What is the meaning behind your island name?

I called mine AMELIA as a reference to my younger sister and favorite villager. It is an acronym, and you can check my signature to see what it stands for.
That is cool! I love that :)
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my favorite book series takes place in Elfhame, so that's what I named my island c: it's from the folk of the air trilogy! if you like faeries you'd probably like this series heh
That sounds so beautiful!
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my island is lunasoleil, it means moon sun. it was in book i read years ago. it popped into my head when i was trying to think of a name for my island and its pretty so i went with it.
Nice! It reminds me of the sun and moon legendary Pokémon, Lunala and Solgaleo xD
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I grew up in a town called Exeter, and Isle is another word for island, therefore, ExIsle. Also love the play on words with exile.
Nice! I like it! I know a town called Exeter too! It’s in Devon :)
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I wanted something antique, but couldn't think of anything that would fit the character limit. Looked up to my Cuphead figurines above my desk and realize Inkwell would be perfect for an island name.
I absolutely LOVE that!
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I wanted a name that looks and feels right, and normally I just try out random words and sounds to try to find something that sticks. But I also wanted it to be light-themed, so I was limited to random light-related words. Unfortunately the only one I found that also fit into the 10 character limit was Corona Bay :p

Both that and Orrizonte (suggestion from a user on another forum) were good but felt like names I'd settle for if I couldn't find something I really wanted. I don't know why these word association thing I used never brought up "shine" - it was Hyrule Warriors that put the word on my radar and from there it was a a small step to add something to make it a full name. And this is how I came up with Evershine three days before release.

(Come to think of it I seem to like the prefix, my second NL town was officially named Everscarlet, I just had to shorten it to Escarlet to fit the limit)
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My island is called Cabinda, named after the exclave territory of Angola.

I was travelling early this year and was only supposed to be in this exclave for one night... to cut a long story short it ended up almost being two weeks because of the DRC border officals not accepting the visa so I was stuck, then the covid situation became the worldwide pandemic we know it as and Angola planned to close the borders within like two days. So I made the quick decision to book very expensive flights out of the exclave to the main part of the country and then onward out of the country all together before the impending international travel ban.

So my AC island is named after the part of the world I almost got stranded in 😅
I choose Cerulean, because it was my New Leaf town name. When I was start the game in New Leaf, I was looking at names standing for blue since I like the colour. Now it is just like a small reminder of my old town, as I lost my save data during one journey.
Mine is La Comète, which is French for "The Comet". I got the idea when I remembered the Prankster Comet Luma's name in Super Mario Galaxy:

He's called Luma Comète in the French version of the game :)

I would have called my island Île de la Comète, but alas there weren't enough characters.
Mines Konpeito, it was also the name of my town in ACNL, and usually when I play these time of simulation games I always name my town/island/farm this lol

I picked it when I first got ACNL, was just sitting at a cafe or something with my friend and I wanted to think of something cute fast... my original idea was Pamplemousse (grapefruit in french), but it didnt fit. Now I'm glad I chose Konpeito, they're little star candies (they look loke the star fragments in the game!)
Mine is nix it means nothing pretty much. It’s also just a different spelling for the goddess Nyx the goddess of night. My Island is night/spooky themed, but I haven’t started decorating the spooky parts of it yet.
the name i choose for my up-coming island, moonwell... i choose it cause i thought it sounded pretty :3

That's such a pretty name! It makes me think of a waterfall into a moon shaped lake
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I named my island Redwood because I'm currently planning my wedding and we're getting married in a redwood forest! I thought it would be a fun reminder and maybe I can make my own little redwood forest on the island eventually!
I named my island Redwood because I'm currently planning my wedding and we're getting married in a redwood forest! I thought it would be a fun reminder and maybe I can make my own little redwood forest on the island eventually!
I can assure you that forest-based islands are extremely fun to build! I always love to see more of them.
My island name is Wildecrest.

My main theme is 'American National Park' and I wanted Wildecrest to be both a standalone island name & prefix to the park reference - so 'Wildecrest National Park'. The theme is inspired from my favorite trip ever; southwest USA, last year. The versatility in landscapes in such a relatively small area inspired me and the furniture/DIY's offered in ACNH would allow me to express this versatility properly.

The extra 'e' added to 'Wild' was meant to take away the emphasis on 'wild'. It's also another nod to a country I visited - My second favorite trip was the west coast in South Africa. On this trip, one of the most common animals I saw were wildebeeest and they still represent South African wildlife for me in someway.

My other options were 'Waldecrest' (Wald is German for forest), 'Beau Bajou' (A nod to the song 'Blue Bayou') & 'Nebula Bay'.