I'm the parent in this situation and my children are adults. My daughter has her own switch/game and we play online together and talk about it a lot. My son has played it in the past and supports my enthusiasm. My husband thinks it's as exciting as watching grass grow. I don't really talk to him about it much because he's really not interested.
I'm the only one in my house with a Switch and therefore the only one with a copy. I don't share, either.
My sister is just meh about it, my mum knows how hyped I've been for this game for ages and just brushes it off because she'd used to it.
My step-dad keeps calling it a 'baby's game' though and I really can't tell if he's joking or being serious and that upsets me a bit.
My daughter who's almost 2, refers to this as the "raccoon game". She enjoys watching me play it, and pointing out all of the different animals she recognizes. My husband is also a fan of this game and is currently working on getting his own switch after we discovered all of the cons to sharing an island (we DO coexist nicely on our/my current island, but after learning about all of the things he cannot do/participate in as a secondary character, we both agreed it would be more fun to have him on his own island.). My mother is the type of parent who never understood video games (she never minded that we played them! she's just the kind of mother who refers to every game system as "nintendo".) She was lovely enough to ask about what kind of game I was playing now (meaning animal crossing), so I happily tried to give her a nice simple explanation on it
I'm beyond excited to see so many of you play the game with your family and loved ones! To everyone who's replied so far, thank you so much for sharing.
One sentence, "what a childish game" lol. My dad watched me playing it for a short amount of time while my mom just simply went away XD
My sister watched me playing half time since she's also into this game lol