What has been your top 3 favourite events?

What has been your top 3 favourite events?

  • Tales From our Travels

    Votes: 45 29.4%
  • Count Inside the Bottle

    Votes: 9 5.9%
  • Mysterious Masterpieces

    Votes: 27 17.6%
  • Aquatic Album

    Votes: 39 25.5%
  • Bookful of Bugs

    Votes: 43 28.1%
  • Oceanside Aquariums

    Votes: 20 13.1%
  • Cryptid Creek

    Votes: 51 33.3%
  • Hiking Trip

    Votes: 14 9.2%
  • Campfire Singalong

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • Birdwatching / Wildlife Spotting

    Votes: 29 19.0%
  • Stories in the Shadows

    Votes: 21 13.7%
  • Go Fish! Oarfish!

    Votes: 89 58.2%
  • Cabin Flag/Signature Look/Representative Elections

    Votes: 13 8.5%

  • Total voters
I voted for both drawing contests, Bookful of Bugs and Aquatic Album, as well as Campfire Singalong. those events are where my skills really shine, as an artist and as a musician. I really enjoyed participating in them! :)
I loved Campfire Singalong! Despite it being tedious to come up with lyrics, I had fun with it. I also like Hiking Trip.
probably the oarfish game, the masterpieces, and the flag event in that order
Definitely Go Fish is my top favorite!
I gave a vote for Birdwatching not for the event itself but for the fun times the cabin had cracking jokes while we all stressed out. I never laughed so much on here before.
I'd say mine were Cryptid Creek, Bookful of Bugs, and Go Fish! Oarfish! c:
Cryptid Creek was a really fun concept and a lot of fun to work on too! I also really enjoyed seeing all the creative ideas everyone came up with. And while any drawing/art-related event is probably going to be considered a good one in my book, I settled on Bookful of Bugs as my favorite out of those! I really enjoyed drawing my rainbow stag and got to push myself some on coloring traditionally with my colored pencils. Lastly, Go Fish! Oarfish! was a very enjoyable and cute little game, and I really looked forward to playing my daily rounds when we were in the ocean!
Mine has been Tales from Our Travels, Bookful of Bugs and Aquatic Album. I had a lot of fun seeing the different entries and making mine . I was experimenting with a different style for the Tales event and it turned out really well in my opinion. Aquatic Album I got ambitious and tried drawing the background behind the fish and I think it ended up looking decent. I kept it simple with the Bookful of Bugs since I wasn’t sure how well my drawing of a bug would turn out especially since it had a couple different shades of colors.

There were so many good entries for all of them. I loved seeing all the different interpretations and styles of the camp theme as well as bugs and fishes. 🤩😍
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i went with tales from our travels bc i love seeing all of the postcard designs, go fish bc its amazing and hilarious, and wildlife spotting bc even though its tough it was a lot of fun to struggle and try to solve the riddles with my fellow melons
Go Fish is easily the top one for me. Really love Mistreil putting her own twist on Snake, and it reminds me strongly of a long passed age where I used to compete against others in various Flash games in team events just like this.

As for my other favorites, well, I'd say probably Tales of our Travels and then a tie between Bookful of Bugs and Aquatic Album. I enjoyed the drawings I put together for those 3 (especially TooT which is why it gets the 2nd spot, lol), and more than that, I've really enjoyed seeing what my cabinmates have managed to draw. Definitely a bunch of talented artists in our cabin!
The Oarfish game is definitely my number one favorite event! I could have kept playing it all day if I didn't have work and sleep and other events to participate in. I would pop on and play it for fun whenever I had time, even after submitting my daily entry.

Second is Count Inside the Bottle. I always like this event because it can be relatively quick and easy, which is a huge plus when I'm busy, but still net me a decent amount of tokens. And seeing Oblivia's set-ups and the choice of object in the jars is always fun for me.

