What irks you?

I bothers me when my friend says something, but I don't catch it so I'm like, "what?" but then they just respond with, "What? What? What?" And I'm not talking about when you both genuinely misheard each other. It's when they purposely say what so that they don't have to repeat it :/
That reminds me too that when people know something I do not, but they do not take the time to explain it to me. That really bothers me sometimes.
When I see people in public doing the fortnite emote dances. My faith in the future of humanity diminishes each time I see the atrocity committed :(
People swearing in public. Seems to be common here, especially among teenagers, and it grinds my gears quite a bit. I can have a potty-mouth myself, but only ever around friends and family who know me well enough to recognise that it's usually in jest. I'd never dream of cursing in public, and to hear people litter their sentences with F bombs and the like in public, particularly around children, is a major turn-off and doesn't net you a very good first impression. It doesn't make you sound funny, or "big", it just makes you sound uneducated and obnoxious.
People swearing in public. Seems to be common here, especially among teenagers, and it grinds my gears quite a bit. I can have a potty-mouth myself, but only ever around friends and family who know me well enough to recognise that it's usually in jest. I'd never dream of cursing in public, and to hear people litter their sentences with F bombs and the like in public, particularly around children, is a major turn-off and doesn't net you a very good first impression. It doesn't make you sound funny, or "big", it just makes you sound uneducated and obnoxious.

I mentioned this in The Basement a bit ago I’m pretty sure. People our age and up drop a curse word in at least every other sentence, and it’s not a good example for kids. Like I said before as well, it doesn’t make them look tough, it just makes them look cheap. Lol
I hate it when people complain about not being able to do the simplest things and make excuses that they still can't to do it after I explain it to them. I'd tell them to watch a video or find something about it online. (Simplest things meaning --> making your bed, tucking in blankets, cooking a simple meal) LIKE ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW?? Sometimes I'd tell them step by step what to do and they still whine and complain about it...

Also when people talk super loud to me because I have sensitive hearing and I can hear you just fine if you talk normally.

When I have a questions and my dad tells me to ask him and then once I do ask he says ''what?". AND then when I ask again he says "idk" like seriously you just wasted my time :(
people who try wayyyy too hard to stand out :p being different is great! Express yourself, just don't come on too strong haha!
people who try wayyyy too hard to stand out :p being different is great! Express yourself, just don't come on too strong haha!

As someone who went to a high school where people had disabilities and prided ourselves on being different, this “irks” me a bit. Though I get what you mean if it’s to remind people to just be friendly and not intimidating.
Yeah, I think it’s great to be yourself! Don’t feel pressured to follow the crowd! :)
Pushy people that think you can do "oh-so much" with just a teeny inch of trying and are stressing you really hard. No, gtfo.
People who add "okay?" to the end of their sentences as if asking for conformation, even though you know they're gonna do the thing regardless of what you respond with
When people thinks I've seen each and every movie in existence (especially mainstream ones) just because I've taken film studies.


1) A lot were film historical stuff, from late 1800s to today
2) From other countries than the US
3) Also obscure ones

Also I prefer watching "world cinema" stuff or just rarer works so.. yeah.
Something happened today that pissed me off. I had a lottery ticket, and I tried to cash it at a local chain. I get in line, and I?m greeted by this very old lady that appeared to be in her eighties. I told her I wanted to cash my lottery ticket. She said ?Why? You?re not of age!? in a very rude tone. I replied ?Yes, I am? and showed her my ID.? She was over the counter looking at my ID like it?s a damn Rubik?s cube, flipping it around in every which direction. She looked at me and back at my ID. After about five minutes of examining my card like a Rubik?s card, she nastily handed me my money and ID card back. ?Here, just take your money and get out of here.? Not even kidding.
you don't need to live in a certain generation to appreciate its art, also if you mostly hear music you despise every time you try to open the radio with only a few numbered gems then you have the right to be annoyed especially when there are singers you know who used to make good music completely dumped down/ lost their signature sound for more general appeal and fame (looking at you, Maroon 5!), they can do whatever they want but people are allowed to think it's sad and disappointing. HOWEVER I am all against people who shame others for liking certain music or whatever, just stop shaming others for having a different taste than you, it's disgusting.
Probably mentioned but When People Type Like This With Capital Letters Everywhere.

Or when eg. ads write like "The Perfect partner for your daily life" or stuff. Uh perfect ain't supposed to be capitalized unless partner is as well just saying it looks so bad.
Ah I just remembered one: When I'm talking about in game currencies like bells for example, I tend to just call them dollars because it's more natural I feel and more easily understood by other people, but then sometimes people will correct me and be like "umm don't you mean bells?? Not dollars??" and I'm like ;-; but you knew what I meant :v Like was it necessary to correct that? .-.
Ah I just remembered one: When I'm talking about in game currencies like bells for example, I tend to just call them dollars because it's more natural I feel and more easily understood by other people, but then sometimes people will correct me and be like "umm don't you mean bells?? Not dollars??" and I'm like ;-; but you knew what I meant :v Like was it necessary to correct that? .-.
I wouldn’t be too bothered by that. I have already gotten used to calling the game currencies what they are actually called. For example, I call the Animal Crossing currency “bells” and the Legend of Zelda currency “rupees.” (spelling?)

I don’t think it’s too necessary to correct someone, though. It’s just a game currency, and they probably know what you mean anyway.
-People who are friends with other people out of pity.
-People who refuse to be straight forward and constantly jump around the gun. Just say what you mean, even if its upsetting. Better than avoiding the point and lying to people lmao
-People who talk behind backs, obviously. You think i’m annoying? awesome, say it. you think i’m too clingy? awesome, tell me. you don’t like being my friend? coolio my dude, just open your mouth and let me know.
-People who harass others for enjoying anime, lol
-Repetitive sounds, specific sounds like pulling a bag of frozen food out of a super icy deep freeze, for example. That subtle grinding sound drives me up the wall and makes me nauseous from the level of discomfort I get from it. There’s a lot of sounds out there like that, for me.
-People who say addiction is a choice. Not even going to get into this one because it’s hard for me to be nice and have a constructive conversation about. Also, people who never shut up about how much they hate ______ when it comes to substance abuse. You don’t need to tell everybody how much you hate smokers, or drinkers, or ________ every 5 minutes. All you’re doing is alienating addicts.
-People who have never lived with having a mental illness or have any experience with having mental illness(es) trying to give advice for someone mentally ill. Yes, I’ve tried drinking water. Yes, I’ve tried laying in the sun. Yes, I’ve tried sprinkling sugar, sunshine, and smiles on everything. It will never get rid of my Borderline Personality Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or any of my other mental illnesses.. Unless you’re a mental health professional, you deal with the same mental health problems I do, or you’re my therapist, I don’t want your god awful opinions. Please be quiet and leave me alone.

There’s a lot more that bothers me that I’d rather not get into. Obviously a LOT bothers me.