What is your island's name?

I saw this really cool idea where you search up the stars that make up your zodiac sign constellation, so I named my island Ascella after a star i found on the Sagittarius constellation! :)
I have 2 islands. One is named "Traverse" named after the world Traverse Town from Kingdom Hearts 1 in the Northern Hemisphere and "Twilight" named after the world "Twilight Town" from Kingdom Hearts 2 in the Southern Hemisphere.
Green Hill. Mainly because Sonic but I think outside of that Green Hill is a cute island name so it was a win-win for me regardless.

Its named after the main world of my novel, that my character rules over.I originally intended to base my island around it, but that changed.
My Island name is New Moon from Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum. But also because I love the moon haha.
Mine is called Destiny, after what I named my Tomodachi Life island on a whim. "Destiny Island" had a nice ring to it for some reason. When I found out the new Animal Crossing had us living on an island, I knew I had to bring the old name back.
My first and main island is called Cavetown. It's named after the musician! I chose to name my island this because Cavetown is my comfort music and I wanted my island to feel peaceful and safe, like a welcoming home. I've never seen Cavetown live but I really want to (once concerts are a thing again...)

Second island is called Dreamscape. Original idea was supposed to be dreamy/fantasy. It became my all cat island You could say cats are my favorite species in AC, their designs are so cute, plus I love real-life kitties.

Last island is called Knightmere, it's a play off Nightmare. I have a lot of work to do, but I want to have an island that's grim/gothic/gloomy. Not horror but a dark and elegant theme, you know? I'm still gathering ideas of how to pull this off.
My island is called Skyhold, based off a place in Dragon Age Inquisition just as I had named my town in NL off it. I sometimes wish I had not named it that since now I am interested in other games or anime more than DAI.
Bristöl. Comes from the town I went to school in, along with the county I live in. The ö is just fun.

I kind of regret the name, but I'm bad at naming towns.
windfall because i wanted something botw-ish (and then a few hours later i realized it's actually a location in wind waker 😅 )
Somnium, meaning dream in latin, though I've seen it used to refer to the act of sleeping or daydreaming. Now that I got my hands on the NL game again, I'll be naming the town Aestas, which is summer.
My island's name is Sylan! It's also the name of a fantasy world I am building for writing purposes, and I also themed my town to some of the locations there!
Waldheim . Compound name I made up and apparently also a real town in Germany. Wald = forest heim = home
My old island by the name "Traverse" was restarted and I renamed the new one to "Destiny" named after Sora's main island from Kingdom Hearts 1.
mines Beameup *star trek lol*
i traded with a guy a couple of days ago whos town name was Moonshine LOL! some of these names are so inventive.
i wanted something Hobbit-y sounding for my island - like the name of a place you might expect halflings to live, i guess? idk, i just love them lol

at first i wanted it to be Heatherview, but it was too long to fit, so i did a quick brainstorm and came up with Honeybrook. and i've just been in love with the name ever since. i actually ended up liking it way more than heatherview, so i'm kind of glad it didn't fit!!