What is your go-to hairstyle, and eye, nose and mouth shape?


Oct 19, 2020
I tend to switch between two hairstyles; the bed head if I felt I wanted my character to look more tomboyish, and the bob w/bangs if I wanted them to look more girly 😊

As far as the colors go, I switch between pink, light blonde and the darker blonde because I think it looks great on tan-ish skin.

My fav eye shape is definitely this one 👇 I rarely change it.
As for the nose, I used to pick the round button nose but the triangular one grew on me.
And for the mouth, I use the :3 mouth; I feel like this one is the most popular out of the bunch.



I'm also wondering, does your in-game character looks like you? Does having your character look like you holds any kind of importance to you?

Aside from the skin color, my character looks nothing like me.
I don't really care about it at all.
My character has the semi-messy hairstyle in black and modified-arch eyes in gold (for story reasons) with an added wasp sting for flavor. I use the button nose because it shapes around the bandage the best and the lazy w mouth since it fits his personality the best.

No, he doesn’t look like me at ALL. He’s an OC, not an extension of myself.
when it comes to my animal crossing avatar, i tend to make her look how i would generally look, i suppose? but i never try and match everything up. my hair isn't grey, and my eyes are not that colour of blue, for example. her clothing styles are definitely some outfits i would wear in real life, but that's as 'simulated' to myself as i get when putting characters into games like this.

i tend to like really pale characters; i chose the round nose because i thought it looked the cutest out of the three; i had different eyes at first (as pictured in my 'long hair' screen shot) but eventually settled on a different set (as pictured in my 'bun hair' screenshot) eventually; my hairstyle depends on the outfit, honestly. but these two hairstyles displayed below are the only ones i've really experimented out with so far. i thought the bun made it seem more fall-like, so i've been romping around with that for a bit now 🖤


Here are my two hairstyles that I shift back and forth between. And I keep my nose, mouth, and eye color/shape the same most of the time. I wish they had longer, fuller hair options. Hopefully they'll come, but I 100% understand and support them prioritizing other hair styles/textures first.


Livia used to have the short wavy hairstyle at the beginning of the game, but she changed to a ponytail later. I hardly ever see anyone else using the same eye shape that she has.
She looks nothing like me except I'm really pale too. I never play as myself in games.


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My other characters look different. Ophelia and Amelie look similar though, so I'll only post a picture of one. They have the same eye shape, nose, and mouth. Amelie has lighter blonde hair and wears the bun with bangs.


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I am very boring in both animal crossing and in real life 😂 rarely change appearance, hairstyle is like mine and normally in a ponytail. I sadly don’t have pink hair though, blonde highlights are boring but I wish I could rock pink hair 🙃

Don’t really need to post a pic of my character as the amazing @NefariousKing has done such an amazing job of my profile 💜

This image was one of my entries for the last fair, but I still use the same basic hair/eye/nose/mouth! Except now I like to use the light purple eye color.

But the eyes are just my favorite, and the nose and mouth give my character a sort of cat-like look... and her name is Cat. So. Yah. And I just find the messy hairstyle super cute! Took me forever to unlock it, though, because I didn't know about it and wasn't TTing too far ahead 😝

As for my character looking like me... she basically does. In previous games my characters never did, but I guess since I'm more social in this game, I thought it would be fun if she did. I have blonde hair and blue eyes (my hair is longer, though, but only in recent years have I started wearing it that way) and a little beauty mark/mole by my mouth (LOVE that I could recreate that!). I also wear glasses, so 99% of the time she's wearing some sort of glasses (the wooden frame ones tend to be my favorite).
Since the moment I first chose my face, I haven't changed it except for small cosplay pictures. I try to look close to myself, I have a blond side part (which I sometimes make darker blond when I feel like it), the droopy eyes, the square nose because nobody else seems to like it, and the smug little w mouth.


I also sometimes make myself the new ghost white cuz I'm somewhere between that and the lightest normal skin tone. The grey hair and eyes was just for Halloween lol.
I just had to scroll through my dumb twitter to try to find a normal picture of myself and my god I barely have any.


For skin tone and eyes, I try to go for something similar to mine. I have a more yellow undertone and I chose the almond eyes. Kind of hard to represent yourself as a mixed asian kid, lol. As for the mouth, it's cute and bit mischievous.

But I'm not going for a mini-me maybe mini alter-ego (who knows). So I wanted a cool haircut for my pirate boss girl. I was going to choose black but I settled on this grey blue.
I'm not on the Switch right now, so whatever these specific hair, eyes, nose, and mouth are called.
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mine looks similar to this normally, except i have the eye variant with the lashes and with brown color and I have the short, shoulder-length hair with the side part (which is also brown). it's a nice look :)

tho right now i'm dressed as Ai from the movie so I have red pig tails and red eyes soo yeh lol
best picture i have of my character.


i haven't changed the hairstyle since i unlocked it (at the start it was the straight version with bangs) but i've had the same eyes, :3 mouth, and hair color since the start. she's modelled (and named) after my OC except for the eyes, which should be blue, but these specific eyes look slightly off to me when they're any color other than black so.
mine looks similar to this normally, except i have the eye variant with the lashes and with brown color and I have the short, shoulder-length hair with the side part (which is also brown). it's a nice look :)

tho right now i'm dressed as Ai from the movie so I have red pig tails and red eyes soo yeh lol
I should have dark brown hair and brown eyes just like real life, but I like blond hair and green eyes. I actually changed the eye color to the green Halloween option. I guess I could have said round nose and 3 mouth, but for the hair and eyes, I don't know what they would be called. Who is Ai?
I should have dark brown hair and brown eyes just like real life, but I like blond hair and green eyes. I actually changed the eye color to the green Halloween option. I guess I could have said round nose and 3 mouth, but for the hair and eyes, I don't know what they would be called. Who is Ai?
Yeah, sometimes it's fun to dress up not like yourself lol. for a day I had myself dressed as a boy and i found it quite fun actually. but then i changed back to my normal self because i realized i wasn't a huge fan of not looking like myself :/ (though technically, i DON'T look like myself in animal crossing - irl i have wavy hair that goes past my shoulders and a long nose but those aren't options lol. and i hate the frikin triangle nose oof - )
Ai is from the animal crossing movie, she's the main protagonist, she's so adorable ;v;
so I have the eyes and hairstyle like that :) i think i made my skin a tad too dark tho...
Yeah, sometimes it's fun to dress up not like yourself lol. for a day I had myself dressed as a boy and i found it quite fun actually. but then i changed back to my normal self because i realized i wasn't a huge fan of not looking like myself :/ (though technically, i DON'T look like myself in animal crossing - irl i have wavy hair that goes past my shoulders and a long nose but those aren't options lol. and i hate the frikin triangle nose oof - )
Ai is from the animal crossing movie, she's the main protagonist, she's so adorable ;v;
so I have the eyes and hairstyle like that :) i think i made my skin a tad too dark tho...
Lol. I dress up not like myself. I dressed up as a Viking, a Scotsman, and a pirate. I love games where you can customize your character(s), so I never go out of my way to make myself. My brother made his character female. Not sure why, but it's whatever. You'll never look exactly like yourself, but yeah, I understand what you mean. I never had a problem with the triangle nose, but when I saw the round one, I just thought it was the cutest one. And that's neat that you made your character look like the protagonist of the Animal Crossing movie.
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You’ve got a similar look to my character! I call the facial features the modified-arch eyes (the smash villager has traditional arch eyes), button nose and lazy w mouth.
Maybe in the future we'll get new nose and mouth shapes. Maybe even new colored cheek colors since we only have orange and pink.