• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What is your favourite month of the year?

uhh i'd say may or september, i really like the weather then and the temperature is usually nice w both warm spring/fall days and more cold ones.
Q: What is your favorite month of the year?

A: My favorite month of the year is definitely October. ^.^ Halloween is the best. :3
March in particular cause that's when my convention is 0 v0
other than that, any warm month lol
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I like May the most. School gets out in April & I enjoy three long months before I go back again and it's so great and warm and sunny and nice.
For the season and weather, September is really nice. I also like July, and December as well! I'm avoiding naming any spring months because allergies :c
As a guy who lives close to the Maritime (known for its fluctuating temperatures and countless amount of snow during winter) and no longer studying at schools, pretty much anytime between mid-May and mid-October is good for me. Though, one month that stands out among the crowd is September.

This one still have its comfortable weather going on, but it usually never goes beyond 25?C. There's still quite a lot of going on in terms of video games, activities and whatnot, for a month that's at the tail-end of summer.
November and December are the top runners for me. November because (typically, not so much a guarantee in recent years, sadly) the heat is finally gone and it's the furthest month from the return of the miserable hot weather. December because it is the most likely month to actually have wintry weather.

I love the smell of dead leaves and watching them change color, and watching horror movies all month long. Except I watch horror movies nonstop year-round. I also love dressing up, going trick-or-treating, and running around singing "This Is Halloween" with my little sister.
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Gotta be July. Warm weather, food, summer vacation, food...
I really like April and early May, because those months are the essence of Spring, my favorite season.

It's always so nice outside, even when it's raining. Hopefully by April I'll be back on my feet again!
I've always loved December because of all the Christmas festivities. It's probably the time of the year when I feel the happiest. I also like June since it's the start of a summer holiday and summers have always given nice memories.