What food have you recently tried for the first time?


Unhindered Coconut
Feb 23, 2020
Sautéed Mushrooms
Fortunate Mushroom
Fortunate Mushroom
Fortunate Mushroom
Fortunate Mushroom
Fortunate Mushroom
Fortunate Mushroom
Fortunate Mushroom
Fortunate Mushroom
Fortunate Mushroom
Fortunate Mushroom
I find trying new foods to be very interesting! When I travel especially I always love to try new things!

Tonight I tried nasturtiums for the first time. They’re an edible flower. They were very interesting! The petals didn’t have much flavor, just a light floral note, but there was a little cone-like part (I don’t know the names of flower parts lol) that was very sweet, and there must have been nectar in there! Then the center frilly bits where the pollen is as well as the stems were almost spicy, but in a unique way not quite the same as chili spiciness. All around a neat experience, and would eat them again! Plus it looked very pretty as part of the plate decoration!

What food have you recently tried for the first time? Did you like it, and would you eat it again?
The fruit dates. It's crazy, basically eating a natural, caramel candy. They've lots of health pluses too, going to eat them more.

Dates are very interesting, a lot of dessert recipes I’ve seen use them as a somewhat healthier alternative to sugar for sweetening stuff!
Not exactly recent, but a couple of months ago I tried scallops for the first time. And unfortunately, I wasn't a fan, haha. I probably won't be having them again anytime soon.
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This happened back in July, but the last new food I tried was dragonfruit! I'd always wanted to try it, and I thought it was pretty good! It wasn't as flavourful as I expected, but it was still refreshing! The texture was similar to a kiwi imo. I don't think I'll go out of my way to have it again, but I'll definitely eat it if the opportunity arises!

I'm not very adventurous when it comes to trying new foods because of my emetophobia and fear of getting food poisoning. When I'm paying for food, I also prefer to get something I'm confident I'll like opposed to something I'm not sure of. I still enjoy trying new foods when I feel comfortable doing so, though!