What does the game need?

I think that adding more optional buildings would be a great way to do this too, you could have really developed city-like islands and very simple rural ones, it would add more variety and I'd love to see how people would arrange them, stuff like that.

Yoooo, I never thought of having OPTIONAL buildings like that. I literally got excited just thinking of the possibilities for people's islands and my own. AHHH NOW I WANT ALL OF IT.
Yoooo, I never thought of having OPTIONAL buildings like that. I literally got excited just thinking of the possibilities for people's islands and my own. AHHH NOW I WANT ALL OF IT.

I thought for sure we would have something like that last year, since there's such a focus on building your island now

I'm trying not to keep my expectations high about it though :')
A cafe, a bakery, a restaurant, a McDonald’s, a Pizza Hut, a KFC, a Greggs, a subway and a Primark 🙂
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More opportunities for interaction with villagers. Even without reference to previous games, it's definitely lacking.

If I knew nothing about AC whilst playing NH then I'd definitely be disappointed with how sparse the dialogue with my neighbours is. I'd be expecting something more: Maybe opportunities to invite villagers over to my house, or to go to the beach. Just more than the same lines I hear from them all the time. I spend so much time surrounded by these guys, and yet I feel less and less inclined to make any effort to talk to them.

Also maybe just more single player gaming mechanics to keep things fun when playing on your own. Atm the choices are:
  • Talk to villagers - which isn't fleshed out enough to fill much time, even if I do stop to talk to everyone
  • Shop - Fun enough at first, but gets old when you realise you have a lot of the things you really want. Also on the flip side, infuriating when your rng keeps spitting out the same furniture/clothes you already own.
  • Museum stuff - definitely fun, but given the finite nature of the creatures/paintings/fossils it inevitably comes to an end eventually (not counting Redd and the mad rng involved in that because making something simply difficult to obtain due to bad luck doesn't equate to good fun and fleshed out gameplay)
  • House upgrades - again, once it's done it's done
  • Decorating/re-decorating island and house - some people can get endless fun from this, some people get bored of it or are just happy keeping things decorated as they are for long periods of time.
When I talk about these things I'm speaking from a purely OFFLINE point of view - obviously once you add online elements more fun is injected into a lot of these activities. I just feel the game could have more to keep me occupied when going online isn't an option or simply isn't something I want to do.

Some random things I think would be fun:
  • Cooking - We have stoves and fridges and general kitchen appliances, it would be so cool if we could do little cooking mini games or something (like cooking mama-esque). Could also have a recipe book to unlock and discover recipes. This could also add extra interactivity with villagers as recipes could then be swapped and unlocked based on friendship level (like stardew valley)
  • Farming - goes hand in hand with the cooking. Plus, I see so many cool makeshift farms on pinterest/insta etc. Imagine if you could grow and look over a small set of crops. We already have fruit trees and they even added pumpkins. It's like they are teasing us with the possibility lol

This is just a few things - but it's hard to not make reference to the previous games lol. I still get fun from this game every so often, but it's mostly from online stuff and re-decorating (which does get a bit old). I just think it would be cool to have more things to do whilst offline.
More furniture and decorating collectibles would be great.

I’d like some option to grow crops and then cook - I have a lovingly decorated kitchen doing absolutely nothing - I could then gift these to neighbours or sell to Nooks for bells.

More fish, bugs and sea creatures would give me a challenge.

Definitely more villager interaction, new dialogue.

More stores or expansions to work towards.

Honestly I would take literally anything currently because I feel like this game has been pretty much abandoned for those of us who were there at the start. When March 20th came around I thought that would finally mean new stuff for a new year. To find the bunny and cherry blossom events were the same as last year really devastated me :(
Well...since you want things that the past games haven't had at all...

I'd really like an "underground".

Mining the singular rocks for iron, stone, clay, and gold is very tedious. I think you could provide a mine entrance...and you could basically have an entire second map where you could mine all sorts of resources. This would be a nice way to bring back the precious gems that we did have in previous games as well...and maybe introduce Stardew Valley style "artifacts" that we could also donate to the museum.
More fossils...