I had a tough time choosing a third option, but I went with Cryptid Creek even though I can't participate in it since I don't have New Horizons. I still love the concept and I'm already loving some of the entries that I've seen submitted so far tonight.
I loved all the events but I want to give Go Fish! a shout out. So much fun (I love snake games!) and the art (and Chris mode!!! Easily one of the best parts) was so good too! *chef's kiss*.
Go Fish is easily the top one for sure! Tales from our Travels is the second one, I really enjoyed drawing a postcard, as well as reading postcards from other participants! And for the third... I wanna say Campfire Singalong. Even tho I struggled during writing of my entry, it was fun and unfamiliar experience
I like tales from our travels, bookfull of bugs and aquatic album. Tales from our travels was fun to make a drawing, and I really like to draw. I like to see other entries and letters. Same on bookful of bugs and aquatic album, I like the art tasks and to see all the other art, it's like a gallery. :)

I really like the oarfish game so far. I only could put 3 options but I want to mention it. My cabin just got there but it is fun so far, I think the game was a creative idea.
My top 3 favorite events:
  • Go Fish! Oarfish! - this one was a fun, refreshing challenge! I got pretty hooked and would frequently play it even at work during my break!
  • Tales from our Travels - I enjoyed making a postcard because I really like to draw. It was fun seeing everyone's entries as well.
  • Cryptid Creek - this event was great! It's funny seeing our villagers as cryptids. Setting up a story & habitat for them really brought out everyone's creativity.
My two definite favorites are:
  • Stories in the Shadows: Out of all of the events, I had the most fun with this. The whole process of coming up with what I chose as my shadow and bringing it to life with the items I chose was enjoyable. It's also a really nice tie-in to the camp setting.

  • Go Fish! Oarfish: The Oarfish game is pretty fun to play and I'd occasionally find myself playing it even outside of the regulation hours. I was relieved that getting the high scores wasn't particularly important since, while I'd be able to score in the 40s-70s, I didn't have to necessarily compete against the people who could go up into the 100s+.

    Also, the Oarchris bonus game is humorous and I enjoyed the modified MK8 Baby Park song that plays on the page.

My third favorite is a toss-up between Hiking Trip, Cryptid Creek, and Oceanside Aquarium. The Hiking Trip event, as per the bare minimum requirements of 5 items, is a bit plain, but I made a full scene even though it wasn't necessary and I ultimately had fun with it. Cryptid Creek is a neat concept and I like the idea, though I wish we could have the freedom to use amiibo if we have them instead of being limited to our current residents. Finally, Oceanside Aquarium was simply fun to do and I was fond of the scene I ultimately constructed. At the moment I'm leaning toward Cryptid Creek. Ultimately, I liked that all three of these events allowed for more creative freedom if we wanted to utilize it. They also act as equalizers for those of us who aren't artists.


As far as the others are concerned? Aquatic Album, Bookful of Bugs, and Tales From Our Travels are fun in their owns ways but as someone who can never compete with actual artists, art events are never my favorites. Mysterious Masterpieces has taught me to appreciate and enjoy the mirror games more than I have in the past, but I don't really like that there's a giant point bonus tied to being the first cabin to correctly guess and, while I'm enjoying myself, I don't know about utilizing it in a team competition like this. I always suck at Count Inside the Bottle, and I also feel basically the same way as I do with Mysterious Masterpieces regarding the point bonus and team setting not feeling the best for this Camp competition. Campfire Singalong is a cool concept and fitting for the camp setting, but it's got me stumped. Birdwatching/Wildlife Spotting, while a bit difficult, was fun to figure out alongside the cabinmates. Finally, the Cabin Color/Flag/Representative events were simple but enjoyable.
i went with tales from our travels bc i love seeing all of the postcard designs, go fish bc its amazing and hilarious, and wildlife spotting bc even though its tough it was a lot of fun to struggle and try to solve the riddles with my fellow melons
Yeah that's what I voted for to. The riddles. Even though we struggled hard, I feel like this was the strongest time that it felt like we actually came together as a team opposed to just posting our works when we got around to it. There wasn't as much communication or hands-on team work there. Not knocking the other events, they were fun to and seeing everyone's great pieces was especially fun.
I changed my vote. I like the oarfish game a lot even though the delayed controls were annoying. I really enjoy drawing the shark and coloring it. I like the Hiking Trip more than the Cryptid Creek since you have to be really selective about items to use and I couldn't really do my original idea just because NH didnt have some items.
Damn I’m definitely out there with count the bottle being one of my favourites.
I put count the bottle, bird watching and go fish.
Voted for the two ACNH decoration events (Cryptic Creek, Oceanside Aquarium) as well as the Campfire Singalong. The ACNH events really got me back to playing ACNH, I like doing small bursts of decoration over designing large areas and I challenged myself to use as little catalog items as I could (because I had just restarted my island) so I think that was nice. Camfire Singalong surprised me because music isn't my strongsuit, but making rap lyrics and hearing them flow with the tune of the song was satisfying. 😌