for more money, give to your villagers for bonus friendship levels, or enter in contests.
More quests from villagers- I don't mind the occasional "can you find my lost journal for me" but I feel like thats the only task I ever get. Maybe villagers can ask us to gather ingredients to craft something or to buy them an outfit with a certain theme. Don't have to be too complicated, I just want some variety.
More dialogue and unlockable dialogue/backstory for villagers- I think ACNH and ACNL have the same problem with repetitive dialogue, and it would be really cool if they made the dialogue more complex and gave villagers backstories you could only unlock if you became "best friends."
@WaileaNoRei This feels like Deja-vu, I could had sworn I read a topic like this about the villager interactions being added on to more with what you mentioned. Because I remember reading something like that and thinking being able to high-five your villagers would be a cool gimmick. Like I can totally see that being a jock thing.
@sleepydreepy I agree with the farming. At first I was kind of iffy on the idea, but now that pumpkins are a thing, it feels like such a shame and missed opportunity if they just leave it at pumpkins only.
I remember in NewLeaf that you could call out your villagers with the megaphone and they would either act like they have no idea where the voice is coming from (low friendship) or see you and wave in glee (high friendship) I thought that was super cute. In the same way that if you sit with them on a bench (or whatever) they would be all happy and have huge grin on their face (again really cute) and it just doesn't feel the same way in NH that they just don't acknowledge you at all.
It's the little simple things like that that really add an extra charm to it. And they're not super hard things to implement or huge demands. I know you said not to talk about the other games. But some of the older games had the simple things in life that just made it feel wholesome to me.
I'm really jealous that the villagers can carry food & drinks around
more interaction with items furniture in general would be great
for example, why can't we just get a soda from the vending machine and have it as a drink? T_T
I agree with you! I would like some mini games! Like fun ones that you could play with friends! For now the only games we could do are just made up games like the net tag and musical chairs. I hope in the future they put official games cause right now the online feature is very lackluster when it could be so much better, like there's no point in the online feature than personal town tours (which could be done thru dream addresses now), trading, if npcs are visting, villagers crafting diys, if there are good turnip prices, picking up a villager in boxes, or if you just genuinely wanna talk and hangout with your friends (most people are already in the "end game" and doesn't need to trade or visit other islands for the diys and such as much as before tho so the online is slowly dying, even the airport forum which is very active before slowed down). Animal crossing is literally perfect for a lot of mini games, and I feel like that would make people actually have fun with the online feature.
In all seriousness though, it doesn't need to bring what NL had. It just needs to bring back the missing staples of the series. It needs something that will make it a lot more engaging, and to utilize the multiplayer aspect a lot more.
i think the feeling of progression really drops off after unlocking terraforming, and even moreso when you hit 5 stars. you really do get a sense of "i really built this from nothing" in terms of upgrading building and unlocking shops and stuff for the first little bit, but because there's so little to unlock at the moment i feel like the island gets very stagnant very quickly if you're not one of those people who go insane with island customization. even then it's not really like your island is getting better; it's purely aesthetic at that point.
it would be cool if you go even further into developing the island. not really to the extent of like a sim city game, but more buildings to unlock would be really good, and more infrastructure type things. i remember back before the game was released i was a little confused as to how all the shops and stuff would fit on one island and thought maybe new horizon's version of acnl's main street would be a separate island you could travel to that was more "city like". it would be cool to incorporate something like that in. like maybe nook advises you there's an island nearby that is uninhabited and you can save up money to construct a bridge to it and then use that to expand and further develop into a proper city/nation instead of just a basic island settlement.
it is a bit lofty compared to the other suggestions, but mostly i really just miss the sense of effort it took to make things better in acnl. it's nice to be able to freely place things outside for decoration, but adding buildings and pwps made progression feel more tangible because everything took more time and consideration. i really love new horizons but if there's one thing it's missing it's just that feeling.
Just give me more furniture. That's all I want. I love being creative and decorating my island and house, but it's quite limiting when the catalog seems to be so small. I really just would like more variety.
Mini games would be amazing as well. Something cute and fun we could do when we invite friends over.
All I can say is that Nintendo went for a fresh perspective of the game rather than rehashing something that already worked for them. With that being said, here are my new ideas to contribute into that perspective:
Mystery Island Tour Revamp - Nintendo missed an opportunity to make this more appealing. Instead of using this feature to meet random villagers, they can make it more fun by adding random mini games and other activities. They can come up with a reward system such as furnitures unique to that island. They can use island designs from real world as framework.
Campsite Revamp - This is also another missed opportunity for Nintendo. Why don't we introduce a system of where we tour the villager instead of playing a mini game? (You accumulate interest points based on how you designed or decorated the island.) It's a believable way to coax them into moving.
Nintendo Online Flea Market - Sometimes you only wanted to trade an item or two. Rather than visiting someone's island to make the transaction, can't we just have an online flea market of where we can put our wares on it?