What if: A virtual realty AC in your home!


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2014

If Nintendo made a virtual reality headset for WiiU or the next console, imagine what could be done with Animal Crossing. Your Village and Villagers in your real life home! How awesome would that be!!!
It's a mock up of what might be possible on the Occulus Rift, with Minecraft. If this was a major hit and makes $$$'s I hope Nintendo would make a headset of their own. If so, I think AC would be a perfect fit.
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I wouldn't want that. I'd rather play Animal Crossing on a console. because playing with air would be boring.
I don't know if every game would work as a virtual reality, and this is one of them. With VR, it's meant to be an immersive experience that I think would work better in the first person or in games where you want to build atmosphere, like horror for example. Animal Crossing is an adorable game, but I would always be well, aware, that it's not real, and that the animals are just cartoon animals. I don't think VR would be an asset.
No I would rather it on a system. I like it because its like going into another world I don't want it in my living room lol
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We don't need another Virtual Console... The Oculus Rift is a good virtual reality simulator, but... it wouldn't work well with Animal Crossing, ALTHOUGH, it would be a good idea to see.
I'd probably hit villagers I hate -cough- Elvis -cough-

WHAT! Elvis is one of my faves ever! He's so great!

Anyway, honestly this would be SO great. How cute! Maybe if the VR was just an add on though. I don't think because it's cartooney and because of the menus it'd seem unreal. I think it'd seem real but just as though you were physically in a video game world.
WHAT! Elvis is one of my faves ever! He's so great.
Long story short, I had a villager all ready to move in and he was a random void move in and I had to pass up a tier one villager at the time and he won't move out >:c he's in my new town now too
There's actually a thing called 'outside', where you can meet villager, do errands for them, trade items and just chit-chat with them.

But honestly? A VR for AC would be freaking scary. A lifesized cat talking to me? No thanks.