until virus19 mushed it, and my health was declining alot so I'm not sure I could have continued it much longer anyway. Maybe.
It wasn't the job I aimed for in life, but it was the best paying job I ever had and I actually liked my job. I actually had the benefit of time off that was earned based on hours worked.
Best part was that I wasn't attacked and harassed by customers.
The company doesn't exist anymore in 49 states.
For now I'm at home, and I have been learning how to make video games though it is on the back burner right now due to pup. Not sure it will take me anywhere. I hope so, but it's unlikely since I didn't have any schooling for any part of it and I have the animal spirit of a turtle. My health is better but still have difficult days.
I wouldn't mind going into a physical call center office job if I had the opportunity. I think it may be something I could do if given the chance and given the patience. Had a hard time getting my foot in the door for that one when I was job hunting before and after virus19.