What is your favourite underrated soundtrack(s)

The skate park from Spyro 3/Reignited Trilogy is severely underrated. I say it?s even better than Fireworks Factory and Buzz?s Dungeon.

Good stuff. I even used the original song to replace Yoshi Circuit?s music in MK8 (Wii U) and I will use the Reignited version in Mario Kart Wii to replace the GameCube version of Mario Circuit.

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Oh wait, Nintendo only? Spyro isn’t Nintendo. Whoops.

In that case, I don’t really like many underrated Nintendo music.
I'm not sure if I'm restricted to posting games only made by Nintendo or if it can be any game on a Nintendo console, and I'm not sure if it's considered underrated or not but I really love the soundtrack for Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean. I recently listened to the OST on Youtube, and after listening to the song for one of the boss fights I ended up popping in my game disc and starting a new save. Like I said I'm not sure if the soundtrack is underrated or not, but I really feel like the game itself is.

Kid Icarus (the NES game, not Uprising). Hip Tanaka has written some of the best video game soundtracks ever and might be more known for his work on Metroid and Earthbound, but this is my favorite of his.