What game is a bigger disappointment? Pokémon Let’s Go, or Happy Home Designer?

Which game was a bigger disappointment?

  • Pokémon Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee

    Votes: 58 68.2%
  • Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer

    Votes: 27 31.8%

  • Total voters


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Which of these two games were you more disappointed by? Pok?mon Let?s Go Pikachu/Eevee, or Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer? It?s not about which game is better, but it?s about what you were more disappointed by.

Both franchises have different standards, so the comparison is based on their respective standards, not by video gaming as a whole. The reason why I?m asking is because Pok?mon Let?s Go was heavily criticized for being like Pok?mon Go, but Happy Home Designer did very poorly outside of Japan.
To me the bigger disappointment was the lack of a National Dex in Let's Go (actuallt, moreso the lack of any and every pokemon outside of Gen 1 and Meltan/Melmetal). I feel like I expected a lot more from Let's Go than HHD (not to mention all the Kanto remakes that have already been established like in FRLG), so I was more disappointed with it in that sense too.
Honestly, despite the fact that I did play the nostalgia card when getting it...I have to say Pokemon Let's Go. They did SO MUCH wrong with the game. For starters the Go Catching a system is a pain in Go and was not an appropriate substitute for level grinding.

They shouldnt've even put a trainer customization system in if they weren't going to treat it like the rest of the main series customization systems in place since Gen 6. The changing up of the moves learned upon leveling up, changing the TMs (except for Dig, of course) and the removal of move tutors limits the Pokemon's potential.

Yes even casual players can like the wider variety of available moves. I'm a prime example of it...I had to cut several Pokemon from my collection because they didn't learn a wide enough variety of moves. Overall, this game (alongside Sw/Sh and Masters) shows that the Pokemon Company is the next EA.
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Yeah, going to have to say Pokemon Let’s Go on this one. I still have my copy of Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer. I haven’t played it that much, but it will still be fun to go and play at some point.

Meanwhile, I have no intention of touching the Let’s Go games.
All the Go games. At least HHD was fun and actually more well done than you might think, while Go games were basically something to hide behind while making more meh games in the game series' :/
I skipped the Let's Go games, mainly because they were never really appealing to me. And
I definitely wasn't interested in yet another Gen 1 remake and walking through Kanto again.

Happy Home Designer was good for like 2 weeks, till I dropped the game as I got bored of it.
It was fun at that time where I played it, however became lame after a while.
I’ll tell you one advantage Pok?mon Let’s Go had. It was the only Pok?mon game to feature the Kanto region that had unlimited use of TMs. Even in the original remake, a TM can only be used once, and you can get only one TM of each move. It’s like a one time deal. Thankfully, you had unlimited use of TMs from Gen V and beyond, but after that change, there was no new Pok?mon game set in the Kanto region, until this game came out.
one game opened up more and better decoration options for us

the other was probably a trial balloon towards dropping content in future games
I wouldn't say I was disappointed by either since I had no/low expectations of them both in the first place, but I guess Let's Go was the worst of the two.

For a start, it was gen 1 focused yet again and I'm absolutely sick of gen 1 getting the focus all the time at this point. All the mechanics inspired by Go can just go away. The way you level up in this game was just awful IMO. The way gyms work was pretty ridiculous...Yea, I just didn't think it was a good game at all, but I had low expectations from the start given what they were going for and that Pokemon spin offs are often debatable in quality.

Happy Home Designer got boring quickly, but the main gameplay feature was still fun enough until then, as well as hopefully being a sneak peek of how we'll be doing it in the new game. There's also only been one other AC spin off that I know of (2 with the mobile game) and even though it/they're crap, there was less of a sample size for AC spin offs for me to say "it'll likely be crap like most of the others".
I also got it for ?20 long after it released. It wasn't too bad for that price.
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Let's Go Pikach/Eevee
why because it doesn't really have the feeling of a pokemon video game, and its already like the game on a phone just a little different.
HHD was boring. Still stunned that was considered a complete concept for a game.

