What is one of your biggest pet peeves?

people who look on my phone whilst im using it

no thanks

yes i hate when they try to do that or when u sit at the laptop just stop.

also when ppl think american culture slang/lingo etc. are known/used all over the world like.. no.
I hate it when people just barge on past you in a crowded area and push you without saying excuse me or apologizing for it. Is it really that hard to ask if you could get by someone? Do you really have to just force someone away and nearly knock them over just because you were too lazy to be polite? I'll get out of the way if you just ask, geez...
I just found a new pet peeve today... When someone right behind you in the Mcdonald's drive through is listen to rap music with their base set up seriously loud... It gave me a slight headache. >.<
I have 3 more pet peeves.
1. People who legit BLAST radio music. I'm like, that's going to burst his ears, how can you drive?
2. People who don't check my posts when I'm asking them a question. Then they try to go around, my questions can even be 1 word question like, how's your weekend?
3. dry humidity, ack...my lips are hurting.
When people park their cars in front of YOUR HOUSE when they're actually visiting someone down the street despite the fact that there are plenty of open spaces where their actual destination is, I get VERY irritated. Like, WHY THE HECK are you parked in front of MY house? If you're visiting down the street, and there's plenty of space there, why didn't you PARK down the street??? Do you WANT to look suspicious?!?
Geez... (there is currently a truck parked out front, and I don't know who it belongs to. As I just put up decorations for Halloween, I'm currently a little paranoid about thieves, and I don't like it when strangers end up putting me on edge. Sorry to everyone that I ended up ranting. )
I have a lot of pet peeves, but the most pressing one AT THIS EXACT MOMENT is someone in an open-style office work room (with just tables, no cubicles or anything) listening to music on their phone/computer WITH NO HEADPHONES.

I am RAGING. :mad:

Trying not to be that jerk that complains tho because our boss has enough on his plate without me bringing petty office squabbles into the mix.

I honestly can't understand how people think this is an appropriate thing to do. It happens all of the time at my workplace... And I work in an open store. Some coworkers listen to their music out loud and I just can't understand... Did no one teach them the most basic decency?

It doesn't help that cell phone speakers are bad and so when you're working a short distance from someone listening to music out of their cell phone it just sounds like irritating tinny noise.
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Can I just say people? People are my biggest pet peeves cause of all the stuff they do. Don't even get me started on people at work OH BOYYYE.
I honestly can't understand how people think this is an appropriate thing to do. It happens all of the time at my workplace... And I work in an open store. Some coworkers listen to their music out loud and I just can't understand... Did no one teach them the most basic decency?

It doesn't help that cell phone speakers are bad and so when you're working a short distance from someone listening to music out of their cell phone it just sounds like irritating tinny noise.

Yes, first get some headphones also not everyone listens to the same generic **** as those people so yeah.

Also when people think my job is "easy" just bc lol "u shelve books". No my job is def more than that especially now that I work less and is a library assistant.. jesus.
People who tailgate. You think by being up my butt will encourage me to drive faster? LOOOOOL. In fact, I'll begin going even slower, slowly....slowly.... (unless I'm on the highway obviously cause that is not safe to fool around on, but in town, it's all fair game).
Empty boxes. Left in the cabinet. Why, why can?t you just throw it away?
Empty boxes. Left in the cabinet. Why, why can’t you just throw it away?

Same with empty toilet paper rolls left on the holder or milk bags left in the fridge with a shot glass full of milk in them.
People who tailgate. You think by being up my butt will encourage me to drive faster? LOOOOOL. In fact, I'll begin going even slower, slowly....slowly.... (unless I'm on the highway obviously cause that is not safe to fool around on, but in town, it's all fair game).

Oh my gosh. My mom and I hate this. People are sooo rude when they tailgate, especially on the highway. My mom and I have had this happen quite a bit when we are driving home on the highway and it's just because they want to go at 90 miles per hour because they are late or something, and the speed limit is 70. It makes my mom so nervous when she drives and people are just waaay too impatient. It's like, if your are in a hurry, why not leave a little bit earlier so you can get to the place your going on time?
Empty boxes. Left in the cabinet. Why, why can?t you just throw it away?

I might be guilty of this, but I hate when people never use the actual stuff they buy and rather than using one bottle of sauce they buy like 3 new... like okay.
Also people who use wholesome in a completely wrong context like urban dictionary means lol.
When I’m searching for something on my phone, then the website tells me to go to their app so I click ok because I already have the app. But instead it takes me to the Apple store and when I click open app from there, it doesn’t take me to the actual information
I also hate it when people assume someone's angry just because they don't have a huge, fake smile on their face. I've known some very kind people whose mouths are naturally downturned?it's not their fault that they have certain facial features.
Slow drivers. I left for class early today and still ended up late because someone was going 35 in a 45. Sadly, I couldn't pass them at all because it was 1 lane. To make it even worse, they were on their phone and swerving a little bit. I was so mad I was about to call and report them.
I also hate it when people assume someone's angry just because they don't have a huge, fake smile on their face. I've known some very kind people whose mouths are naturally downturned—it's not their fault that they have certain facial features.

Thank you SO MUCH. I agree on this 100%. I don’t smile whenever I walk around to places, but it doesn’t mean I’m not happy! It just means not much is going on and I have a neutral expression. Yes, I know smiling is good for you and all, but I’m not going to fake a smile all the time because it looks cheesy and unnatural if I try to.