What Gamecube game are you playing?

now I will play all the game agian because if you didn't play it for a long time and later you played it agian you will think it is fun! :yes:
Freeze said:
I've been playing AC =O
AC was and still is one great game thats for sure. :yes:

But for me, Super Smash Bros. Melee is the only one GCN game that can keep me playing.
I have been playing
Madden NFL 2005 I started my seaon again, my team
(Eagles) haven't lost a game.
Suprise Suprise...
I've been playing a lot of Resident Evil 4 still, even though I beat it yesterday... Totally awesome game, one of the best ever... And I'm occasionally playing games from the Metroid Prime series.
I just started playing Paper Mario again, hopefully it'll stick better than the last time i tried replaying it (I made it to petal meadows).

I'm still in love with the game... but its still not like the first time. : (