What was the first online forum you joined?

Was TBT your first online forum?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 26.3%
  • No

    Votes: 59 73.8%

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I used to sometimes post on the Nick dot com message boards when I was real little. My first real forum was the (now defunct) Nintendo Tech Support boards in late 2014, when I was just 11. I joined Animal Crossing Community shortly after in March 2015, and of course I joined this site the following December. I’m a huge forum junkie and have joined many more since then.
I think the very first forum I joined was ff.de. It was a finalfantasy forum I spent a lot of time on!
My first forum was for a Harvest Moon fansite called Harvest Moon Farm when I was 12. I was so active, I actually became a moderator and then later an admin.

Sadly, it has been gone for many years. I miss it a lot and have many fond memories of growing up there. There's still a handful of people I keep contact with, but there's more people I wish I had kept up with that I'll unfortunately never see again.
Mine was a Hamtaro fansite forum. That was probably like 2003-2004? I was more into drawing boards or oekaki boards which eventually led me into more avatar/dress-up forums (gaiaonline and TinierMe).
my first online forum was fogu (ushi no tane) which was a harvest moon forum! i do believe it still exists as well last time i checked!
Does neopets count? If it doesn't then a harvest moon forum or possibly one of the memos I've tried when I was younger
I think the first forum I joined was either the Charmed forums back when the show was first airing (so like the year 2000 or 2001?), I wasn't quite old enough to be on the forums, I lied about my age. If it wasn't the Charmed forums then it was a Harry Potter board, and that for sure was in 2001 and I still wasn't quite old enough but... that is okay. Those two forums closed a long time ago.
I completely forgot about my old 2019 GameFAQs account I used once...
I think it was for when I was trying to un-evolve my Sylveon in Pokémon X. I was trying to get an Espeon but clearly did not succeed. I forgot about the account a week later haha.
The first one I joined that I actually used is Vocaverse Network. It's really nice for VSynth news and questions.
I think I joined a school forum before this one so this may be my second but it certainly hasn't been my last.
Mine was GaiaOnline, although I rarely used the forums in it (I preferred the virtual world, because I was a kid who was already obsessed with websites like Club Penguin).

I also remember joining a really niche RP forum when I was younger, because an online friend at the time recommended it. I made my account... and never did anything on there again.

Years later, TBT is one of the first ones I've been relatively active on. :D
My first was the now defunct Sugarshock Pokémon forum. Neopets if you count it as it was automatically part of having an account on the main site. This was around 2000. Then I joined one or two more Pokémon forums, one which isn’t as active as before but had the original English Meowth voice actress as one of the members and the other is still pretty active and a place for reliable info for Pokémon.
I think my first internet forum was a train simulator forum (I really liked trains back then and still sort of do to this day) that I joined back in 2011 or so. I think it's still up, as that game studio still makes new versions; they made a 2024 edition about a year ago. I've since lost interest in that genre, but I had a hard drive (since failed) that contained over 250gb of mods for that game alone.
I think it was Animal Crossing Community (2013), then the Flipline forum (2014), and then TBT (2015) ^^
The first I joined was an anime one back in the late 2000s. I don't really remember much about it!
i'm pretty sure tbt was my first forum! I joined pretty young so i don't think i really had an opportunity to join any before, and i've pretty much only stuck around here
I think my first forum was a story writing site that I joined at an arguably too young age. I maybe might have technically joined Neopets first but I never got the hang of it so I don't really count it. I was expecting it to be more like Webkinz or Club Penguin when I signed up.

The story writing forum was the first place I was really active in, followed by I think two other gaming forums? Before I finally settled into TBT!