What is one of your biggest pet peeves?

The rules that hay seeds make and don't make sense.
For what's sake we need to "protect" the dumpster even by making the system of doing it in turn, unlocking it in the very early in the morning and locking it again in the afternoon. "Because it's the precious property of our community"? Oh lord. Property? They're just. normal. trashes though. "Because someone might steal it" LET THEM STEAL IF THEY'RE IN SUCH A POOR SITUATION THAT THEY NEED TO S T E A L the trashes!!
Kind of another one I have,
when people correct my lists in a tone or adding stuff that's obvious.
Please don't attack me.
I appreciate a nice correction or possibly adding something. However, sometimes they correct me in a bit annoying tone like, "this isn't perfect"
For the adding stuff, I don't even know why. It's like they add something that's obvious or nothing about the list I'm making. Sorry for my rant.
People putting umlauts on stuff when it's not even pronounced with an eg. ?/german language sounding y.

It just looks dumb.
I hate when people smoke cigarettes around me because not only is it dangerous to breathe in, but I just find it to be really disgusting and bothersome. I know it's a terrible addiction but it still is a huge pet peeve for me.
One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone doesn't put on deodorant or take care of their hygiene when going to an anime convention ; __ ;

I remember when I went to Anime Expo for the first time and it was so crowded and it stank so bad!!! It was BO from people who weren't taking care of their hygiene or not using deodorant ahhhhhh Like PLEASE if you can afford to go to Anime Expo, you can 100% afford to buy deodorant ; __ ;
people leaving lights on...leaving trash around etc..

Dude, my mom had this problem so bad that I genuinely thought she was afraid of the dark LOL. My dad was the opposite and wanted every room blacked out and with black-out curtains up.

I just want the lights on when I'm in a room and the lights off when I'm out, please people !!

Also, maybe this sounds entitled, but am I the only one who hates being in the kitchen at the same time as other people? I feel so annoyed entering the kitchen to prepare food and suddenly everyone in the house gets the same idea. Am I a dog with food aggression, I don't know anymore.
Bumping this.

-When people insert their drama into my life, ESPECIALLY when it has nothing to do with me. Like, what did I do to deserve this?
-When people keep me waiting. There’s nothing I hate more than being kept waiting.
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Thought I already posted in this but I guess it was another thread!
Anyhow, I think my largest peeve is just general untidy and or rude mannerisms. I feel that that sort of stuff happens a lot in just everyday life or conversation, and because it is normalized for them they think the other person is alright with it, even after they said it makes them uncomfortable?
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People who nitpick things and people who continuously complain. I can deal with chewing and most of the generic annoying pet peeves that some people have, and understandably so, but for example I hate when you're trying to enjoy something and people just make a negative comment and ruin it. Or complain about something a lot (for example, Pokemon Sh/Sw) and then STILL buy/play it. Like.. why even bother?
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When people are passive aggressive. It really sets off my anger and I get very vocal about it to say the least
Have you ever noticed in movies or TV shows when they brush their teeth, they spit into the sink, and don't rinse the sink. O_O

I can't stand that.
How hard is it to turn the tap on?
When the neighbor has the TV on so loud, you can hear what they actually watch. It's like listening to a radio play in that moment, gets really annoying when it happen in the middle of the night when you want to sleep.
Crowds. If you want to go and attend events, you have no choice but be a part of them. I always try to run and find a clear space.
When the neighbor has the TV on so loud, you can hear what they actually watch. It's like listening to a radio play in that moment, gets really annoying when it happen in the middle of the night when you want to sleep.

Yeah, or the radio. My neighbour above keeps his radio on really loud most of the time and you can almost make out exactly what they say -.-

And when people are so loud and dragging furniture across the floor during the night.. wtf?