What is the meaning behind your island name?

Creyal -

It's a mash of crayon and aquarel. It supposed to symbolise a colourful and creative town. It also sounds a little french ish so that emphasises european influences.
Also I like the letter Y haha (Mayor name is Yuta)

I used both Creyal and Yuta for all my games (ac, sims etc) or self written stories/art since i was 11 or 12, so yes it might be a bit of a childish meaning... but i still absolutely love it!
It means home to me :)
I chose Oakheart to be similar to Rosewood. I love the name Rosewood and I had an idea to just have roses in my town, but I decided to make my town name around a tree name instead. I also wanted a name that I could design a town flag around easily. So, Oakheart was born!

My town is also called Oakheart! I liked the forest vibe as well. Chose it for my New Leaf town and decided to keep it for New Horizons. It's actually also a type of rum (Bacardi Oakheart) which is where I got the idea lol

Although I think Bacardi renamed and Oakheart is now 'Spiced'
I ended up calling my island Riverwood after the starting villager in skyrim and it would fit the kinda cottagecore/forest theme I'm going for! (and it give me a fun reminder of the time I spent running around the world of skyrim)
I love this!! I'm hoping for the same vibe on my island but I'm not sure how well it's going so far!
my oc, penny's island name is ' wincrest ' ... *i'm going to be doing a playthrough with her in the far future :3 *

when i found it, i thought it sounded cute :3

i'm pretty sure it means ' wind + crest ' :3
My town is also called Oakheart! I liked the forest vibe as well. Chose it for my New Leaf town and decided to keep it for New Horizons. It's actually also a type of rum (Bacardi Oakheart) which is where I got the idea lol

Although I think Bacardi renamed and Oakheart is now 'Spiced'

I thought there had to be at least one other Oakheart around somewhere!
My NL town has a Gaelic name and I wanted to continue the Irish theme. I thought it would be fun to give my island a pub sounding name, so I went with Mucky Duck.
Utopia seems like a simple name, but it's actually based off of my team name for Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team. We named ourselves Utopia because we wanted to create a Utopia in which all Pokemon could live peacefully! That's the goal of Liah the Pikachu and Lief the Bulbasaur.
I named my island Hiatus. I wanted to see this island as my little virtual getaway. I thought Hiatus would be a fitting island name to literally take a break when I would pick up the game.

Starset because they are the most amazing band I have ever heard, and someone here said their band name would make a good Island name. I accidentally found Starset in 2015, and been a huge fan since :p
yuseong means shooting star in korean ^^ and my island flag is a shooting star lol