I've frikin' LEFT the forum :D bye!! won't miss ya
I'm glad that we're at least able to change what we look like freely... it was annoying back in New Leaf where you had to pay a bunch of hard-earned bells to make your character's hair and eye color different, but you could never change what your actual face looked like - and also at the able sisters Label would always be like 'hm, that's from our MeN'S cOLlEctIon' and I'm like shut up dumb hedgehog >:0 so it's definitely great that Nintendo implemented this new feature lol. I don't plan on becoming a boy IRL but it's nice to test it out in NH UwULol. I dress up not like myself. I dressed up as a Viking, a Scotsman, and a pirate. I love games where you can customize your character(s), so I never go out of my way to make myself. My brother made his character female. Not sure why, but it's whatever. You'll never look exactly like yourself, but yeah, I understand what you mean. I never had a problem with the triangle nose, but when I saw the round one, I just thought it was the cutest one. And that's neat that you made your character look like the protagonist of the Animal Crossing movie.
And yes, Ai is too cute to not dress up as UwU I watched the movie a few days ago and felt obliged to dress up as her lol. i actually really like the look, idk if i'll ever change back XD