I had this idea a few days ago while talking to a few friends on Discord, but... I think Animal Crossing as a whole has been lacking in fossils of aquatic related dinosaurs, so I think it would be awesome if in this game, or maybe even the next installment, we could fish out unidentified fossils out of rivers, ponds, the ocean, etc... and if those fossils were always guaranteed to be of a dinosaur that existed primarily in the water. And you could fish those fossils out as much as you want. Like you would have a percentage of how often you might get a fish, trash, material, or fossil while fishing.
When I'm talking about new features, I'm usually talking about ones that haven't been in past Animal Crossing games before and it can really help improve and make New Horizons better. Of course this is all my own opinions and this is all wishful thinking I want to make that very clear. So I will list new features I personally want to see in New Horizons:

1. Backpacks and Purses for extra storage:
This is something else that has always bothered me. They added so many backpacks and purses but its only used to be worn and not much else. I mean your character wears them but its just there just to show off. Its funny. I remember when this game came out people speculated that the backpacks and purses would be used to have extra pocket storage, turns out it didn't come true. The Backpacks and purses had potential to be useful but its just there and I barely see anyone use them. So if they were to make them useful to carry extra items like your tools in case if they break I think this would really save a lot of the trouble on pockets getting full too quickly.

2. More Apps for the Nookphone:
I feel like the Nookphone in this game is not well thought out because its more of a menu than a phone. There is only one app you can actually unlock. I don't think many people know this but there is a way you can get a Nook Shopping App on your nookphone. All you need to do to get it is to (according to Google) "you'll have to buy 100 items through the Nook Shopping machine in Resident Services. " I mean that sounds cool, but I would love if there was like more apps to the Nookphone to make it become more useful. I think that the nookphone should have a massive upgrade where you can have more useful apps on your phone like Dodo Airlines, Marketplace (for trading), and a social network to keep in touch with your villagers of what they are up too.

3. Have Wilbur send items back to your home whenever Island hopping:
I really hope they add this. This will be like a really great feature when its used for Nook Mile islands but it was only ever found on Harvs island. Which kinda bothers me because its like its there but they never add it whenever using Nook Mile Tickets. its so annoying having to go back to your island, store all the items in your home, go back to the airport, and then go to another nook mile island.

4. Sample blueprints for Terraforming:
Now I do love the terraforming in this game and its a very useful tool to make your island the way you want however, I feel like it could be better if there was like a sample blueprint to have the game design for you rather than just building it yourself one by one. Let me try to explain what I mean by this. Right now It takes a very long while to do tear down a lot of cliffs and get rid of rivers on your island. Also sometimes whenever I tear down my character for some reason tries to rebuild a cliff or water, but then I wanted to tear it down. So when I say "sample builds" for like waterfalls, rivers, and cliffs where the game would make it for you so that way you didn't have to do piece by piece, helping you save a lot of time. I hope that made sense. I know terraforming is still a great thing added to the game but still, I wish it was made better and lot easier.

5. Villagers who used to live on your island, can show up at the Campsite as a visit:
This is something I don't see many people ever talk about, but this is something I was thinking about myself and I think this would really let us connect with our villagers more especially the ones that have recently moved out. Like here's how this can work. One day Isabelle makes an announcement that we have a "past friend" visiting on the campsite. She encourages the player to go and see them since its been a while. You can see them on the campsite just visiting. They would be happy to see you and really tell you how they have been doing these days. It would feel so good to reunite with a villager you haven't seen a while. Of course you can't invite them since they are living on a different island and they can tell you all the fun stuff they had when they are gone. The thing is I know whenever I see old villagers that used to live on my island they always forget about me and act like they never see me before, which made me feel really heartbroken because I know they used to live here before. So it would be a refreshing thing to see your villagers actually remember you and really talk to you on how they have been doing so they really know how well you've known since the day they moved in.

So thats all the new features I would want to see added. Keep in mind this is all my opinion and this is all wishful thinking. Just want to be clear. Its not meant to spread negativity or hating on the game or anything like that. Let me know what New Features you would like to see added in New Horizons. Remember its features that have never been in past Animal Crossing games so any returning feature doesn't count.
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I would like for Nintendo to offer dedicated servers for islands, maybe 2$ a month for an always online island, then you'd have your own "server" akin to to minecraft realms, where you could then invite friends to become residents, and everyone could build on the island together, you'd access it via the Dodos.
If Tom Nook can purchase an island then so should we be able to (or at least it would be a welcome feature imo).
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I would like for Nintendo to offer dedicated servers for islands, maybe 2$ a month for an always online island, then you'd have your own "server" akin to to minecraft realms, where you could then invite friends to become residents, and everyone could build on the island together, you'd access it via the Dodos.
If Tom Nook can purchase an island then so should we be able to (or at least it would be a welcome feature imo).
That would be interesting for multiplayer online.
I mentioned this in another thread but I think it would be cool if we were able to be able to cook and farm.

