What is your main transport method?

How do you travel?

  • Public Transport

    Votes: 16 26.7%
  • Car

    Votes: 43 71.7%
  • Walking

    Votes: 19 31.7%
  • Motorbike/moped etc

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bicycle

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • Tricycle

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Unicycle

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 3.3%

  • Total voters
My main transport method is car, though for long distance trips and vacations I usually choose rail. I'll fly though if I have to get somewhere quickly as long distance rail here is not exactly fast!
I used to take public transport before I got my license and hated it. Public transport seriously sucks in my hometown unless you live in the city centre. I lived on the "outskirts" so the bus nearby would come like 4 times a day. Would have to walk 30 minutes to get onto the more regular bus with a transfer or two depending on where I was going. Plus it was actually pretty expensive compared to a car.

Now I live in a tiny city with no public transport so I drive.
Public transport: train/bus/subway. I had intended to learn how to drive by now, but I live in a busy city with fantastic public transport links so there is little incentive.
Apparently I am the only one who voted bicycle and I am feeling very Dutch right now.

I do also walk a lot though, because walking is both good for you and incredibly tedious so when I have an actual destination to walk to it helps my motivation. And anything past a certain distance is usually by car, sometimes public transit but only when I am not in a hurry and going between big cities.
Public transport (city buses) and walking, I don't own a car, it's not really necessary where I live in NY, the public transportation is good for anything I can't walk to but I do a lot of walking just because I like to get exercise
For real? Walking is so. good. I never realized how much I liked walking 'till I moved to a nowheresville.
My main method of transport is driving my vehicle. It's definitely the most freeing of the bunch since I have full control over where I go and I can get to anywhere I need to go relatively quickly.
I don't personally drive due to my eye condition, but sometimes my husband will drive us to the grocery store if we have a lot to pick up. We'll also drive if we need to go to a neighboring town. Otherwise, we walk everywhere.
I'm quite close-ish to my workplace so I can afford to go by foot, I'm really glad that I live in a walkable city, or even country at this point.
I used to take the bus but paying a 2€ ticket for 4 stops really started to add up so I decided to use my legs.
I take public transport to and from school, and I take the car wherever else I need to go. The bus I take is also specifically designated for my school, so I don't have to pay for anything.
my main transport method has always been car! i’ve been fortunate enough that my parents have almost always had a car, so transportation and figuring out how i’m going to travel some place i need/want to go has never really been an issue. i’m very grateful for that. 💖

however, i’m not sure when/if i’ll be getting my driver’s license, so unless i get it before i move out of my parents’ apartment, my main method of transportation will eventually be walking and/or public transport. i still utilize these methods now, just not as often as driving.
Mostly car, bike, and public transportation! I wish I could bike but I somehow forgot how to balance and steer LOL
exclusively by car because all the places i need to be are far away and i can’t walk there. the public transport in my area is absolutely atrocious.
Mostly driving, but I'll walk around the city centre. 😊💜✨

Since I last posted, I've been taking the train a lot more! I was pretty apprehensive about taking public transport at first, but I've found that taking the train frees me up from driving, and I can distract myself with other things instead! 😊
I used to bus it everywhere but now I drive which makes it easier as I like to shop and its hard to carry things on the bus hahaha
i drive everywhere because nothing is close enough to walk to and i live somewhere rural where public transport isn’t available. i have a few places that are close enough for me to bike to, and i try to when i can.
mostly car unfortunately :c and i say that as someone who absolutely hates driving. i find driving to be very stressful and nerve wracking. i'm a late bloomer and got my license later than most people here do. public transportation here isn't the greatest and isn't too reliable sadly. there's only a bus system here and anytime i visit a bigger city i'm extremely envious of all the different transportation systems that all run within like 5 mins of each other. here if you miss your bus, you're looking at anywhere between a 20-45 min wait. i remember when i used to take the bus i'd always try to be 1 or 2 buses ahead of the schedule to make sure i'd get to where i need to go and be early/on time 😵