What Fruit would you like to see in the next AC game?

Vegetables would be awesome to farm too! Imagine pulling carrots and potatoes out of the ground. :D

Cucumbers, tomatoes, and lettuce galore!
What would be great is to, as one progresses fairly far in his/her town, be able to unlock an island where the Mayor can move his/her house. That he/she can ask five [villagers] to join him/her. (I'm thinking, instead of 10, let's have 16 villagers in the next "Animal Crossing." A bridge would connect from main town to island. This island would be separate from Tortimer's.) So, this bonus island would be really good for fruit such as Passion Fruit, Pineapple, Papaya, Pomengranate, Kiwi, and Mango [Mangosteen] as well as more for Banana [Plantain] and Coconut. I would like some fruit plants and fruit bushes. I would welcome Strawberries, Blueberries, and Raspberries. And I have no problem with the likes of Cantaloupe, Melon, and Watermelon. I still like the concept of having a town with native fruit. (But I would like to the see that also get expanded.)
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I just mentioned this in a facebook group the other day. I'd like to see them make fruit bushes that you can harvest like trees. We could have things like blueberry bushes or strawberry bushes. (Yes I know strawberries dont grow on bushes.) Thats what I would like to see.
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I was super happy with bananas.

Kiwis would be good! And omg whoever said grape vines is a genius.
The fruit bush idea is fantastic also plums have been mentioned a lot which would also be really cool. However the farming idea I don't like.. makes it start to sound like farmville that awful facebook game that everyone used to play !!
Ooo...While maybe not farming, per sey, but a way to make cash off of villagers? Such as having a job.
Meanwhile, I'd like to see dragonfruit happen.
Pomegranate :p And I also love the idea of fruit like blueberries on bushes! My grandpa has a blueberry farm. It would be pretty cool if I could recreate that in a videogame, lol.
Apricot, Bell peppers,(technically fruit) Figs, Grapefruit, Lime, Nectarine and Pineapples! Idk if all of these grow on trees...
Strawberries, hands down.
It'd be nice if lemons could be native fruits, though. I know they're already in ACNL But I want them as native fruits orz
Plums would be cool but other plants should be available like smash-able watermelons in the summer and carve-able pumpkins in the fall!
I'd like to see kiwis or strawberries since I like them in real life as well!
Grape vine would be super cool. Strawberry, Raspberry, Blueberry bushes... Pomegranate, Lime and Dragonfruit for the island?
I was going to say strawberries and watermelon.But, someone said plums.I think I would rather see those.Blueberries would be nice too.
Plums and Guavas! :D Plum trees are beautiful and guavas are tasty! :3 It would be cool to have nut trees too like almonds, walnuts, and hazelnuts.