What is your go-to hairstyle, and eye, nose and mouth shape?

Lol. I dress up not like myself. I dressed up as a Viking, a Scotsman, and a pirate. I love games where you can customize your character(s), so I never go out of my way to make myself. My brother made his character female. Not sure why, but it's whatever. You'll never look exactly like yourself, but yeah, I understand what you mean. I never had a problem with the triangle nose, but when I saw the round one, I just thought it was the cutest one. And that's neat that you made your character look like the protagonist of the Animal Crossing movie.
I'm glad that we're at least able to change what we look like freely... it was annoying back in New Leaf where you had to pay a bunch of hard-earned bells to make your character's hair and eye color different, but you could never change what your actual face looked like - and also at the able sisters Label would always be like 'hm, that's from our MeN'S cOLlEctIon' and I'm like shut up dumb hedgehog >:0 so it's definitely great that Nintendo implemented this new feature lol. I don't plan on becoming a boy IRL but it's nice to test it out in NH UwU
And yes, Ai is too cute to not dress up as UwU I watched the movie a few days ago and felt obliged to dress up as her lol. i actually really like the look, idk if i'll ever change back XD
I'm glad that we're at least able to change what we look like freely... it was annoying back in New Leaf where you had to pay a bunch of hard-earned bells to make your character's hair and eye color different, but you could never change what your actual face looked like - and also at the able sisters Label would always be like 'hm, that's from our MeN'S cOLlEctIon' and I'm like shut up dumb hedgehog >:0 so it's definitely great that Nintendo implemented this new feature lol. I don't plan on becoming a boy IRL but it's nice to test it out in NH UwU
And yes, Ai is too cute to not dress up as UwU I watched the movie a few days ago and felt obliged to dress up as her lol. i actually really like the look, idk if i'll ever change back XD
The thing about certain clothes being men's collection or women's collection made me laugh. I liked the hair and eye color option in New Leaf, but I didn't like playing guessing games to determine which color my eyes were going to be or how my hair was going to look. I dressed up as a Scotsman in New Leaf, too, and the Tam O'Shanter hat in the game gave your character kind of shoulder length hair. So that plus the kilt, there was a lot of confusion with other people online. Many of them thought I was a girl. 🤦‍♂️ I do like the direction New Horizons went.

The character would represent me irl if the medium-brown hair color existed in NH. Unfortunately, it doesn't, and I realized this only after naming my character my real name. So, unsatisfied with the range of natural colors, I opted for this turquoise/aquamarine color. I actually like the dark blue color better, but somehow it didn't fit as well.

My hair is this weird blend of curly (3a) on the top with wavy/straight (2a-2c) hiding under it, but the long-wavy style is about as close as I'm gonna get to replicating it with current options. I almost never wear my hair up, so I don't bother with the updo styles.

I use the second-palest skin color because I almost always have a bit of farmer tan, but I'm still obviously white. The eye shape has been my preferred choice since NL. My eyes are about the same shade as the in-game green. My nose is on the longer, pointier side, so I go with the triangle. The small mouth just goes with everything else, completes the sorta goofy look, and tbh the :3 face just isn't my personality.
Classic animal crossing nose and mouth, with bun :D
I prefer having a classic face, and the bun is the hairstyle that looks most like what I can do with my hair because it’s crazy long (waist length lol), straight and with no bangs 😂

I use the darker blonde hair. My actual hair is strawberry dark blonde (very reddish light brown in the winter) so it’s the closest
My character looks pretty much exactly like me aside from the eyebrows and hair being a smidge too dark. As far as hairstyle, it's pretty right on the nose except I have no bangs but that hairstyle just looked...odd to me? So those lil' things on either side represent my little flyaway hairs :) I wish we could have jewelry sometimes, 'cuz I'd have a 10g cbr in either either too, lol.
edit: My other island rep is an adopted character design and looks nothing like me :D lol
I don't really change my appearance much, feels odd for my entire complexion to change sometimes. So I tend to stick with this 99% of the time:


Occasionally, I'll change the hair to something else for a day or two.
I'm a sucker for the eyes with the lower eyelashes. I've had them since the early days of ACGC and kept on unintentionally rolling them over the years!
The rest is pretty basic: classic triangle nose, wide smiling mouth, and then the only difference between my two reps are their wildly different hairstyles. Since I've kept to tradition, I haven't ever had a need for my characters to look like myself :lemon:
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My player character is everything that I am not. (Because my game is my escape, after all.)

She's cute. I'm not. She's always happy and enthusiastic and talks to everyone on the island every day. I'm usually morose and cynical and I'm quieter than a deep sea clam. Every game that I play, whether it's a sandbox life simulation game or a sprawling combat-saturated RPG, I never make the avatar to look or behave like me. Because I do want to have fun when I'm playing. 🤪😉
This is the hair/eyes/nose/mouth I've used since the very beginning:

  • This is my favorite hairstyle available (I used it in NL as well).
  • I always like the hair color being red since red's my favorite color, plus I think it goes well with the hair
  • Those eyes have been my favorite ever since the first game, so it was a no-brainer to use them
  • No real reason for the nose/mouth other than that they just felt right, tbh
  • The character doesn't look like me since I've never aimed to replicate myself in games
Go to hair: Bald
Eye Shape: The small hooded eyes.
Nose Shape: Button all the way baby.
Mouth Shape: Cute one toothed smile.
My permanent appearance (besides making the eyes yellow around halloween)
Exactly like me in real life! ... On all levels except physical

Here’s my go-to face. I haven’t changed my face or hair since launch! Only modified my skin tone for halloween colours. I don’t think I’d ever change my hair either unless they add a shorter curly style. Since my rep is supposed to be me, this style is as close as I can get it to what I look like IRL. Sometimes I wear the bun wig because it’s cute lol.
Well I don’t play as myself but these are the looks of my 5 characters. Their eye colours, and hair are based on the anime characters they are based on, but the eye style and nose and mouth are my preference.


If I had a character that was “me” she would probably be like Ami (the one in blue on the far left) except I’d have the dark brown hair and eye colour.