What is your Ethnicity?


Jul 22, 2017
Red Candy
October Birthstone (Opal)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
Tasty Cake
Voodoo Doll
Personally, I'm half greek, half Slavic (Russian/Ukrainian).

What is your ethnicity, if you're comfortable sharing. I'd love to find out where some of the common site-goers are from and I'm curious if anyone else has the same ethnicities as me :)

Not sure if there's another thread like this... oh well
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Armenian on my dad's side, Scottish/German on my mom's :>
On my dad's side: German, Danish, and a bit of Jewish; on Mom's side: English, Scotch/Irish, Dutch and rumors of Jewish there too.
Ah I never really get this when americans talk about it. You all sure love to talk about your ancestors for some reason. Like I've had americans come up to me and say: oh i'm Irish too... and it's like.... no you're not, you don't even know what a naggin is mate.

Anyways, 100% Irish.
??? on my dads side
German all the way on my moms side
so i just say im german-ish!! :> itd be interesting to do a dna test or smth ?? not sure whats up w my dads side since his father was adopted i think
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my mom says she has some polish in her, i dunno what else
but my dad is 100% mexican
Cracker. Specifically, European (mostly a mix of English/Irish/Scottish/Welsh with some Czech and Bohemian mixed in)
Ah I never really get this when americans talk about it. You all sure love to talk about your ancestors for some reason. Like I've had americans come up to me and say: oh i'm Irish too... and it's like.... no you're not, you don't even know what a naggin is mate.

Anyways, 100% Irish.

There's a difference between a blood heritage and cultural heritage, you can have both, just one or a mix.
For example: my friend was adopted as a toddler from southeast Asia, she did a dna heritage test earlier this year and found that she's 84% Thai with some Malay and Belgian thrown in. She knows very little about her Thai heritage, (and hates spicy food) but that doesn't make her any less Thai than anyone from Thailand.
I'm mostly Filipino, a third Chinese, and some European blood here and there.
Portuguese mostly, probably some Arabic, African, Spanish, Dutch, German, Italian, etc. too.
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Well, I know for sure that I'm 50 percent french, as I have a very french last name and all of my Dad's side is 100% french.
Other than that, I've got some swedish, dutch, and scottish from my Mom's side but I don't know how much, and some other European nationalities in my heritage that I'm not super sure on specifics or amountage.