I think it would be awesome to be able to interact with the kitchen furniture (outside of turning stoves/taps off and on). Instead of the stove just sitting there looking nice, it could open up a cooking mini game or something. Cooking could also lead to a system where we unlock recipes, and maybe trade them with our villagers. Plus the farming could play into the cooking aspect, too. I don't want to turn the game into Stardew Valley or Harvest Moon or anything like that, but some light version of the mechanics in those games could be kinda cool.

I just think it would be fun to have more single player activities.
I definitely agree with you about needing more things to do with friends. You spend all this time decorating your island and making it how you want but all you can do with friends is walk/sit around and show them what you've done, do a couple reactions or catch bug/fish together.
I mean, even if they didn't want to add some new minigames, imagine how much cuter it would be to terraform with your friends, have them place items to decorate and make spaces together. Also imagine being able to actually use the espresso machines and make them a fresh cup to drink or imagine they introduced cooking and you could have them over for a meal and your villagers could join you. Imagine you could make your own shop (with a building and all) and could call it whatever you want and price things whatever you want and have people over who need a different color variation of something or need certain materials - you'd never have to deal with being scammed by anyone anymore either. Maybe you could even hire villagers to work at your shop so they can stop running up to you crying and trying to sell you a basic striped shirt for 10,000 bells.

Just a few ideas I thought up randomly.
If New Horizons was the only Animal Crossing, I would still feel like it would need:

  • More villager interactions. Let them ask me for tasks to do, let them visit me, let me have more multiple choice dialogue conversations, and let them play games with me.
  • More optional buildings to let me craft and build. Like how Mabel set up shop. Let one of our traveling salespeople come and ask to set up shop, set out a plot for them with Nook, have us gather a good amount of resources, and then they can build.
  • Let us have the mystery Islands be mystery seasons after the first year. Any season, any island. This can easily be time locked or an option to be unlocked after 100 trips or so.
  • Let us bring our friends to mystery Islands to gather resources together.
  • Let us give stuff to Wilbur to take back with us from mystery Islands that we can pick up at the airport. That way we get more space to bring things home, but it will still be limited and not endless.
  • Get rid of color locked furniture variations. Let Timmy and Tommy sell them all to us.
  • Have a special furniture set that Redd sells to us at a marked up price instead of having two furniture variations.
  • You can visit other people's museums in dreams. Imagine having another wing where you have rooms to show off curated displays you made with Bkather's permission.
  • More things to grow. I really like growing pumpkins. And more DIY recipes to make with the stuff we grow.
  • After we achieve the last milestone for the stalk market, let Daisy Mae sell us a special turnip themed furniture and clothing set. One new and limited item available every Sunday. Make the stalk market worth it for more than just bells.
  • Let CJ and Flick give us special tasks to do for exclusive DIY recipes for a themed furniture and clothing set.
  • Add more Nook Mile items and give us a big Nook Points sink. Imagine a themed furniture and clothing set for the Nooks, for the Dodos, and for Isabelle.
  • Instead of selling the dream tickets for bells, have them be a currency for a line of cloud or spa themed furniture and/or clothes you can trade in with the Nooklings and Sable.
I could probably go on, but I'll stop there. I love the game. But giving us long time goals to unlock would go a long way.
I really wish there was and Island Mall that you could go to to buy whatever. I know people have set up these type of islands, but it would be nice to see it officially in the game. I have not problems spending my bells that I've earned, but not so much sending cash to the right to spend 1 hour on someone else island.

Have the mall price things high if they need to, I can see pricing items higher if they are rare and not your normal everyday items that you see in Nooks. Currently I have 32 million bells in my account and I will never spend all of that. Would be nice to have a place to go to make it rain bells on whatever I want. LOL
More couches!! I think there's only like... four couch/sofa options in the game right now? Sanrio added two more so I guess six but I NEED MORE COUCHES!! I can't be having the same double sofa in EVERY ROOM OF MY HOUSE!!!!!!! Sorry I'm very passionate about the lack of couches/sofas