I enjoyed Let's Go Eevee though!
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None of them for me I guess.
I had fun playing Pok?mon Let's go and it was nice, but short.
And I absolutely loved Happy Home Designer! I completely rushed it so it felt even shorter than it should've been!
It was short, yes, but it was very cute and I loved the whole "build your city" kind of concept.
I have made like 20 houses (feels more like 100) in it and can't belive there are still like 400 more to go. It's way too time consuming and boring. But Let's Go was still more disappointing. Pokemon Yellow was my first game ever. I was so excited to replay it, but for some reason the entire redesign made the game go by so quickly (things look bigger and walking is quicker). Things weren't as detailed as they were in my imagination as a kid either. No battles in the wild was infuriating... My favorite Pokemon of all time (Mew) is finally obtainable to me through legitimate means, but I don't feel like spending $50 on the pointless "switch controller" to get it. I didn't even finish the game.
both weren't the best, but at least hhd can appeal to certain people? like if they enjoy the designing features (& unlocks items in the real acnl)
but i had more fun with let's go eevee
I have to say that I don't really get any Pokemon games, so Let's Go didn't really make me sad. I tried the demo and the game was interesting, but I don't know... I didn't like it much. But I wouldn't call it a disappointment - I've seen quite a few people play it, and if it makes them happy - it's a good game.

Happy Home Designer - it's a good game, but I guess it lacked the town feeling. It felt like Happy Home Designer should have been a part of New Leaf. If it was like an add-on for New Leaf, so you could play it in the breaks between doing New Leaf town... that would be great! I'm not sure why they didn't do it in such a way. : o
Although I like Pokemon Let’s Go more, I ended up voting for it as the bigger disappointment, and there’s two reasons why:

1. No Pok?mon Breeding
2. Character Customization feature is more like different skins than actual items
Diffidently Let's Go. I have no intention on playing those games ever.
Too much Kanto, enough is enough.
I actually liked Happy Home Designer. Even though it did redundant after a while.
Definitely HHD. Both were mediocre at best I?d say, but Let?s Go definitely bored me a lot less. I ended up selling HHD after designing a few different rooms. It just didn?t draw me back in to keep playing at all. Cute game, just really boring.

Let?s Go on the other hand was more fun and I actually completed that game. Sure the catching mechanics were inspired by Pok?mon Go but actually throwing with your whole hand feels way more realistic than just flinging a ball with your finger. After having already played a couple of the Kanto games in the past, the story was nothing new but it was still a fun experience.

Overall both were disappointing, but Let?s Go was only a little while HHD a lot. Oh well, At least I look forward to the next games coming out for both the series. I am 99% sure I?ll enjoy those games for sure. :)
They both bored me, but at the very least Let's Go Pok?mon was still a proper Pok?mon game at the very core. It's a bare bones remake, but it's still a remake. Happy Home Designer could have been an app. But god, it was such a boring game. It really lost its charm for me after the first evening of playing. I guess I can say the same about Pok?mon Let's Go, but at least I'm still fighting Pok?mon and make my way through a proper region.
Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer is a very solid spin-off that actually added a lot to the franchise that I'm sure we'll see more of going forward. Pokemon Lets Go Pikachu/Eevee is a very cheap cash-in to the mobile crowd and Gen I nostalgia.

Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer? Never supposed to be a mainline Animal Crossing game, yet so many people held it to those standards and I really can't understand that. Pokemon Lets Go Pikachu/Eevee? Straight-up called a mainline Pokemon game by GF. Thus it can be fully judged as such, and as such it is by far the worst remake and overall Pokemon game GF has ever produced. I mean, yes, FR/LG were conservative but they were back in 2004 on the GBA. They were good remakes for what they set out to be... LGP/E are Switch games, running on the same system that runs Breath of the Wild.

They could have, I don't know, actually given fans from Gen I a nice bone, an actual reimagining of the Gen I games, but instead we got this slop which is just an insult to me as a longtime Pokemon fan. However, seeing what has happened with Sword/Shield, and seeing how GF thinks of the Pokemon series it is all becoming quite clear to me. GF no longer sees any need to put emphasis on their Pokemon series, as the profit is all in mobile and merchandise now. In that context LGP/E makes complete sense, and it's very sad.